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Home > Reporting > Building Reports > Data Sources List > View_StudentCertifications



This view is a combination of four tables: Certifications, Certification Codes, Companies and Code Tables.  This view pulls together fields to help with reporting on credential information (Student File > Activity Page > Credentials Tab.)  


NOTE: The View_StudentCertification and not View_StudentCredential is because the original table and view created as Certification.  Thus, any logic, reports, etc... that is using View_StudentCertification would be impacted and stopped working if name was changed.  In an effort to not have everyone rewriting reports, Visibility Software decided to keep the name.  


To see more about the specific fields in these tables there is a Data Dictionary in Cyber Train - Reports > Data Dictionary.


Field Name This is the Field as seen in the Report Writer Tool for this view

Screen / Field / Note This is to give context and reference to where this field is seen in the product.

Field Name in Database This is what the field is actually called in the table.  It important for situations where the name changes on the screen but not in the database.

Field Name Screen / Field / Note   Field Name in Database 
 CertCode Table
CertCode Admin > Curriculum > Credentials
Admin > Curriculum > Credentials CertName
CertDesc Admin > Curriculum > Credentials CertDesc
RenewalFreq Admin > Curriculum > Credentials RenewalFreq
IssuedBy Admin > Curriculum > Credentials IssuedBy
BasedOn Admin > Curriculum > Credentials BasedOn
RenewalCost Admin > Curriculum > Credentials RenewalCost
ExpirationWarning Admin > Curriculum > Credentials ExpirationWarning
CredType Admin > Curriculum > Credentials CredType
 Certifications Table
CertStatus Admin > Codes > Credential Statuses / Admin > Page Builder > Students > Credential Reqeusts Status
DateAttained Student File > Activity Page > Credentials Tab
DateExpires Student File > Activity Page > Credentials Tab
 Note Student File > Activity Page > Credentials Tab Note
 CredentialMisc1-10 / _CredentialMisc1-10 Student File > Activity Page > Credentials Tab (CredentialMisc1-10 pulls the code and _CredentialMisc1-10 pulls the full data description)  
 RequestDate  N/A RequestDate
 StartDate Student File > Activity Page > Credentials Tab StartDate
 StatusDate Student File > Activity Page > Credentials Tab StatusDate
 Code Table



Admin > Curriculum > Credentials


NOTE: The underscore in front of the field name indicates this option is the data label and not code.  Use 'CredType' to pull the code and '_CredType' to pull the data label.  To get this data label option, this view is connected to the Code Tables. 

 Company Table
Company   Admin > Codes > Companies  Company
Company Name  Admin > Codes > Companies  Company
Student Table
 Student ID  In the URL at the top of the page when in the Student File
 DateAdded  N/A  DateAdded
 Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab
 StudentType / _StudentType-  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab (StudentType pulls the code and _StudentType pulls the full data description)  StudentType
 EmployeeType / _EmpType  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab (Employee Type pulls the code and _EmpType pulls the full data description)
 FirstName  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab
 First Name
 LastName  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab
 Last Name
 MiddleName  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  MiddleName
 FullName  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab
 First Name + Last Name
 PreferredName  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab > Nickname  PreferredName
 HomeStreet1  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  HomeStreet1
 HomeStreet2  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  HomeStreet2
 HomeCity  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  HomeCity
 HomeState / _HomeState  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab (HomeState pulls the code and _HomeState pulls the full data description)  HomeState
 HomeZip  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  HomeZip
 HomeCountry  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  HomeCountry
 Login  Student File > Contact Info Page > Peraonal Info Tab  Login
 WorkStreet1  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  WorkStreet1
 WorkStreet2  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  WorkStreet2
 WorkCity  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  WorkCity
 WorkState / _WorkState  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab (WorkState pulls the code and _WorkState pulls the full data description)  WorkState
 WorkZip  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  WorkZip
 WorkCountry  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  WorkCountry
 HomeEmail  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  Email
 WorkEmail  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  WorkEmail
 HomePhoneNumber  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  HomePhone
 WorkPhoneNumber  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  WorkPhone
 WorkCellPhone  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab   WorkCellPhone
 CellPhoneNumber  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  CellPhone
 FaxNumber  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  Fax
 WorkExt  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  WorkExt
 WorkFax  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  WorkFax
 StudentMisc 1-20  Student File > Student Misc Page > Misc 1-20 (Pulls the code only)
 _StudentMisc 1-20-  Student File > Student Misc Page > Misc 1-20 (Pulls the data description)  MiscStudentCaption 
 PrimaryJobCode  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  PrimaryJobCode
 PrimaryJobTitle  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  PrimaryJobTitle
 PrimaryJobStartDate  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  PrimaryJobStartDate
 Primary Org Code 1-5 / _PrimaryOrg1-5  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab (PrimaryOrg1-5 pulls the code and _PrimaryOrg1-5 pulls the full data description)  PrimaryOrg1-5
 Status  Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab
 SupervisorName  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  SupervisorName
 Supervisor  N/A  Supervisor
 SupervisorName2  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  SupervisorName2
 Supervisor2  N/A  Supervisor2
 SSN  Student File > Contact Info Page > Personal Details Tab  SSN
 BirthDate  Student File > Contact Info Page > Personal Details Tab  BirthDate
 HireDate  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  HireDate
 Email  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  PrimaryEmail
 PrimaryPhone  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  PrimaryPhone
 IsEmp  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab


 IsSupervisor  Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  IsSupervisor