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Class Survey Questions

Page Location: Admin > Page Builder > Courses/Classes > Class Survey Questions

The class survey questions is a section where you can build your class survey for students to take.  When the Enable Survey field is set to 'Yes,' all active survey questions entered here become available students to answer for the class.

User View: Users see this field in the Student File or Class File as they have access. 
- Course File > Course Test Page
- Student File > Activity Page > Class Enrollment Tab OR Courses Taken Tab - Survey Icon
- Class File > Roster Page > Attendees Tab - Survey Icon
Student/Manager View:
- My Record > History OR Classes sections - Survey Icon  
- Manager> History OR Classes sections - Click on 'Student Name' hyperlink to see the Activity Page of that student.

To add a new question click the Add new record link or to edit an existing question, click on the Pencil Icon. Additionally there is a checkbox at the bottom on the page Show Hidden. To display inactive questions check the box. The page refreshes to display the ones that are no longer in use per setup.  

The summary grid gives some general information about questions.  The grid can be sorted by a specific column by clicking on the field name.

Summary View

Field  Purpose 
  The pencil icon allows the user to edit the question details.  
Question Displays the question.
Type Displays the type of answer tracked (Short Text, Long Text, Drop-Down, No Answer).  If Drop-Down is selected, this field is a hyperlink to another page which stores the specific answers to the questions. 
Required Indicates if this question is a required question or not.  If the question is required, then the test will not be completed until all required questions have an answer.
  The X icon allows the user to remove the question from the system.  

NOTE: Clicking the X icon will remove the question from the set-up page as well as from the student record.  So, all information connected to this question will be lost.  It is recommended that a question not be deleted but rather it be hidden (edit the question to see this option) so the data can remain attached to the Class's file. 

Below the table, on the right-hand side, there is a 'Hide Inactive' checkbox which is checked upon logging into the system. If a questions has been made to be inactive, then the question will not show in this list unless this checkbox is unchecked.  Additionally, the question is highlighted in pink to make it easy to see which questions are active or inactive.

Detail View

If a new question needs to be added, click the 'Add new record' link above the summary grid.  If a question needs to be edited, click the icon to access the details.  

Field  Purpose 
Text Box Type in the text which should be displayed to the student.  This box is designed for text but HTML keys can be embedded into the text and the web pages can translate the formatting (bold, italics, colors, etc.)
Answer Type Select the type of answer which should be entered (Short Text, Long Text, Drop-Down, No Answer).  
Required to Answer Check this box if the question must be answered before the test can be submitted.
Hidden Check this box if the question no longer is needed. It is recommended that questions be inactivated rather than deleted so that if you want to use it again later, you can or to keep the question/answers for historical purposes.    
Order  Select the number from the drop-down list to put the questions in the order it should appear on the survey.


Answer Types
This section has three types of answers which can be entered.

No Answer
Select this answer type if the 'question' will be a place holder on the page or will give an explanation for a set of question which will appear after the explanation.  For example, use this type of answer to explain how a set of questions below should be answered if the test has different sections to it that require a little more information.

Short Text
Select this answer type if the answer would be less than 50 characters (one or two words).

Long Text
Select this answer type if the answer would be less lengthy. For example, if there is an option to type in additional comments, then the Long Text option will provide sufficient space to do so.

When this answer type is selected, an additional text box becomes available below this field. Type in the answers here that the student can pick from for this question.  Separate each answer by a semi-colon (;). The answers display in the order entered here.


See also