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How to Move a Student From the Wait-List

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The Wait List Tab is where students are placed when they have successfully gone through the class enrollment approval process BUT the Capacity of the class is full and there is no more Available space.
The status on this tab is always Waiting even if the student was added with another status. Until the student is moved off the wait list, this is the status.


  1. Log into Cyber Train
  2. Enter the Class File via:
    1. Classes > Find Class
    2. Class List
    3. Recent Items
  3. Click on the ‘Roster’ from the drop-down list located in the banner at the top of the file
    1. On the Wait-list Tab
      1. Check the box at the end of the student line(s)
      2. Click the ‘Enroll’ Button
        1. Select the ‘Status’ from the drop-down (Typically – Enrolled)
        2. Modify the ‘Status Date’ as needed
        3. Enter the ‘Paid’ option from the drop-down
        4. Enter the ‘Paid Date’ as needed
        5. Check the ‘Send New Enrollment Emails’ checkbox to notify the students of enrollment into the class
        6. If the capacity is full, the ‘Capacity’ pops up and allows for modification as needed.
          1. Note: if the capacity is not changed here to allow additional people, students will not move off the Wait-list
      3. Click ‘Save Changes Icon’ to complete the process

See also