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Versions 6.0 to 6.5

Prepare to Upgrade Section

(Who: Technical Contact) 


Click Here to Watch the Release Notes Video for Technical Contact


(1) Update the .NET to 4.6.1 prior to running the CTInstaller for this release.


(2) Delete the Fatal Error Logs - Inside the Website Folder (v6.2)


(3) Delete all the folders - Outside the Website Folder (NOTE: Make sure these below folders are the most current ones in the Website Folder before deleting them from outside the Website Folder):

- Content Folder

- SCORMContent Folder

- Reports Folder

- Image Folder

- Temp Folder


(4) Download and Unzip the new folder where the current CTAlert executable resides. (v6.3)  If you have done this one already, skip this step. 

- Updated to Handle SMTP and SSL situations.  It is now a stored procedure to handle the query scripts better and reduce errors.


(5) Download and unzip the new folder where the current CTAPI web service is located. (v6.3) If you have done this one already, skip this step.


Are you using Sage HRMS?  If yes, update the following as needed 

(1) CTAbraRemote: (v6.3)

- Download and unzip the new folder where the current CTAbraRemote executable resides.

- Updated: If org code or job codes at either the Sage Employer or Enterprise level can be pulled and updated in Cyber Train now

- Updated: Terminated employees will be inactivated first and then newly active employees so that it frees up space in the license limit to add new students.  

(2) CTAbraLink: (v6.3)

- Download and unzip the new folder where the current CTAbraLink exectuable resides.  

- Adds renewal requirements using the date completed of the latest course to calculate the new Date Needed.

- The update on this uses the most recent courses taken record to calculate the new date needed for renewal requirements.  If the requirement was taken 10 years ago  (1/1/2007) and renewal frequency is set to 1 year from date attained, the new date needed will be 1/1/2008.


(3) SageESStoCyberTrain: (v6.3)

- Download and unzip the new folder where the current SageESStoCyberTrain exectuable resides.

Allows  for a remote option. (Example: if a client is on the VS Cloud and their Sage ESS is on their server, the student can single-sign on from Sage ESS to Cyber Train now.) 


(6) Read Upgrade Instructions



Actions after Upgrade Section


(1) ESS (All Upgrades)

Who: Technical Contact

- If using ESS, Click Here to verify the keys & values did not change. 


(2) EVERYONE CLEAR CACHE! (All Upgrades)

Who: Every User & Student

-  Click Here to see how to clear cache for different browsers.


(3) Report Writer Updates: 

Who: Training Administrator

- Log into Cyber Train

- Change the .Main.aspx part of the URL to be 'reporting/Settings.aspx'

- Click 'Update Schema' link at the top of the page. 

- Log out of Cyber Train and log back in to benefit from updates to the Report Writer Views.


View_StudentPrograms - updated to include: Date Completed (v6.3)

View_Student updated to include: Pay Review Date, Performance Review Date, Termination Date (v6.3)

View_ClassCosts updated to include: Class Misc Fields (v6.3)

View_ClassRoster updated to include: Class Misc Fields & Class Seq (v6.3)

View_StudentTestAnswers - Added the ChangeDate field to the View (v6.4)


(4) Group Security:

Who: Training Administrator

- Go into Admin > Security > Groups

- Click on the Student Tab

  - Update the Course Competencies (aka Skills) Setting as needed

- Update the Personal Info Setting as needed

- The following fields were moved to this tab - Login ID, Reset Password Link, SSN/SIN and Birth Date. 

- Click on the Course Tab

- Update the Course Competencies (aka Skills) Setting as needed


VERSION 6.0 - Release Notes (April 2018)

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- Added an Upcoming section to the Home Page > Messages to differentiate between upcoming requirements and outstanding (past due) requirements for students and managers. 
- Updated the Login Page - Help Icon to pull the NEW Student Help Central Pages.
- Updated the Survey / Class Evaluation feature to pull the Home Page Message when complete as well as show a green check-mark icon.


(2) Skill - New Feature!

- Added a new feature to add and track skills/competencies among courses and students.

- Required SetupWatch the 4 new videos on setting up Skills


(3) Student File 

Contact Info Page

- Required SetupPersonal Details Tab - Turn on in Group Security

- Add 3 new fields - Pay Review Date, Performance Review Date & Termination Date

- Required Fields: First Name, Last Name, Hire Date, Employee Number, Company, Status, Is Employee, Is Manager, Primary Email and Primary Number

- These fields are required because they are needed at minimum for different logic steps, calculations and pages to display correctly. 

- Rewrote the Import Students (NEW - Training Video)


External Classes 

- Added verbiage to the page on the Add External Classes > Attachment Tab to indicate what file types are acceptable.


