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xSQL Direct Connection

With this integration setup, Cyber Train and the Sage HRMS systems are connected via an ODBC or OLE DB connection which allows Cyber Train to pull student information from Sage HRMS.  This is a one step process; however it does require direct connection between the two systems.  Additionally, it is recommended to automate this process via a window scheduler so that it can be done daily or as often as needed. With the scheduler, employees are added and updated in Cyber Train except for employees who have been 'Termed' for more than 30 days in the Sage HRMS system.

Technical Note: Through the Direct Sage HRMS link, .NET 3.5 needs to be installed on the machine that runs it. 

Establishing Connectivity

The process for transferring student information from Sage HRMS to Cyber Train requires knowledge of the SQL information to connect to the Sage HRMS database. Once the connection information is obtained, follow the below steps.

Step 1: Setup Defaults & SQL Information in Cyber Train

This step is done within the Cyber Train system.  Page Location: Admin > Links > Pre Defined Links > Sage HRMS.





Integration to Sage HRMS  enabled?


Turns the feature on and allows for the connection.


Turns the feature off and does not allow for the connection.

What version of Sage HRMS do you use? SQL Server (Direct)


Company Translation Link

Click on the Link to establish the connection between the right Sage HRMS database and the right Cyber Train company. 
This is a one time setup and only needs to be updated should the Sage HRMS database or Cyber Train company change.

Note: This step requires the setup of the connection to your Sage system using the fields below first.

SQL Server Name  Server location where Sage HRMS is located N/A
SQL Database Name  Database name on the server for the Sage HRMS live data N/A
SQL User ID SQL User ID used to access the Sage HRMS data  N/A
SQL Password Password for validation to the SQL database N/A

Step 2: Setup the SQL Connection

Last Update to Executable - October 2018


  1. Download and unzip and into an empty folder on the Cyber Train web server.
  2. Once unzipped, right-click/Run-As-Administrator on AbraLinkSetup.exe.
  3. Enter your SQL connection information to the Cyber Train database. Leave the Abra Path blank (since you use Abra SQL).
  4. Click the 'Fields to Sync' button to get the next page where you can choose to which fields should be transferred from Abra SQL to Cyber Train.

Step 3: Sage HRMS Fields to Sync with Cyber Train

On this page, check each box for the fields you want to transfer from Sage HRMS (AbraSQL) to Cyber Train.  If you want to know all the fields that transfer and update with this program, check out the Sage HRMS page.

NOTE: Everything is driven by the P_ACTIVE field in Sage HRMS.  Thus, if an employee's P_ACTIVE field equals 'T', then the Employee is added as 'I' for 'Inactive' into Cyber Train.  If the employee is anything other than a 'T,' the employee is added as 'A' for 'Active' into Cyber Train.  

Once you’ve completed this configuration step, click the 'OK' button and schedule the executable 'AbraLinkEXE.exe' to run nightly. This is the executable that actually syncs the Sage HMRS SQL and Cyber Train data every time it runs, based upon the settings you chose above.

Student Type Field
The 'Student Type' field is a drop-down field allows you to select the code table to populate the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab > 'Student Type' field in Cyber Train. 

The Student Type options are: P_Employ (Employment Status); P_MISC1, P_MISC2, P_MISC3 (HR Status Misc Fields); P_JMISC1, P_JMISC2 (Current Pay Misc Fields) or P_LEVEL1-5 (Organization Levels).  NOTE: When the Student Type = BLANK, it will treat the field like it is not being used so that if you want to track something in Cyber Train differently than what you are tracking SageHRMS, you can do this.

Sync Job Code Tables Field
When the 'Sync Job Codes' checkbox is checked, any job codes/job titles added in Sage HRMS will be updated and added to the Cyber Train Job Code table for that company. 

Technical Note: What this does in the background is pulls the codes from HRTABLES in Sage HRMS where ftable="JT" and frule 'N' and scrolls through them one at a time. For each one, it checks to see if that exact job code exists in Cyber Train Job Codes Table for the same company.  Cyber Train has an Sage HRMS-to-CT code translation table so this process can work on a per company basis.  If the code is not in the Cyber Train Job Codes Table, then it is added. 

Supervisor Field
The 'Supervisor' checkbox not only updates the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab - Supervisor Field but it always update the Secondary Supervisor (Sage HRMS) in the Secondary Approver field (Cyber Train) as well.  So the one checkbox updates both fields as applicable.  NOTE: Cyber Train determines if an employee is a manager if that employee has other employees reporting to him/her in Sage HRMS.  
Student Login
The Student Login section allows you to choose the segments to automatically update the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab > System Login Field. Note: Since this field will update every time this process runs, you should only use this if your students do not have exceptions for their logins.

 See also