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System Setup

Admin > System Setup

The Admin > System Setup page stores global defaults for the system.  This is where general information about the company and system is located and other settings established that will apply throughout Cyber Train.

General Tab

This tab stores the general company and contact information, the Cyber Train link, and other company-wide information.

Enterprise Name 
Field Description
: Lists the organization's name as it should be wherever it is used in the system. Note: the 'Enterprise Name' field is directly linked to the Install Code.  If a change is required to this field, contact Visibility Software for a new Install Code before making the change.

User View: This field appears in the upper left-hand corner of the product.
Student/Manager View: Not Displayed.

Primary Contact 
Field Description
: Primary Contact for the Cyber Train System.

User View: Not Displayed.
Student/Manager View: Not Displayed.

Field Description
: The URL accesses Cyber Train. The link connects the automatically generated emails to Cyber Train. (Note: ‘http://’ must be included for this feature to work). Click the help button next to the field to obtain more assistance.

User View: Not Displayed.
Student/Manager View: Not Displayed.

Login Field
Field Description
: Indicates the Login ID for Students/Managers to use to enter into Cyber Train. If someone has a user account as well, the default is the User ID.

(1) Student ID: Given to each student entered in the system. This field is viewable from the Student > Find Student Page  (Example: Margaret Kline (3344))
(2) Email Address: Pulls from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab
(3) Employee Number: Pulls from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab
(4) Cyber Train Login Field: Pulls from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Personal Details Tab

User View: Not Displayed.
Student/Manager View: Not Displayed.

Field Description
: This drop-down determines whether the Degrees field should be a Drop-down box or an open Textbox. Selecting Drop-down, applies the drop-down feature, which can be populated from Admin > Code > Degrees Codes.

User View: Located in the Student File > Contact Info Page > Formal Education Tab.
Student View: Home Page > My Record > Formal Education (Student View).

Field Description
: This drop-down determines whether the Degrees field should be a Drop-down box or an open Textbox. Selecting Drop-down, applies the drop-down feature, which can be populated from Admin > Code > Majors Codes.

User View: Located in the Student File > Contact Info Page > Formal Education Tab.
Student View: Home Page > My Record > Formal Education (Student View).

 Student Login Scheme  
Field Description:
This field is where the coding scheme is displayed for the student login.  This field works with the 'Login Field' on this page.  If the 'Login Field' = 'Cyber Train Login Field' then this coding scheme is available to use.  However, you can set the Login Field' = 'Cyber Train Login Field' without having to use this field too.

User View: The user will see the scheme here and the results of it in the Student File > Contact Info Page > Personal Details Tab - System Login field. 
Student/Manager View: The student can see this information on Home Page > My Record > Contact Info section.  The Manager does not see this information.

 Variables (Add Button)
Field Description:
This drop-down field contains variables that can be used to create the Student Login scheme. 

Employee Number: {Empno}
Company Code: {Company}
First Initial:  {FirstInitial}
First Name: {FirstName}
Middle Initial: {MiddleInitial}
Last Initial: {LastInitial}
Last Name: {LastName}

User View: Not Displayed.
Student/Manager View: Not Displayed.

 SMTP Server

Field Description
: Enter the computer name or IP address of a functioning SMTP Server on the network. This server allows email relaying from the Cyber Train web server. The field name is also a hyperlink. See below for additional information. Click the help button next to the field to obtain more assistance on this field.

User View: Not Displayed. 
Student/Manager View: Not Displayed.

Default "From" Email
Field Description
: The Email Address entered is used as the system’s default email address with automatically sent emails.

User View: Some automatically generated emails may make use of this address including reports scheduled to run automatically in the Report Writer.
Student/Manager View: Students who receive an automated email and it will be sent from this email address.

Field Description:
The Theme field determines the look and feel of Cyber Train.  Orange is a default setting and Green is another option. 

User View: Users will see the theme through the use of Cyber Train.
Student/Manager View: Managers and Students will see the theme through the use of Cyber Train.

Field Description
: This ‘Read-only’ field displays the current version of the Cyber Train SQL database. As upgrades are done, this version number will change.

User View: Seen on the login page as well as in the Help > About option. 
Student/Manager View: Seen on the login page.

