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xSage ESS

Leverage Sage HRMS' Employee Self Service (ESS) Single-Sign-On service to automatically launch Cyber Train from the ESS Manager view or the ESS Employee section. Steps must be taken in both Cyber Train and Sage HRMS ESS to achieve this functionality.

In addition, the ESS user name must match either the Cyber Train Login Field (for the employee/student view) or the Cyber Train Login Field/User ID field (for the Manager view.) See each section for further details.  

Sage ESS does not need to be a public site, but Cyber Train does need to be able to browse to the Sage ESS URL. If both are internal to the network, then there’s not an issue, neither are public. However, if Cyber Train is public (hosted externally, or with Visibility Software, for example) and there is a desire to use the Single Sign-On with Sage ESS, then the Sage ESS system would have to be public so that Cyber Train can browse to it.  This would require port 80 or 443 to be open on the server.


Setup for Cyber Train
Setup for Sage HRMS Workforce Connection
Release Notes

Setup for Cyber Train

This step MUST be taken after ESS is already installed and running. 

IIS authentication for the Cyber Train site should have Windows Authentication Enabled. 


During a successful ESS installation, a web service is installed to the ESS web server. The AbraWorkForceConnSSI.asmx file for this service is generally found in the /SSOI folder within the root ESS installation folder but may be different depending on where it was installed. You can check for this file and identify the path necessary below by accessing ESS as a user normally would from a web browser.


When you get to the login page for ESS, do not log in, just add this to the end of the URL: ssoi/AbraWorkForceConnSSI.asmx. This should take you to a page with a header AWCSingleSignOn. If that is correct, copy the full URL with this extension and do the below steps. 

Once you know where this .asmx file exists, to the following:


(1) Navigate to where Cyber Train is installed

(2) Go to Website Folder > appsetting-override file

(3) Edit it in Notepad

(4) Find the section that reads something like this: 


     <add key = "ConString" value="25qJIQR7/cVnzsASPQvNhzfAW7dXfBSLwZwU2guvZXArNSkg+gpKO="/>


(5) Add the following key:


<add key="AbraAWCSSOI" value="" />


Except replace with the path to your ESS /SSOI/AbraWorkForceConnSSI.asmx file as you identified it above. Notice this is a web path to that file, not a file system path. Your final block should look similar to the following…

     <add key = "ConString" value="25qJIQR7/cVnzsASPQvNhzfAW7dXfBSLwZwU2guvZXArNSkg+gpKO="/>
     <add key="AbraAWCSSOI" value="" />


(6) Go to Website Folder > web.config file

(7) Edit in notepad

(8) Scroll down until you find a block this this:




      <setting name="CyberTrain3_AWCAll_AWCSingleSignOn" serializeAs="String">





(7) Verify the value here matches the key just added to the appsetting-override file. 

Setup for Sage HRMS Workforce Connection

There are two possible links to setup from ESS to Cyber Train. Which one(s) you decide to use are up to you.
  1. Create a link allowing ESS users (students and managers) to automatically login to their Home Page.  ESS Employee Single Sign-On
  2. Create a link allowing ESS users (training administrator, instructors and those managers who have a user security profile)  to automatically login to Cyber Train. ESS Manager Single Sign-On



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CT Executable  
(1) Are the students already in Cyber Train?
- This procedure requires the student record to be in Cyber Train prior to running it. 
- It does not create new students in Cyber Train rather it monitors the one CT field (System Login) to make sure it matches the Sage field (Username or ESS Login).  If it does not, this utility updates the CT field to match.  



(2) Check the .asmx file – Can the URL be hit? 

- Open the web.config file and look for a line that looks like this: 


<add key = "AbraAWCSSOI" value="http://other/AWC/SSOI/AbraWorkForceConnSSI.asmx"/>


- Copy the link and put it in a new browser.  If the page comes up this connection is correct.  If the page does not come up, the link is not correct.

- Go to where the ESS executable is installed to find out the right link and update it in the web.config.

Login to CT from ESS

(1) Log into Sage ESS with Master level access
- Verify the link being used is to the right location
- Create Web Link – Edit the Cyber Train one
(2) Check the Login Maintenance screen in ESS to see an actual “Login” being used in ESS.
- Check Cyber Train to see what is listed for an individual student as the System Login (Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - System Login
- For Students - The System Login field NEEDS to match the ESS Login in order for information to pass correctly. 
- For Users - The UserID (Admin > Security > Users – Edit a User) needs to match the ESS Logon and student profile connected to the user.  This will make all three IDs match and is the first step in getting the integration to work. 
(3) When the link is clicked from within the self service, does the Cyber Train Home Page come up?
- The page correctly exited ESS without a runtime error (which would indicate that the URL to the asmx file was incorrect)
- The login page for Cyber Train does not come up, rather the Home Page.  Check the folder permissions for the Visibility Software folder.  Make sure IUSER, IIS_IUSRS, Network Service all have at least modify access to the folder.  
(4) Is the SSL certificate up to date and working?
- Check the path to the AbraWorkForceConnSSI.asmx file in the Cyber Train web configuration file. 
- Pull this out of the file to test the connectivity – if their is a warning message about the SSL certificate then this needs to be resolved.  If a warning page comes up, it disrupts the SSO process and cannot pass completely over to Cyber Train.
- One could try to make the required server verification (https) for all sites in this zone.  Make Cyber Train and ESS site trusted.   If that does not work, the security certificate really needs to be looked at and fixed.



(5) Is the .NET accurate?  

- When you run the installer for Cyber Train, it updates the .NET.  See if that extended itself to the ESS.

- If it did change the .NET, then put it back.  (Example - it used to be .NET 2 but CT Installer upgraded it to .NET 4.  Put it back to .NET 2 for that pool.)


(6) Is the key in the appsetting-override file the same as the link in the web.config file?

- In the Website folder > appsetting-override file - edit in notepad.  It should have key that looks something like this:

<add key="AbraAWCSSOI" value="" />

- In the Website folder > web.config file - edit in notepad.  It should have a section like this where the link is the same as what is in the appsetting-override file.




      <setting name="CyberTrain3_AWCAll_AWCSingleSignOn" serializeAs="String">








  1. Students and Users will need to log into Cyber Train directly rather than being automatically logged in via the ESS. 
  2. You can turn on the ESS Nightly Updater (if applicable) to bring over all the ESS Logins into the System Login field and then reset the passwords to get them up and running fast.
  3. Otherwise, create a report with the company, employee number, name and login from ESS.  Import the information in and issue password to the students. 
  4. UserIDs in Cyber Train should be changed to whatever is in ESS and then connected to the Student record so there is only one login with both roles.