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Home Page > Instructor > Current

The Current section is where you, as an instructor, can see the classes you are teaching that are in session.

This section pulls the same view as the Class List with the filter of ‘I am Instructor’ or 'I am Training Admin' depending.  The columns of information displayed here are highly configurable, thus your view of the Class List and this section could be different than what is seen here but the first column will always be the same.  The Class Name in the Class column is a hyperlink to the Class File.  Depending on your security permissions, you will have access to all the appropriate pages.  A recommended column is the Take Action column as it allows you to send an email, record attendance, grade tests, close the class, etc... 

Take Action - Record Attendance & Grade Tests
Since the class is current, the Record Attendance option is probably one to use at this point.  Select the option and click the Go button.  On the next page, enter the appropriate attendance status for each students.  The other helpful option is Grade Tests.  Again, select the option and click the Go button to get to the next page where you can enter the right grade for each student.  NOTE: Upon grading each answer, be sure to click the Calculate button to update the overall score of the test.  This needs to be done in order for the system to check the overall score against the passing score for the test. 

Why does a Class display here?
  1. The person logged into the system is an Instructor for the Class
  2. Class has the status of OPEN
  3. Class Type: 
    1. ODT Classes - Condition 1 & 2 need to be met
    2. Non-ODT Classes (Instructor-Led) - Conditions 1 & 2 need to be met in addition to the Start Date being equal to or in the past of Today's Date.

See also