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Courses Taken Requests

Page Location: Admin > Page Builder > Students > Courses Taken Requests

The courses taken requests feature allows students and/or users (depending on the company process) to enter requests for completed requirements into the system to track and report on as needed.

User View:
- Student File > Activity Page > Courses Taken Tab
Student/Manager View: 
- My Record > History
- Manager > History

The summary grid gives some general information about the tabs on this page for the courses taken request feature.  

Summary View

Field  Purpose 
Company Selected  This drop-down field is populated with Companies codes.  The default on this field is the first company in the list and the list is ordered alphabetically.  Select another company from the list as needed, the page refreshes and populates the tabs with the information that is particular for that company.
Request Instructions Tab This is the information that displays to the students when entering the courses taken request.  Typically this text box contains the instructions for the student to use as needed when entering a request.
Completed Instruction Tab This is the information that displays to the students when on the edit page of the courses taken request.  Typically this text box contains the instructions for the student to use as needed at this point.
Approvers Tab This tab is where the approvers or those who should be notified are entered so that when a student enters a courses taken requests, these people are either made aware of that or need to approve/decline the request.


Request Instructions Tab

This tab is where the instructions for the courses taken approval request are entered.  When the student requests credit for a completed requirement, certain pieces of information are needed to be entered in order to create the record in the system along with other instructions as needed by the company. 

Complete Instructions Tab

This tab is where the instructions should be entered and displays for entered courses taken records. 

Approvers Tab

The summary view of both approver's table. 

Field  Purpose 
  The pencil icon allows the user to edit the approval level.  
Approvers The name of the user who is the approver/notification person for courses taken requests.
Order Indicates the order in which the approver will get his/her approval email and where they are in the chain.  You can have approvers at the same order number.  In setups like that, all persons at that number will be emailed and all persons at that level will need to approve the request before it can go to the next level.
Notify Only This field indicates if the person is a true approver or just someone who is getting a notification.  'YES' in this field marks the person as a person who only gets a notification email whereas 'NO' in this field marks the person as a true approver.
  The X icon allows the user to remove the approver from this process.

If a new approver needs to be added, click the Add new record link above the summary grid.  If an approver needs to be edited, click the icon to access the details.  Depending on where the approver is needed, enter the approver in the Request Approvers table (to approve the initial request to take an external class) or in the Complete Approvers table (to approve the class completion information and get credit for the class).

Field  Purpose 
Approver If you are editing the approval level, this field will display as a 'Read Only' field.  You can only change the details about the approval level but not the approver.  If that needs to change, delete the approver and click the 'Add new record' to start over.

If you are adding an approval level, this drop-down list pulls all users in the system as well as a system role of either 'Manager' or 'Secondary Approver'.  When the role is selected, the system looks to that student's record to see who was named as the 'Manager or 'Secondary Approver' to fill that approval level.
Order Indicates the order of the approval level. 
Notification Only When checked, this approval level acts as a notification person only meaning that this person will receive a notification email at the point their order number comes up and will not be required to approve anything.  When it is NOT checked, the approver is a true approve and the email sent requires action.