(4) Classes

- Class ListUpdated the Take Action column

- Does not display a delete message when sending an email reminder now.


- Class Roster - Print Button does not display an error anymore.


(5) Processes

- Updated the Import Student process to pull in job codes

- Updated the Mass Delete Record

- Allows renewal requirements to be added when adding a courses taken record that has a renewal frequency on it. 


(6) Page Builder

Updated the Class Enrollment Email - Confirmation option for students no longer produces an error.

- Updated the SCORM & Open Sesame systems to work better with https systems.

- Update Content Management so that the 'Course' column only displays a link for SCORM content and in version that have the SCORM feature.


(7) Alerts

- Updated the Class Survey alert to only go out when EnrollStatus='CLOSED' and StudentEnrollStatus='COMPLETE'.


VERSION 6.1 - Release Notes (April 2018)

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(1) Student File - Contact Info Page

- Supervisor Field (aka Manager) and Supervisor2 Field (aka Secondary Approver)

- These fields prior to version 6.0 held StudentID of the manager and secondary approver respectively in the database for that employee.

- With changes in v6.0 to standardize the student import feature, this was changed from StudentID to Empno (Employee #).

- However, other areas of the system needed the StudentID as the reference - Home Page, Sage integrations, etc...  Thus, it is being set back to StudentID for now.

(2) Alerts

- Due to SQL commands getting confused with importing and using alerts in the XML format, this area of the system was rewritten into a stored procedure.

- While the stored procedure is working great, it uncovered that many of the approval type alerts did not have a condition that when ApprovedDate is anything other than Null, do not send the alert.  Thus, these reoccurring alerts were being sent daily even if the approval was approved.  

- We added the condition to Class Approver, Tuition Assistance (2 of them) and Credential Approval - to include the condition to stop sending the alert when the approved date has a value.

- External Classes - all 4 of these alerts had the condition already.


(3) Sage ESS

- Upon upgrading to v6.0, students (employees) were no longer able to login into Cyber Train via the Sage ESS method.  This was corrected in this version.


VERSION 6.2 - Release Notes (May 2018)

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 (1) Student Updates

- Fixed an error with adding and Cyber Train Login Field is the required login method.

- Employee Number and Hire Date are required but to make it easier for those who do not capture this information:

- Employee Number is not required when adding a new student.  If the field is left blank, the StudentID will populate in it upon saving the profile.

- Hire Date automatically populates with Today's Date when adding a new student.

(2) Import Updates


Import Student

- Add the Supervisor (Manager Empno) and Supervisor2 (Secondary Approver) fields back into the import.  They will now do a look-up using the employee number to insert the StudentID into these fields when the employee numbers in these fields are verified that they are managers in the system. (Manager Y/N = Yes).


Import Requirements

- Fixed the error about the StudentID


Import Credentials 

- Fixed the error


(3) Find Student

- There are several places in the system to uses the 'Find Student' feature.  The 'Find Student' feature from Student > Find Student has an option to search on status - Active/Inactive/Both.  However, the following areas in the system only have Active/Inactive.  Thus, there is no way to see the full list of students in the system from these areas, thus that was updated: 

- Student > Find Student

- Class Roster > Attendees Tab - Add New Record

- Admin > Processes > Mass Add Records

- Admin > Processes > Mass Delete Records

- Admin > Processes > Mass Delete Students

(4) Class File

- Updated Roster Page > Student Requiring Course Tab to display only one student record.

VERSION 6.3 - Release Notes (Aug 2018)

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 (1) Student File

- Fixed an error with the scrolling bar not working with the Find Student results.

- Fixed the Date Completed field in Program such that it only triggered when the last requirement of the program is completed. (Note: If Date Completed was added incorrectly prior to this release, remove those old Date Completed values to allow for the new value.)

- History is now recreated when a student gets deleted from a class roster and if a test is reset.

- Put the Hire Date Range back in the Find Student.

(2) Links

- SCORM Sync button - updated to work better when information from the SCORM Cloud does not come back. One reason it might appear not to work is that it can only consider records already in the StudentSCORM table. What does that mean?  So, if someone clicked the launch button and they experienced an issue off the bat, then a record might not get created in this table though the class enrollment was registered in our system creating a class in the class enrollment tab. Thus, when clicking the Sync button, it does not true the account up. To fix this, have the student click the launch button again and/or verify there is a record in the StudentSCORM table. To verify this is the problem, contact Support.

(3) Class File

- History is now recreated when a student gets deleted from a class roster and if a test is reset.

(4) Report Writer Updates:

View_StudentSCORM - updated to include several description fields for fields already there that only display the code.

