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Classes - Student

Home Page > My Record > Classes

The Classes section is where Students (Employees) can go to see what classes they are currently enrolled in as well as the classes they have taken.  Depending, from this area in the system, students can Re-Launch an On-Demand Training (ODT) class, take a test and/or complete a class survey.  Security permissions for this section of the Student Home Page is determined in the Security > Home Page setup.

What is displayed in this section?
How do I register or launch a class?
How do I take a test?
How do I complete a survey?
What else do I need to need about classes?

What is displayed in this section?

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The Instruction bar at the top of the page is collapsible.  This message is used to help understand what actions can happen from this section of the system or any other messages that need to be displayed.  If you understand the instructions/messages and do not wish to see them anymore, you can collapse this section, freeing up some space on the page.

The columns of information displayed on the Classes section is to help you know a little more about your upcoming and completed classes.  The requirements are displayed in order of Status and then Class Start.  If the Status is Complete that defaults to the top of the page and then it is sorted by the Class Start should there be one.  

Check the checkbox Hide Complete at the top right-hand side of the table to hide classes you no longer have to do anything with.  The page will refresh and hide all classes that don't have outstanding test questions (all required questions on the test answered and submitted.)  Click Here to see what types of classes are possible.

Column Name  What the Information Is Actions Available 
Name The name of the class is displayed here. The column is sortable and by clicking on the Name link you can sort by ascending/descending order.
Description If there is an overall description of this class, the information is displayed here. This column contains an icon.  When you hover over the item, a pop-up box appears with the following information - Class Name, Course Type, Start Date & Location.  With ODT classes, the Start Date & Location read 'Anywhere.'
Status This is overall status of where the student is in this class.  The column is sortable and by clicking on the Status link you can sort by ascending/descending order. 
  • Enrolled - The class is not complete yet, the student is enrolled in it.
  • In Progress - This is a started ODT class that was launched at least once but has not been completed.
  • Incomplete - This is a started SCORM class that was launched at least once but has not been completed.
  • Complete - The class is completed and has been closed
Attachments If there are attachments to consider with the class, the information is displayed here. This column contains an icon.  When you hover over the item, a pop-up box appears with a list of attachment names.  Each one is a hyperlink to that document.
Class Starts This date is the start date of a Non-ODT class.  For ODT classes, the date reads 'Anytime'. The classes listed in this table, are initially sorted by Start Date.  The ODT classes do not have a date rather a Launch or Re-launch.  The Re-launch does consider the last time you launched the program such if you recently did it, it will show toward the top of the page.
Test If a test is associated to the class, it displays here. This column contains icons.  The first icon is a paper-like icon with red bullet points.  This means the test is connected to the class but has not been completed yet.  The second icon is a green checkmark icon.  This means the connected test has been completed.  (Not necessarily that you have passed the test but rather its completion.)  To review more about tests, Click Here.
Survey If a survey is associated to the class, it displays here.

This column contains icons.  The first icon is a excel spreadsheet-like icon with a pencil.  This means the survey is connected to the class but has not been completed yet.  The second icon is a green checkmark icon.  This means the survey is completed.  To review more about surveys, Click Here.

How do I launch a class?

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When the Search hyperlink is available to in the Action/Status column, you click the Search link, to display all available classes for that requirement.  This view is a filter view of the Search Classes section of the Home Page and it is filtered to the requirement.  If the Search Classes section is an option in the left-hand menu bar, this section displays all available classes without a connection to the requirements needed for the student. 

If the class is in an on-demand training (ODT) format, a Launch link is available. Click the 'Launch' link when you are ready to watch the training webinar, PowerPoint, etc...   Whereas if the class is a scheduled instructor-led class with a date and time, a Register is available.  Typically these non-ODT format class require approval.

With non-ODT classes, if the are prerequisites to taking the class, you will not be able to Register.  Instead, a message displays with the required prerequisites needed.  Additionally, if the class is full when you try to register, a message displays that you have been waitlisted. 

How do I take a test?

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If a test is available, there is a Test Icon in the Test Column. It is a hyperlink to open a new window to take the test.

Click the Save Answers button if you need to leave the test and you want to save the answers you have so far but you don't want to submit it yet.  Click the Submit Test button when you are ready to turn in your test.  The test will only be submitted if ALL required test questions are answers.  Upon submitting the test, you will receive one of two messages.  If the test is setup to auto-score you will receive the following message. 

If the test is not setup to auto-score and someone manually needs to grade it, you will receive the following message.

When the test is completed, a Green Checkmark Icon replaces the Test Icon. It is a hyperlink to see the submitted test.

How do I complete a survey?

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If a survey is available, there is aSurvey Icon in the Survey Column. It is a hyperlink to open a new window to fill out the survey.

Click the Save Changes button to submit the survey.  When the survey is completed, a Green Checkmark Icon replaces the Survey Icon. It is a hyperlink to see the submitted survey.  

What else do I need to know about classes?

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This section creates reminder messages in the Messages section for you and your manager located in the left-hand menu bar of the Home Page.  The messages number (##) will increase to indicate a new messages. 

Additionally, if the Alerts feature setup upcoming requirements coming due, automated reminder emails might be sent out to you, your manager and/or training administrator.

See also