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Credentials - Student

Home Page > My Record > Credentials

The Credential section is where Students (Employees) can go to see what credentials they have currently achieved or have in the system. Credentials can be certifications, registrations, licensures, etc...  the employee has obtained. Security permissions for this section of the Student Home Page is determined in the Security > Home Page setup.

What is displayed in this section?
How do I add a credential?
What else do I need to need about classes?

What is displayed in this section?

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The Instruction bar at the top of the page is collapsible.  This message is used to help understand what actions can happen from this section of the system or any other messages that need to be displayed.  If you understand the instructions/messages and do not wish to see them anymore, you can collapse this section, freeing up some space on the page. 

The columns of information displayed in the Credential section is to help you identify each credential listed.   The credentials are displayed in order of Status and then the most recent Date Attained.

Column Name  What the Information Is Actions Available 
Type  The column indicates the kind of credential this is.  For Example: Certification or Licensure The column is sortable and by clicking on the Type link you can sort by ascending/descending order.  The type listed here are pulled from the code table- Credential Types.
Credential The credential name is displayed here. The column is sortable and by clicking on the Name link you can sort by ascending/descending order.
Description If there is an overall description of this credential, the information is displayed here. This column contains an icon.  When you hover over the item, a pop-up box appears with the following information - Credential Name, who it was Issued By, if it is a renewal credential & a description of it should it have been entered originally.
Attachments If there are attachments to consider with the credential, the information is displayed here. This column contains an icon.  When you hover over the item, a pop-up box appears with a list of attachment names.  Each one is a hyperlink to that document.
Status This is overall status of where the student is with the credential.  The column is sortable and by clicking on the Status link you can sort by ascending/descending order.  The status here are pulled from the code table - Credential Statuses.  That code table is user-defined but here is a suggested process. 
  • Pending Review- This is typically a good starter status and is used when students add a credential via the Home Page and then it goes through an approval process to add.
  • Complete- If the approvers did feel the credential was complete, then when they approve it, the Complete status is assigned.
  • More Details Needed- If the approvers did not feel the credential was complete, then when they deny the approval or a Not Approved status.
  • In Progress - If you want to track credentials before they are completed in the system, you might have an interest in this status for tracking and reporting too.
  • Expired - If the student let the credential expire, then this would be a good status to consider having and using.
Date Attained This date is the date the credential was achieved. The credentials are listed in this table and are initially sorted by Date Attained.  This is a sortable column and by clicking on the Date Attained link you can sort by ascending or descending as needed.
Date Expired This date is the date the credential expires. The column is sortable and by clicking on the Date Expired link you can sort by ascending/descending order. 

How do I add a credential?

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Before adding a credential, it is important to understand your organization's guidelines with credentials so that you can use Cyber Train in compliance with company procedures.  Typically, the instructions in this area, as well as when you are adding a credential, help you to understand what is needed or what the company is looking for you to give them.  

Once you understand the guidelines and what is needed, click the Add new record link at the top left-hand side of the table.   There are up to four (4) tabs of information to fill in as need by the organization.
  1. General Tab - This is where the majority of the information needed for the credential is added.  This tab is standard in Cyber Train meaning that your organization cannot change, delete or add fields to this tab.
  2. Bonus Tab - If you are getting additional compensation for completing this credential fill out this tab, otherwise this tab can be skipped.
  3. Miscellaneous Tab - If your organization has specific/custom fields needed to be filled in that is not covered by the standard fields in the General Tab, you will need to fill out information here.
  4. Attachments Tab - This is the tab where you will need to download/attach all supporting documentation for the credential (certificate, receipt, etc...)

If the organization is setup to such that only completed credentials are entered here, here is an example of what that looks like.

Column Name  What the Information Is Actions Available 
Date Started Enter the date you started your credential N/A
Date Attained  Enter the date you attained the credential N/A
Credential Select the credential from the available credentials your company is tracking and recording. If your credential is not listed here, it is recommended to stop adding a new credential and talk to your organization's training admin.  Either the credential needs to be added to the database for future use or it is not a credential that your organization is tracking right now.  If the latter is the case, your credential can be manually given to your training admin to be added to your profile as an attachment so that it is on record.
Issued By This field indicates who issued or provided you with the credential.  When the credential is selected in the previous field, the page refreshes and this field updates with the information should it have been entered with the credential initially. 
Renewal This field indicates the renewal information for the credential such that if the renewal is every 2 years, this field will indicate that. When the credential is selected in the Credential field, the page refreshes and this field updates with the information should it have been entered with the credential initially. This field will be used to calculate the Date Expires field as well. 
Cost This is where the renewal cost of the credential is entered should it have cost money to obtain.  When the credential is selected in the previous field, the page refreshes and this field updates with the information should it have been entered with the credential initially.
Status This 'Read-Only' field indicates where this credential is starting out at.  You cannot change it and it is informational for you at this point. If the credential should be completed upon entering it here, you will most likely see a status that indicates your credential needs approval to be added to the system.  If the credential needs approval before you can start it, the status here will most likely represent an approval to start the credential here.   
Status Date This date is defaulted to 'Today's Date' and it will change when the status is updated after the approval process is complete. N/A
Date Expires This field indicates when the credential will expire. If the renewal fields contain information, this date field is calculated upon that information, otherwise you can enter the information as needed.
Note Enter additional information here as needed. N/A

What else do I need to know about credentials?

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Additionally, if the Alerts feature setup for expiring credentials is setup, automated reminder emails might be sent out to you, your manager, and/or training administrator.

See also