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Building Dashboards

Dashboards are consolidation of pieces of reports to portray a quick glance of information.  It can pull on Fields, Summary, Chart or Gauge sections of a report. 


Check out Izenda Wiki for additional information.

From the Report List screen, click on "Create a New Dashboard" or hover over an existing dashboard to edit something which was previously created.

Option Purpose 
 Report List  Displays all the reports the user has access to based on security settings.
 New  Will create a new dashboard.
 Save  Will save the current dashboard.  This should be done prior to pressing the Preview link.
 Save As  Saves the current dashboard with a new name.
 Print  Option to print the dashboard as either a PDF or HTML
 Preview  Previews the dashboard.

Mapping the Reports

Each slot allow for input of the report and details to display.

Section  Purpose 
Title  Define the name of this dashboard.   
Report  Drop-down provides reports to select. 
Records  Drop-down defaults to 100 but can be lower or higher.  Determines the how many records can be seen in this view.
Report Part  Drop-down updates based on report selected to determine what part of the report to display. 

See also