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Home > System Admin Role > Page Builder > Courses/Classes > Class List (Setup)

Class List (Setup)

Page Location: Admin > Page Builder > Courses/Classes > Class List

Class List Overview

The Class List link at the top of the page in the right-hand corner is a shortcut to see all classes in the system and this is the area allows for configuration of that view for both Training Administrators and Instructors. Configure each view (tab) and it is highly recommended for the 'Take Action' column to be included for those who need to grade tests, record attendance, send reminder emails, etc...

User Security permission determines whether you are a Training Administrator or Instructor and then the Group Security permissions determine if you see this link or not.  If the Group Security is set to BLANK or NONE AND the User Security is set to Instructor, the Class List does not display.  However, the Home Page > Instructor section does.  

What do Users/Students See?

User View:  
(1) All Users (with the right group security permissions) see the Class List link throughout Cyber Train because it is that the top of the page and it is not page dependent.  
(2) All Instructor Users (with the right Home Page permissions) see a filtered Class List on Home Page > Instructor section. 
Student/Manager View:
(1) All Students (with the right Home Page permissions for Search Classes) see a filtered Class List on My Record > Search Classes as long as the classes is: (1) Open and (2) Enrollment Ends Date is not in the past of Today's Date.  

What are the Options?

Below is a list of options to configure the Class List and where they are pulling information from when being used.

Option Additional Information
Attachments                                                     Displays a hyperlink ‘Attachments’. When clicked, it is a shortcut to Class File > Attachments Page.
Capacity                                                                    Displays total class capacity. Pulls information from the Class File > Class Detail > Location/Content/Schedule Tab > Capacity Field.

Displays class Continuing Education Units. Pulls information from the Class File > Class Detail > General Tab > CEU Field.
Course Misc Fields (1-20)                                                              Displays User-Defined Information.  These Misc Fields are setup in Admin > Page Builder > Course/Class Detail.  Once they are setup and if one of them are selected to be in the Class List, it pulls from the Class File > Class Detail > Misc Tab > Misc 1-20 Fields.

Displays class Credits. Pulls information from the Class File > Class Detail > General Tab > Credits Field.
End Date

Displays the Class End Date. Pulls information from the Class File > Class Detail Page > Location/Content/Schedule Tab > End Date Field.
End Time

Displays the Class End Time. Pulls information from the Class File > Class Detail Page > Location/Content/Schedule Tab > End Time Field.
Enrollment Ends

Displays the last date to enroll in the class. Pulls information from the Class File > Class Detail > Location/Content/Schedule Tab > Enrollment Ends Field.
Enrollment Status                                                                                                  Displays the Class Enrollment Status. Pulls information from the Class File > Class Detail > General Tab > Status Field.

Displays the Class Fee. Pulls information from the Class File > Class Detail > General Tab > Fee Field
Grade Type

Displays the Grading Type for the Class. Pulls information from the Class File > Class Detail > General Tab > Grade Type Field.

Displays the class Instructor and pulls it from the Class File > Class Detail > General Tab > Instructor Field.

Displays the Class Location. Pulls information from the Class File > Class Detail >Location/Content/Schedule Tab >  Location Field.

Displays a hyperlink ‘Notes’. When clicked, it is a shortcut to Class File > Notes Page.
Open Seats

Displays the number of seats open in the class. Pulls information from the Class File > Roster Page > Available (Read Only) Field.

Displays a hyperlink ‘Reminder’. When clicked, it launches the email process to send a reminder email to all necessary students.
Roster/Grades Displays a hyperlink ‘#’ which calculates the total students enrolled in the class. Pulls information from the number of students listed on Class File > Roster Page > Attendees Tab or Enrolled (Read Only) Field.
Send Emails
Displays a hyperlink ‘Send Email’. When clicked, it is a shortcut to a table to send emails to students enrolled in the class.
Start Date

Displays the Class Start Date. Pulls information from the Class File > Class Detail Page > Location/Content/Schedule Tab > Start Date Field.
Start Time

Displays the Start Class Time. Pulls information from the Class File > Class Detail Page > Location/Content/Schedule Tab > Start Time Field.
Take Action This RECOMMENDED option displays a drop-down list of various actions to perform. Select the desired option and click the GO button to complete the action.
- Record Attendance: When clicked, it is a shortcut to a table to where the user can update the student’s status.
- Grade Tests: When clicked, it is a shortcut to a table where the user can select the student’s tests to grade and score.
- Send Email: When clicked, it is a shortcut to a table to send emails to students enrolled in the class.
- Complete Class: When clicked, it is a short to the Close Class process.
Training Admin

Displays the class Training Admin and pulls it from the Class File > Class Detail Page > General Tab > Training Admin Field.


See also