View_StudentRequirmentCoursesTaken - updated to include several description fields for fields already there that only display the code.

View_StudentEval - updated to include several description fields for fields already there that only display the code.

View_StudentCoursesNeeded - updated to include several description fields for fields already there that only display the code.


(5) Import Updates

Import Student

- Included the logic for Hire Dates that are in a leap year for Date Needed calculations.

- Increased time-out for larger files, previously was cutting it off at about 250 students.

- Updated to handle blank rows 


- Fixed the Classes section so that 'Location' displays again.

(7) Alerts

- Remove Import Button (These are all in the system upon upgrading now as inactive if not in usage.)

(8) Codes

- Fixed the org level codes such that if you have the same code at different levels, the student is not getting the combination of all training requirements when one is picked. (Note: If requirements were added incorrectly, go back and remove requirements not needed.) 


VERSION 6.4 - Release Notes (Oct 2018)

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Click Here to Watch the Release Notes Video for Training Administrators



(1) EVERYONE CLEAR CACHE! (All Upgrades)

-  Click here to see how to clear cache for different browsers.


(2) Technical Updates - Just for Your Information (Nothing To Do)

- Updated the Telerik Tool to protect against a vulnerability threat

- Updated the code such that anywhere that contains 32-bit or 64-bit is looking to both folders to help prevent errors when installing and not finding the right version.  Additionally, CTAbraRemote, CTAbraLink, CTAPIT and CTAlerts was updated as well.  Clients who have these programs already installed do not have to do anything, rather these are adjustments going forward.

- Logic Check #1: Looks in the 64-bit location first and uses the key values found in 64-bit location if there.

- Logic Check #2: Looks in the 64-bit location and doesn't find the key values. Then it looks in the 32-bit location.

- If the key values are found in 32-bit location, it copies all keys from 32-bit to the 64-bit location and then uses the values from the 64-bit location.

- If the key values are not found in the 32-bit location, it creates new key values ONLY in the 64-bit location. 


(3) Student File

- Updated the class enrollment email to go out to students upon getting registered for a class.


- Removed the 'Add even if previously taken' checkbox option in the Add Program option as it was confusing and misleading.  Adding a new requirement that was already taken does not count that new requirement toward program completion.  The program completion takes the first instance of the course taken and that counts that.  Should the requirement be added again, it can be done on a case by case basis or via the mass add option. 


- Previously, when a course is approved in an opt-out request, all future completions of that course read opt-out as well.  This was fixed so that future completions will display the grade, test, and survey as needed. POTENTIAL CLIENT IMPACT - If opting out on renewal requirements is a practice in the organization, ask VS Support for a script to update the courses taken records that read Opt-Out incorrectly. 


- Update the StudentCourseTestAnswers table to hold drop-down answer scores upon test submission.  Previously, when a test was submitted, one could see the total number of points received but the score for each answer was not actually being held in the table until an instructor graded the test.  The problem with this logic is that if the test is auto-scored completely and the student does not pass, the instructor resets the test.  Upon resetting the test, the attachment is created to hold the previous test answers and score but since the score was not in the table because no one graded it, the scores were blank in the attachment.  This defeats the whole purpose of having auto-scored tests.  POTENTIAL CLIENT IMPACT - If auto-scoring a method being used, ask VS Support for a script to update the null field values with the correct values. 


(4) Links

- SCORM Sync button - updated to work better when information from the SCORM Cloud does not come back. One reason it might appear not to work is that it can only consider records already in the StudentSCORM table. What does that mean?  So, if someone clicked the launch button and they experienced an issue off the bat, then a record might not get created in this table though the class enrollment was registered in our system creating a class in the class enrollment tab. Thus, when clicking the Sync button, it does not true the account up. To fix this, have the student click the launch button again and/or verify there is a record in the StudentSCORM table. To verify this is the problem, contact Support.


(5) Security

- Verified and updated code such that all password rules are working as they are intended to be working.


(6) Report Writer Updates:

View_StudentTestAnswers - Added the ChangeDate field to the View


(7) Processes

Mass Add Records

- Updated Programs to allow for a New Program or Completed Program.

- Updated Courses Taken to allow for one course or many courses to be added.


Import Code Table

- Updated this process to check for duplicate codes.  If a code is already in the table, it will not be re-added. POTENTIAL CLIENT IMPACT: Check code tables to see if there are duplicate codes.  If there are duplicate codes, contact VS Support to determine which ones should be deleted.



Updated the Student Name to display the First Name Last Name on the banner for a user connected to a student profile.

(9) Codes

- Update the Report Icon in each code table to pull the right code report as needed. 