 Single Sign-On
Field Description
: When checked, this option allows for Network User ID integration.  It triggers CT to match the network user ID to the CT user ID and if the two match, the user automatically will be logged into Cyber Train. Students or managers need their CT Login Field to match their network login. 

NOTE: Click the 'Single Sign-on' link to the left to read more.

Field Description: 
If you have the TalentGuard software system and want to be able to (1) launch the Cyber Train Home Page from TalentGuard OR (2) if you click on an ODT training link in TalentGuard, and have it launches Cyber Train as well as that ODT training, this option allows the TalentGuard to call up our system when checked. The reason it is called ‘IP-Restricted Login’ is because it goes into the IIS and tells the IIS that ONLY certain IP addresses are allowed to bring up the CT URL. 

User View: Not Displayed. 
Student/Manager View: Not Displayed.


Field Description:
If you have the Sage software system (or a system that uses GUID feature - Globally Unique Identifier), check this option.  When this login option is selected, the user profile needs to have the GUID field populated.  This triggers CT to match the login to the CT user GUID field and if the two match, the user automatically will be logged into Cyber Train. 


Example of the Login Page URL that makes this work: 

User View: Not Displayed. 
Student/Manager View: Not Displayed.

Update Report Writer Views
Field Description
: This link updates the tables and fields available for use in the Report Writer. The recommendation would be to click on this link with each version release and/or when prompted to by Tech Support. See below for additional information.

User View: Not Displayed. 
Student/Manager View: Not Displayed.

Default Time Zone  Field Description: This drop-down list allows for a selection of a default time zone value when creating a new class.  Time Zone field is a required field and this can make it easier and quicker if the time zone is always the same.  Options are: Alaskan, Arizona, Atlantic Central, Eastern, Hawaiian, Indiana (East), Mountain, and Pacific.

User View: Create Class Process  
Student/Manager View: Not Displayed.

Advanced Functions or Explanations:

Student Duplicate Checking
Each option selected is enforced separately. Meaning that if two options are selected, either option (NOT both together) prompt the duplicate check message.  Depending on what is highlighted the results will cause the system to consider the new record a duplicate. 

Option Comparison
No Duplicate Checking  Duplicate Checking is NOT enforced.  All records coming in will be added to the system.
First Name and Email If a combination of a student's first name and email match a record already in the system
Last Name and Zip Code If a combination of a student's last name and zip/postal code match a record already in the system
First and Last Name If a combination of a student's first name and last name match a record already in the system
Email Address If the employee's home or work email address matches a record already in the system 
Employee # If the employee's number matches a record already in the system.

SMTP Server
The caption for this field on the General tab is a hyperlink with a nested page for testing and additional setup options.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link "Click Hire to Test Your SMTP Server".  Enter an internal email address to test the internal email connectivity; enter an external email address to text the external email connectivity.  When testing make sure to test both internal an external emails because Cyber Train is not just an internal tool and emails will be sent out to students (external emails).

Additional authentication and changes to the defaults can also be made.
  • SMTP Authentication can be set up which will authenticate Cyber Train for sending out external emails.  To enable this feature, enter the User ID and password which should be used when sending emails to external email addresses. 
  • An SSL Certificate can be added to the SMTP Server to provide additional security.  If this is done, check-mark the box for Enable SSL to alert Cyber Train of this additional security.
  • The default SMTP Port is 25 but can be changed manually if the network configuration is different.
The automated emails sent from Cyber Train include Message-ID as part of the headers information to avoid the messages being blocked by SPAM filters.  Example: "From: Visibility Software /"

Login Page Tab

This text box allows the organization to post out messages to the login page of the system for all to read.  The content of this text box will completely replace the message between the logo bar at the top and the login field.  

Install Code Tab

This box will store the install code for the system which is provided by Visibility Software. The code will reference the name listed on the General tab for the Company Name. Text below this box will display the license level currently set for support purposes for the organization. Should the name or the license level be inaccurate, please contact Visibility Software at 800-914-9594 immediately to be issued a new code or have the license level adjusted.

NOTE: If the Install Code is changed, the user who is making the change is required to re-sign the EULA (End User License Agreement). 

See also