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OJT Courses 

Page Location: Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog

What is an OJT Course?
How to create an OJT Course?
How to complete an OJT Course?
Frequently Asked Questions

What is an OJT Course?

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The On-the-Job Training (OJT) Course was added to Cyber Train in version 4.0.0.  This feature allows managers and training administrators to add and track necessary on the job training hours toward completing a job requirement.  Each OJT Course is driven by the maximum number of hours needed to complete the requirement, indicated within the Course File > Main Page > General Tab > Hours field.
When the required number of hours is reached, the requirement is considered completed.  The number of events and hours is controlled by the manager, training admin, and/or some other user.  The required number of hours must be entered to reach completion, but this could include an entry that indicates hours added but not required after the student reached competency in the area. In other words, a number of hours could be entered for the express purpose of completing the requirement, even if those hours were not required or used. After the course is completed and moved to the student' Courses Taken/History , the total hours can be updated and the "filler" hours removed.

Not only do the OJT Courses track hours, with each training Event but the training session can capture the date, the type of OJT training, the trainer, the hours spent in that session as well as a note, for tracking and reporting purposes. The student can see this information from his/her Home Page > My Record section.  When a student scrolls over the Action/Status column, a pop up shows the detailed information of each Event.  

Important Note:
At this point, students cannot set up their own OJT course requirements or add completed hours. However, this is something  the student's manager can do from the Home Page > Manager section or a Training Admin/Instructor (or other User) can do from the Student File > Activity Page > Requirements Tab. 
Additionally, unlike other courses, no class is created as an avenue to complete this requirement.  Instead, there is hardcoded logic tied into the Course Type option On-the-Job-Training.  When it is selected, the system knows to make this course, when used as an outstanding requirement, to track by hours completed in events instead of via a class. 

How to create an OJT Course?

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Adding an OJT Course is the same method of adding any course to system.  Click Here to learn more about the Course Catalog and go to the section 'How do I add a course file?'.  Before adding OJT courses, there are a few configuration and OJT specific considerations:

Configuration Considerations:
(1) Prior to creating OJT Courses in the Course Catalog, the On-the-Job Training Type Code Table needs to be populated first.   The Type field is a requirement field when entering information for each Event added to the student's OJT course requirement. 

(2) It is suggested that you category OJT Courses in a manner that makes sense to you and your team. That might mean putting the word 'OJT' in: (a) the code; (b) course title; and/or (c) a course miscellaneous field to display the different types of OJT you have in the Course Catalog view and putting it for the right job type or organization code or company if there are going to be several OJT by different groups.

OJT Specific Considerations:
(1) Make the Course Type field = On-the-Job Training.  This IS the setting that makes the course an OJT Course.  Once the course is set to an OJT Course, it can only be used as an OJT Course.  What does that mean?  Since there are no classes made from this kind of course it cannot be used as an OJT Course and an Instructor-Led Class.

(2) Make the Hours field > than Zero.  When the Course Type equals On-the-Job Training, the Hours fields becomes required and the Save Changes icon will not move the Add Course process forward until this is filled in and greater than zero.

How to complete an OJT Course?

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At this point, students cannot set up their own OJT course requirements or indicated completed hours.   However, managers can do from the Home Page > Manager section or a Training Admin/Instructor (or another user with security permissions) can do this from the Student File > Activity Page > Requirements Tab.  

Frequency Asked Questions

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Can an OJT be completed with less hours than what is listed as the minimum hours of completion?
If your organization allows proficiency in an outstanding requirement lower than the minimum hours set, there should be an OJT Course Type code that you can use as a filler.  Perhaps a code that Reads - Extra Hours or Not Needed Hours.  The purpose of this would be to know what you started the minimum hours at and where the student gained proficiency at so that as the OJT is evaluated, you can see if the minimum hours field needs to decrease.   

What if the student needs more than the minimum hours?
In a case like this, it depends on how the organization wants to handle the additional hours needed.  Since the hours cannot be changed for the student individually but rather in the course file, the inflation of hours would affect all students against this OJT Course.  Therefore, if it should be raised for all, this would be ok.  Otherwise, if it is determined that more hours is needed, an additional OJT Course (either a round 2 of the first one or an secondary OJT course as needed) to round out the learning.