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Class Closed Email

Admin > Page Builder > Correspondence Templates

This email goes out to the student when the class is closed by the instructor or training admin. 

Available Merge fields include:

Field  Merge Field   Where Information is Pulled from in System
Course/Class Fields    
Class Capacity {ClassCapacity} Pulls the 'Capacity' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.

Class End Date

{ClassEndDate} Pulls the 'End Date' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class End Time {ClassEndTime} Pulls the 'End Time' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class Enrollment Ends {ClassEnrollmentEnds} Pulls the 'Enrollment Ends' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.

Class Instructor

{ClassInstructor} Pulls the 'Instructor' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > General Tab.
Class Description {ClassIntDesc} Pulls the 'Description' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Description Tab.
Class Location {ClassLocation} Pulls the 'Location' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class Location Details {ClassLocationDetails} Pulls the 'Location Details' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class Sessions {ClassSessions} Pulls the Table at the bottom of the the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class Start Date {ClassStartDate} Pulls the 'Start Date' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class Start Time {ClassStartTime} Pulls the 'Start Time' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Class Survey {ClassSurvey} Pulls the Link from the Survey Column in the Class File > Roster Page > Attendees Tab.
Class Test {ClassTest} Pulls the Link from the Test Column in the Class File > Roster Page > Attendees Tab.
Class Training Admin {TrainingAdmin} Pulls the 'Training Admin' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > General Tab.
Conference ID {ClassConferenceID} Pulls the 'Audio Number' field from the Class File > Class Details Page > Location/Schedule/Content Tab.
Confirmation {Confirmation} Put HTML hyperlinks of 'Accept' or 'Deny' in the email.  
Course CEU {CourseCEU} Pulls the 'CEU' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Course Credits {CourseCredits} Pulls the 'Credit' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Course Fee {CourseFee} Pulls the 'Fee' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Course Hours {CourseHours} Pulls the 'Hours' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Course ID {CourseID} Pulls the 'Course ID' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Course Misc 1-20 {CourseMisc1} Pulls the 'Misc' fields from the Course File > Main Page > Misc Tab (2nd Tab).
Course Name {CourseName} Pulls the 'Course Name' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Course Type {CourseType} Pulls the 'Course Type' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Student Fields    
Student First Name {StudentFirstName} Pulls the 'First Name' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab.

Student Last Name

{StudentLastName} Pulls the 'Last Name' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab.
Student First, Last Name {StudentFirstLast} Pulls the 'First Name' field and the 'Last Name' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab and puts them together such that they read 'First Name' 'Last Name.'
Student Last, First Name {StudentLastFirst} Pulls the 'Last Name' field and the 'First Name' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab and puts them together such that they read 'Last Name', 'First Name.'

Student Address

{StudentAddress} Pulls the 'Address 1' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Home Contact section.

Student City

{StudentCity} Pulls the 'City' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Home Contact section.

Student State

{StudentState} Pulls the 'State' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Home Contact section.

Student Zip

{StudentZip} Pulls the 'Zip' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Home Contact section.

Student City, State, Zip

{StudentCityStZip} Pulls the 'City' field, 'State' field, and 'Zip' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab and put them together so that they read 'City', 'State' 'Zip' - Home Contact section.

Student Home Phone

{StudentHomePhone} Pulls the 'Phone' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Home Contact section.

Student Work Phone

{StudentWorkPhone} Pulls the 'Phone' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Work Contact section.

Student Work Extension

{StudentWorkExt} Pulls the 'Extension' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab - Work Contact section. 
Student Email {StudentEmail} Pulls the 'Email' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab.

The email address that it pulls is determined by the 'Primary Email' flag.  When the 'Primary Email' = Work, it pulls the email from the work contact section and when the 'Primary Email' = Home, it pulls the email from the home contact section.
Student SSN {StudentSSN} Researching...

Student Empno

{StudentEmpno} Pulls the 'Employee #' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab.

Student Hire Date

{StudentHireDate} Pulls the 'Hire Date' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab.
Student Manager's Name  {StudentManagerName} Pulls the 'Manager' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab.

Student Type

{StudentType} Pulls the 'Student Type' field from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.

Student Primary Job Code

{StudentPrimaryJobCode} Pulls the 'Job Code' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab that is marked as 'Primary' in the Job Info section.

Student Primary Job Title

{StudentPrimaryJobTitle} Pulls the 'Job Title' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab that is marked as 'Primary' in the Job Info section.

Student Primary Org 1-5

{StudentPrimaryOrg1} Pulls the 'Organization Code 1' field from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab that is marked as in the Organization Info section.  There are 5 organization fields and depending on the one used, that information is pulled.
Student Misc 1-20 {StudentMisc1} Pulls the 'Misc 1' field from the Student File > Misc Page.  There are up to 20 miscellaneous fields and depending on the one used, that information is pulled.


See also