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Home > Training Admin Role > Students > Add Student

Add Student


Student File > Add Student


The Add Student feature allows one to add students manually to the system as needed. 


Page 1 - Select Company


Search Criteria

What it Does

What company is this person in? 

Selecting the company will pre-fill Company Field in the next page. 



Page 2 - Enter Student Information



Search Criteria

What it Does

 Student Status This required field determines whether the student is active or inactive.  Active students count toward the active student license number purchased whereas Inactive students do not count.  
 Student Type This field allow for categorization of the type of student.  (Example - Employee, Intern, Volunteer, Contractor, etc...)  It is pulled from the Admin > Codes > Student Type code table. 

First Name

This required field indicates the first name of the student being entered.  Anywhere in the system that references this student will use this information as the first name. 

Last Name

This required field indicates the first name of the student being entered.  Anywhere in the system that references this student will use this information as the first name. 


If this information is collected in the system, enter it here and it anywhere reporting, tracking or filtering allows for nickname, this field will be used as needed.

Primary Phone

This required field indicates which phone to use for merge fields and display on different pages of the sysetm.

Primary Email

This required field indicates which email address to use for merge fields and email communication efforts.



Page 3 - Home Contact Tab




Search Criteria

What it Does

Street 1 Enter the first line of the home address here
Street 2 Enter the second line of the home address here


Enter the home city here


Enter the home state here


Enter the home zip code here


Select the home country from the drop-down list which is populated from Admin > Codes > Country Codes


Enter the home email address here.


NOTE: If the Primary Email is set to 'Home' - this email address will be required before clicking the Save Changes Icon.

Home Phone

 Enter the home phone number here.


NOTE: If the Primary Phone is set to 'Home' - the phone number will be required before clicking the Save Changes Icon.

Cell Phone Enter the home cell phone number here.
Fax Enter the home fax number here.



Page 4 - Work Contact Tab




Search Criteria

What it Does

Street 1 Enter the first line of the work address here
Street 2 Enter the second line of the work address here


Enter the work city here


Enter the work state here


Enter the work zip code here


Select the work country from the drop-down list which is populated from Admin > Codes > Country Codes


Enter the work email address here.


NOTE: If the Primary Email is set to 'Work' - this email address will be required before clicking the Save Changes Icon.

Work Phone

 Enter the work phone number here.


NOTE: If the Primary Phone is set to 'Work' - the phone number will be required before clicking the Save Changes Icon.

Work Ext Enter the work extension number here.
Work Cell Enter the work cell phone number here.
Fax Enter the work fax number here.




Page 4 - Job Info Tab




Search Criteria

What it Does

Employee #

This field is required though it does not have an asterisk associated with it.  This is because you have the option of entering the Employee number or having Cyber Train generate one. 


If it is auto-generated, it will be a combination of a prefix 'CT-' and the StudentID number.  The StudentID is a unique number given to each student entered into the system.  It just increases by one per person entered.  Should a student be deleted that number will be deleted as well and not reused. 


This field is required because it works in conjunction with the company field to be a unique identifier of students in the system to ensure that information is updated correctly for each account and to eliminate duplicates. 

Job Code

Select from the drop-down the job title of the student.  The codes are populated from Admin > Codes > Job Codes.  

If there are requirements tied to the positions selected, upon clicking Save Changes, the student will have their requirements pre-populated using the Job Start Date entered to calculate the Date Needed for each requirement.  If no Job Start Date is entered, the Hire Date will be used to calculate the Date Needed as it is required. 


Employment Type

Select from the drop-down the employment type of the student.  The codes are populated from Admin > Codes > Employment Types.  (Examples - Regular Full-Time, Regular Part-Time, etc...)



Select from the drop-down the manager of the student.  The managers are populated in the drop-down from any student in the same company as this student AND has the 'Is Manager = YES'. 

Secondary Approver

Select from the drop-down the secondary approver of the student.  The secondary approvers are populated in the drop-down from any student in the same company as this student AND has the 'Is Manager = YES'. 

Is Student

This required field indicates the role this person plays in the system.  It is required because it displays the Home Page > My Record section as needed as well as displays the appropriate messages that pertain to a student.  This is almost ALWAYS set to YES.

Is Manager

This required field indicates the role this person plays in the system.  It is required because it displays the Home Page > Manager section as needed as well as displays the appropriate messages that pertain to a manager.  

Hire Date

This required field indicates the date the employee joined the company.  It does not have to be the date a job changed as that can be captured in the Job Start Date field.  Rather new hires and re-hires would use this field. 

Job Start Date Enter the date the job started.  If this is not known, the default calculation for any job code attached will be the Hire Date for find the Date Needed for requirements that get populated. 
Org Start Date Enter the date the organizational levels were decided.  If this is not known, the default calculation for any organization levels attached will be the Hire Date for find the Date Needed for requirements that get populated.
Company This required field indicates what company the student is associated with for searches, requirements, and it the other variable used for the unique identification of the student to ensure that information is updated as needed and to eliminate duplicates from the system.



Page 4 - Organization Tab




Search Criteria

What it Does

Organization Levels

There are up to five (5) fields that could show on this page and it is optional to track a student's place in the organizational structure of the company.  Codes are pulled from Admin > Codes > Organization. 


Organization codes have the ability to have requirements attached to them.  Such that if information is entered here, upon clicking Save Changes Icon, requirements will default on this student's requirement tab using the Org Start Date to calculate Date Needed (or Hire Date if the Org Start Date field is left blank).