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Notes Page


Page Location: Student File > Notes Page


What is displayed in this section?
How can I add/modify job information?

What is displayed in this section?

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The  Notes Page contains notes tracked with a student.    
Access to this page (per tab) is controlled by Group Security Permissions


Column What the Column Does/Means

Date / Author

 This is the date and person who entered the note.

Note Type


 This field is a drop-down list tied to the values that are populated in the Student Notes Type code table. Populate that table first with categories of notes necessary to track.  (Examples - Reporting, Excused Attendance, etc...)


This is a date field that can be filled in with manual notes to create a follow up item on the Home Page of when to do an actionable item.​

Note   This is the note attached to the student file. 

How do I add/modify job information?

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To add an attachment, click on add new record link in the upper left-hand corner of the table.  

Field Name
What the Field is for

 The date the attachment is added to the student.


 Select the drop-down value that will categorize what this attachment is. 


 Type out the name of the attachment that will act as a hyperlink to access the attachment. 

Note  Additional information as needed about the attachment.
Attachment  Upload the attachment via the 'Select' button
File Type  Indicate what the file type of the attachment is with one of the valid file types listed here.  If the file type is not listed here, it is not a valid file type for Cyber Train.
Related To  If this attachment should be connected to a Requirement, Courses Taken, Program, Credential, External Classes, or Tuition Assistance.