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xESS Employee Single Sign On

The ESS Employee Self Service (ESS) Single Sign-on is a way for employees (students and managers) to connect to the Cyber Train Home Page from the ESS system without having to log into Cyber Train separately.  Thus, it is one login for two systems.  With this setup, the employee can login to ESS and click a custom link on the left-hand menu to get into the Cyber Train.

Step 1: CT Webconfig is Up to Date
Step 2: Match Student Login to ESS Login
Step 3: Create ESS Content Web Link
Step 4: Create ESS Menu Option
Step 5: Specify the ESS Employer

Step 1: CT Webconfig is Up to Date

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Click Here to verify the Cyber Train Webconfig is up to date. 

Step 2: Match Student Login to ESS Login

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For the ESS Employee Self Service Single Sign-on to function, the student's Sage ESS login must EXACTLY match his/her Cyber Train System Login.  The information can be entered manually or can be automated (see the options below). 

Manual Options:
Option 1:  The System Login field (CT Login Field) can be manually updated by editing the Student File > Contact Info page > Contact Tab - System Login. 

Option 2:
  A file can be imported with the student or manager's information. If a record already exists in Cyber Train, the new information will update the record in Cyber Train. 

Automated Option (Recommended):
To automate the process of keeping these logins up-to-date, use the stored procedure below. This procedure requires the student record to be in Cyber Train prior to running it.  Thus
, this procedure is not creating new students in Cyber Train rather it monitors the one CT field (System Login) to make sure they match the Sage field (Username or ESS Login) so that it does not prevent the student from being able to login to CT from the ESS menu. Please contact Product Support to obtain the files and instructions on setting up this option. 


What is this utility doing?
This utility looks at the UserAbraSuiteLogicalPrimaryKey in tuser table and parses it out:(1) ESS Login; (2) Sage Employee Number; and (3) Sage Company. First, it looks to see if it can find a record in the CT Student Table where the CT 'System Login' field equals the Sage 'UserName' (ESS Login).  If it cannot find a student record where Sage 'Username' equals CT 'System Login', then it searches for a student record where the 'Company' and the 'Empno' (Employee Number) values parsed from the primary key are the same in Cyber Train.  If it finds a match on the 'Empno' and 'Company', then it updates the CT 'System Login' field in the CT Student table with the Sage 'Username' (ESS Login).  If no match is found, then it writes to the error log - No Student found for Empno: 123; Company: XYZ. 


SSO via ESS to CT

If the setup is one in such the single sign-on (SSO) is needed via the ESS to CT, this is possible. Again, all that is needed is for the ESS Login field to match the System Login field.  The System Login field in CT does allows for the \ character for situations like this where the ESS Login is a combination of the 'system domain name'\'username login', this will either need to be manually entered into the System Login field in CT or using the automated utility above to pull it into the field as long as it is 20 characters or less. 



Step 3: Create ESS Content Web Link

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This step creates the link in the ESS for students and managers to click on to access Cyber Train.  

  1. Login to ESS as a Master user
  2. Go to Custom Content/Create Web Links
  3. Click on +New
  4. For both the name and description type in - Training
  5. For the URL, type in the URL to the Cyber Train site's 'Default.aspx' page.  For Example:
  6. Set Single Sign-On to 'Yes' 
  7. Click Save 

Step 4: Create ESS Menu Option

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This step creates the menu list to hold the Cyber Train link students and managers need in order to access Cyber Train.  

  1. Go to Create Custom Menu
  2. Choose where in the menu option users should see the 'Training' option and click the New button
  3. For Menu Name, type the link name as it should read to ESS users when logging in (for example - My Training)
  4. For Navigate To, choose the 'Training' link created made in Step 3
  5. For Target Window, choose New IE Window. (Cyber Train is too wide to be displayed within the ESS frame.)
  6. Click Save

Step 5: Specify the ESS Employer

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This step indicate which company will have the Cyber Train link. 
  1. Go to System Settings/Employer Setup
  2. Choose the company to access the link, or choose Enterprise if the company is defaulting to the Enterprise setup
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the 'Training' option under the Custom Header
  4. Set that item to View
  5. Click Save

ESS users should now be able to automatically log into Cyber Train Home Page.  

See also


Step 2: Match Student Login to AWC Login

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For the AWC Employee Self Service Single Sign-on to function, a user’s AWC login must EXACTLY match his/her Cyber Train Login ID.  This allows for a completely separate setting for the general login to the Cyber Train Home Page module by Students (Employees).


Step 2: Match Student Login to AWC Login

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For the AWC Employee Self Service Single Sign-on to function, a user’s AWC login must EXACTLY match his/her Cyber Train Login ID.  This allows for a completely separate setting for the general login to the Cyber Train Home Page module by Students (Employees).