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What is SCORM or AICC?


Learn more about SCORM Courses or SCORM Content or watch a Video.


Visibility Software will get you set up with a SCORM Cloud account and provide you with the information necessary to enable the feature.  

NOTE: At this point, Visibility Software supports AICC and SCORM 1.2 training packages.


AICC Training Packages 

Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee (AICC) was the first standard of delivery, development and evaluation of Computer-Based Training (CBT) and Web-Based Training (WBT).  AICC was developed about the time that Windows 3.1 was put out and in 1993 it was regarded as the first specification of Learning Management Systems (LMS).  In 1998, support for web-based training was added.  AICC training packages communicate with the LMS by sending HTTP messages to the LMS and then interepting the response from the LMS.  Uploading published content to an LMS using AICC is typically a multiple step process and these files tend to be large.



SCORM Training Packages 

Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is the evoluation of AICC that integrates a set of related technical standards, specifications and guidelines to meet the ADL's requirements of how SCORM training should be written.   There are a few evoluations of SCORM as it started at v1.0 and v1.1 but the most widely used versions are SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004.  When SCORM hit 2004, they did iteration on this too but kept it at SCORM 2004.  So there is SCORM 2004 v1 to SCORM 2004 v4.  Visibility Software is NOT compatible with SCORM 2004 yet.


A SCORM training package MUST contain in the root of zip a file named ‘imsmanifest.xml’.  This defines the SCORM course structure, resource location and many other things.  Other files used to support the training package could include HTML files, XML files, and multimedia files.  The JavaScript for SCORM API MUST be listed in this file too.  The LMS parses the manifest and provides the files listed there to the content package during the runtime.  




What does all that mean?  

The easiest way to think about SCORM and AICC training packages is to think of it as a DVD.  If one has a DVD, it be can play in any DVD player regardless of the name brand.  That DVD is written and package using standard requirements that makes it a DVD (not a Blu-Ray) so that any DVD player can read it and play it.  That is the concept with AICC and SCORM training packages.