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Class Reminder Emails

Admin > Page Builder > Correspondence Templates

This email goes out to the students, instructors, or training admins to remind them of an upcoming class.  This email is sent manually from the Class List > Take Action column - 'Reminders' option.  

With this email template, there is also a checkbox option 'Include Public Attachments.'  When this checkbox is checked, attachments in the Class File are sent with the email if the attachment in the class file is marked as public.  Examples would be if the attachment is an agenda, syllabus, action items that need to be done prior to the class, etc...

Available Merge fields include:

Field  Merge Field   Where Information is Pulled from in System
Course/Class Fields    
Class Capacity {ClassCapacity} Pulls the 'Capacity' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.

Class End Date

{ClassEndDate} Pulls the 'End Date' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class End Time {ClassEndTime} Pulls the 'End Time' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class Enrollment Ends {ClassEnrollmentEnds} Pulls the 'Enrollment Ends' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.

Class Instructor

{ClassInstructor} Pulls the 'Instructor' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > General Tab.
Class Description {ClassIntDesc} Pulls the 'Description' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Description Tab.
Class Location {ClassLocation} Pulls the 'Location' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class Location Details {ClassLocationDetails} Pulls the 'Location Details' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class Sessions {ClassSessions} Pulls the Table at the bottom of the the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class Start Date {ClassStartDate} Pulls the 'Start Date' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class Start Time {ClassStartTime} Pulls the 'Start Time' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class Survey {ClassSurvey} Pulls the Link from the Survey Column in the Class File > Roster Page > Attendees Tab.
Class Test {ClassTest} Pulls the Link from the Test Column in the Class File > Roster Page > Attendees Tab.
Conference ID {ClassConferenceID} Pulls the 'Audio Number' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Confirmation {Confirmation} Put HTML hyperlinks of 'Accept' or 'Deny' in the email.  
Course CEU {CourseCEU} Pulls the 'CEU' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Course Credits {CourseCredits} Pulls the 'Credit' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Course Fee {CourseFee} Pulls the 'Fee' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Course Hours {CourseHours} Pulls the 'Hours' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Course ID {CourseID} Pulls the 'Course ID' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Course Misc 1-20 {CourseMisc1} Pulls the 'Misc' fields from the Course File > Main Page > Misc Tab (2nd Tab).
Course Name {CourseName} Pulls the 'Course Name' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Course Type {CourseType} Pulls the 'Course Type' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Meeting ID {ClassMeetingID} Pulls the 'Meeting ID' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Web Connection {ClassWebConnection} Pulls the 'Web Connection' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Training Admin {TrainingAdmin} Pulls the 'Training Admin' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > General Tab.
Student Fields    
Student First Name {StudentFirstName} Pulls the 'First Name' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab.

Student Last Name

{StudentLastName} Pulls the 'Last Name' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab.
Student First, Last Name {StudentFirstLast} Pulls the 'First Name' field and the 'Last Name' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab and puts them together such that they read 'First Name' 'Last Name.'
Student Last, First Name {StudentLastFirst} Pulls the 'Last Name' field and the 'First Name' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab and puts them together such that they read 'Last Name', 'First Name.'

Student Address

{StudentAddress} Pulls the 'Address 1' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Home Contact section.

Student City

{StudentCity} Pulls the 'City' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Home Contact section.

Student State

{StudentState} Pulls the 'State' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Home Contact section.

Student Zip

{StudentZip} Pulls the 'Zip' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Home Contact section.

Student City, State, Zip

{StudentCityStZip} Pulls the 'City' field, 'State' field, and 'Zip' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab and put them together so that they read 'City', 'State' 'Zip' - Home Contact section.

Student Home Phone

{StudentHomePhone} Pulls the 'Phone' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Home Contact section.

Student Work Phone

{StudentWorkPhone} Pulls the 'Phone' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Work Contact section.

Student Work Extension

{StudentWorkExt} Pulls the 'Extension' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Work Contact section. 
Student Email {StudentEmail} Pulls the 'Email' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab.

The email address that it pulls is determined by the 'Primary Email' flag.  When the 'Primary Email' = Work, it pulls the email from the work contact section and when the 'Primary Email' = Home, it pulls the email from the home contact section.
Student SSN {StudentSSN} Researching...

Student Empno

{StudentEmpno} Pulls the 'Employee #' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab.

Student Hire Date

{StudentHireDate} Pulls the 'Hire Date' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab.
Student Manager Name {StudentManagerName} Pulls the 'Manager' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab.

Student Type

{StudentType} Pulls the 'Student Type' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.

Student Primary Job Code

{StudentPrimaryJobCode} Pulls the 'Job Code' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab that is marked as 'Primary' in the Job Info section.

Student Primary Job Title

{StudentPrimaryJobTitle} Pulls the 'Job Title' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab that is marked as 'Primary' in the Job Info section.

Student Primary Org 1-5

{StudentPrimaryOrg1} Pulls the 'Organization Code 1' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab that is marked as in the Organization Info section.  There are 5 organization fields and depending on the one used, that information is pulled.
Student Misc 1-20 {StudentMisc1} Pulls the 'Misc 1' field from the Student File > Misc Page.  There are up to 20 miscellaneous fields and depending on the one used, that information is pulled.
Manager/Approver Fields    
Manager Direct Reports {ManagerStudents} Pulls the 'Student Name' field from the Class File > Roster Page > Attendees Tab for all students enrolled in the class for a manager to work with the Standard Template - Class Reminder to Manager email template.

Secondary Approver Reports

{ManagerStudents} Pulls the 'Student Name' field from the Class File > Roster Page > Attendees Tab for all students enrolled in the class for a secondary approver to work with the Standard Template - Class Reminder to Secondary Approver email template.


See also