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Home > Student Role > Home Page > Calendar


The Calendar section of the Home Page is a to help with a visual representation of requirements and classes.  Once can see views by: Student, Manager and/or Instructor.


By default all roles available to the person logged in will be checked and the view will be Monthly.  Note that Today's Date, will be highlighted in blue as well.


​Students will see requirements (REQ) on their due dates as well as internal classes (IC), external classes (EC) and tuition assistance (TA) classes.  Any class where there is a start date and end date will be displayed here.  Note the prefixes.  That help to give some information to the type of item listed on the calendar. 


Managers will see the same thing as students but in this role, it will be all of the above for his/her employees.  


Instructors see the classes that he/she is teaching on that day.


To see more information about a class or requirement, click on the link in that day and it will one to that area of the Home Page and as along at the item is not grouped and it is on the first page of the table, it will highlight in GREEN.  Example, if one click on EC: Hula Advanced, it would take that person the Home Page > My Record > External Classes page and highlight that class. 

See also