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Where do I get SCORM Content?



Learn more about SCORM Courses or SCORM Content in Cyber Train or watch a Video.
Visibility Software will get you set up with a SCORM Cloud account and provide you with the information necessary to enable the feature.  NOTE: At this point, Visibility Software supports AICC and SCORM 1.2 training packages.



Where I can purchase SCORM training packages?

If you don't want to make your own there are several vendors out there that make SCORM and AICC training packages.  Visibility Software endorses Open Sesame as we have an intergration with them in our software that allows you to purchase the training package and upload it to Cyber Train.

Can you make your own SCORM training package? 
There are several content development tools out there that now support SCORM training packages.  If the training package was developed by the organization, it is worth investigating your content tool to see if there are any known issues or recommendations from that vendor on what works best with SCORM training packages.  Their lessons learned will help make the packages more effective.


Click Here to see what content development tools offer SCORM.