VERSION 6.5 - Release Notes (April 2019)

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(1) Requirements - Potential Client Impact

- Removed the logic to make requirements updated to the current year.  

- There was logic to make the date needed field calculation to consider the current year for student imports (new implementation projects) so that students with older hire dates, job start dates, organizational start dates could have the requirement more current.  (Example - job start date = 7/5/2005 with a requirement that should be 30 days from job start date - 8/5/2005 and move that to the current year 8/5/2019.  

- However, in solving that problem, in the day to day processes if a job changes in the past year (2018) and you are updating in (2019), all requirements with date needed calculations are pulled to the current year. 

- Please check your hires or organizational level changes that happened from about Oct 2018 to March 2019 and verify the date needed calculations look good.  Just spot check.  If they look off and there are too many to correct manually, contact support and we will get a script to update courses - is possible. 


(2) NEW Alerts 

For more information on all of these, check out the alert section. 

- New Welcome Alerts

- New Class Created Alert * NOTE - vCalendar option is not available at this time with this alert.

- New External Classes Reimbursement Alert

- Updated Test & Survey alerts (included ODT Classes now)


(3) NEW Email Templates

- New Class Created Email Template (Standard)

- New Student Welcome Email Template (Standard)

- New External Classes merge fields (Custom)

- New CTLink merge field (Standard - Reset Password to Students & Custom)


(4) System Setup & Security Updates

- Add a Default Time Zone Field to default a time zone in the 'create class' process.

- Update the Last Updated Field as it was not pulling the last date the system was updated.

Updated - Login history to show successful and unsuccessful logins for users and students. However, due to the way the student and users are treated separately, there will be 2 entries for the same person when the person logging in is a student and has a user profile too.


(5) Student File

- Updated - Hide Complete checkbox - to hide any class status that equals complete.

- Updated - Courses Taken Attachments - When entering new courses taken records with attachments, the attachments are held at that time and do not have be re-added after the record is there.

- Updated - Activity Page > Class Enrollment Tab - when a student is on the waitlist, a record is created here now indicating they are on the waitlist but the requirement status still equals 'Search'. 


- Updated the Courses Taken - Date Expires field calculation. When a course is selected, the Date Expires is calculated from the Date Completed when applicable.  Previously, if the Date Completed equals Today's Date and is changed, the Date Expires was not updating and is a 'Read Only' field.  

(7) Class File & Course File

- Send Enrollment Emails Option - Added the option back in for one to send Enrollment Emails upon manually enrolling students into the class from either course or class.

- Updated the Roster Page > WaitList - such that if a student is approved for a class and it is full, they will remain on the waitlist until there is room.

- Updated the Course Catalog to display the apostrophes and ampersands correctly.  NOTE: If the 'amp&' is actually in the Course Name when you open the course and not just displaying with in the Course Catalog, open up the course and update the Course Name as needed.


(8) Processes

- NEW! - Import Users - Click the link to learn more about this!

- Updated - Import Courses to have an option to check for duplicates and allow for updates on existing courses as needed.

- Updated - All Imports (behind the scenes the XORDER field) to allow fields to be in a different order as needed. Previously, when you moved around fields to be in a different order to match the spreadsheet, it did not update this in the background and therefore the import did not work. 

- Updated - Import Credentials to allow lowercase CertCodes and the system will convert them to the necessary uppercase CertCodes.

- Updated - Mass Add Records - Save & Add Another Option has been corrected.


(9) Report Writer Updates:

- Added - Field indexing to several of the tables in the system where data can get large.  This was done to help speed up the time it takes for a report to display. 

- Add several App Keys to the Web.Config File to control timeouts and log options.  See Reporting for more information. 

- Updated View_StudentRequirementCoursesTaken - Updated the Date Fields (Date Completed, Date Expires, & Org Start Date) to be blank when this is not a value instead of 1/1/1900.


(10) Other Helpful Updates

- Add Student process - Default email address and phone number are now set to 'Work' instead of 'Home'.

- Home Page - Manager no longer sees messages for 'Inactive' employees.

- ODT Classes - When status equals 'Closed', students will no longer see the Relaunch link.  This was causing confusion for renewal classes for students.  

- vCalendar Attachment - The Location Field now pulls the description instead of the code.

- Removed extra SQL logic loops that help speed up test completion. 

- Increased 'ConnectedTo' field to varchar(100) in StudentAttachment table. This allows attachments to be connected to requirements, courses taken, etc... where the name is really long.

- Updated SCORM Sync button to include a date range.  This was needed because when the amount of data gets to be very large, it can timeout.  Thus, the date range allows for the process of smaller amounts of data.