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Admin > Security

In Cyber Train there two different types of users and therefore, two unique primary security areas.


The first, Home Page security, controls the access rights of Students, Managers, and Instructors to the Home Page (left hand) menu items available.

The second, for 'True" Users (which does include Instructors also), has two primary segments, Users and Groups, that work together to give Users the right system permissions to do most of the things they need to do from the top menus.

Groups are created first and control the pieces/pages to which a user has access and what he/she can do when in a student record, class file or reports.

Users are created second, are linked to the Groups and control to which students and custom links a user has access. It is also in the user's security setup where the role(s) a user will play in the system are detailed and accessible to the Admin pieces of the system is granted.

While most system permissions are set up in these areas, a few are tied directly to specific items such as Custom and Pre-Defined Links. See the Links & Integrations section for additional security settings to those specific sections of Cyber Train.


user permission settings


user group permission settings

students and manager permission settings


resetting passwords

password rules


See also