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Network Single Sign-On

This is a multi step process which will allow the network to use Active Directory to pass login information into Cyber Train so a student or user does not have to log into Cyber Train once logged into the network.

Step 1: Enable the Setting

From the Admin > System Setup page, Auto Login Options, check the box for Single Sign-On.

Option Setting:
After the field is checked, click on the Manage Single Sign-On link that appears below the Auto Login Options list to set up additional items related to the Active Directory server. Taking this additional action will allow an administrator of Cyber Train to look up a user account on the network when adding a new user. 

LDAP Server:  This field NEEDS the information like: LDAP:// (where LDAP is in all CAPS). 
User ID: Enter the User ID which is an admin account on the server who will have access to the list of network users

Password: Password for the user ID entered.



Step 2: Configure Users & Students

Because this feature connects the users of Cyber Train to a master list of network users, the User ID or Student Login in Cyber Train must match to the ID's in the user list stored in LDAP Server.

There are two option for adding new users.
  1. If using the Import Users  option, make sure that the User ID for the new user matches EXACTLY the network user ID.
  2. If manually adding a user, use the Add New User option instead of the Copy User option.  In the Add New User option. the User ID field is a hyperlink. Click on the hyperlink and enter in the name of the employee and press the Find button (or just press the Find button).  This will direct Cyber Train to search though the LDAP server for the employee's login information and it will connect the two systems.

For any existing user, edit the user account.  The User ID is a hyperlink field.  Click on the hyperlink to change the User ID and manually change it to match what is currently in the list of user on the LDAP Server.

There are two option for adding new students.

  1. If using the Import Students option, make sure that the Student Login for the new student is in the import file and matches EXACTLY the network user ID.
  2. If manually adding a Student, use the Add Student option, then edit the student record making sure to enter the Network User ID in the Student > Find Student > Contact Info > Personal Details Tab > System Login field.

For any existing students, edit the student record Student > Find Student > Contact Info > Personal Details Tab > System Login field.


Step 3: Change IIS Settings

In IIS, on the server, the setting for Anonymous Access to the Cyber Train site must be turned off. Windows Authentication must be turned on. This will require that every person who plans to use Cyber Train be logged in to your local network.

If your Cyber Train is available via a public URL and you would like your users to be able to access Cyber Train either while logged in to your network, or over the Internet from home, you must create a second virtual directory in IIS that points to the same Cyber Train installation folder. For that second virtual directory, be sure that Anonymous Access is NOT turned off. Inform your users that when accessing Cyber Train from work (when logged in to your network), hit the first URL, when accessing it externally, hit the second URL.


Step 4: Modify NTFS Permissions

On the server, give the ‘Authenticated Users’ account ‘Modify’ access to the Cyber Train installation folder as well as 'Full' permissions to the Cyber Train registry key:

HKLM\Software\Visibility Software\Cyber Train

If this key is in a 64 bit operating asystem, the key is:
HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Visibility Software\Cyber Train

See also