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Import Students


The Import Students process is a manual import of student information for mass adding new students to the system, or mass updating existing students in the system. Each time this process is run, it uses the duplicate check method to determine if the student is new or existing.  If it cannot find the student in the system and the license level for active students is not at its limit, the student will be added. If it finds the student in the system, then it will update the existing profile. If the license level is at its limit, the user will be notified of that. The setup for this process can also be used by the Employee Import Utility to set up an automated import process. 

What is displayed on this page?
How do I set up the Spreadsheet?
How do I set up the Import Student process?
Frequently Asked Questions

What is displayed on this page?

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The Import Students menu item of Admin > Processes is designed to import an Excel spreadsheet of student data into the main student table.  The spreadsheet can be used to bring in initial student information and add automated requirements to start up a new database. Because there is a unique identifier required when importing, this process can update student information and related requirements in the system as often as needed.  The spreadsheet file can be saved under any title but the worksheet where the information is listed in the spreadsheet needs to be the default name, Sheet1 and the file itself must be an xls file (Excel 97-2003 Workbook) and not an xlsx file. The worksheet titles are at the bottom of the page and they look like tabs.


Sample of an Import Student information spreadsheet



In the spreadsheet, use the COLUMNS (A, B, C...) to reference the fields that should be considered in the import and the ROWS (1, 2, 3...) to hold the records (the values that will go in the fields) with only one row for each student.  Understanding the types of information needed helps in building the spreadsheet.  The Data Dictionary under Reports > Data Dictionary can also provide information to understand the fields in Cyber Train. 


In the example above :

  • The Company Code together with the Employee Number (an open text field) are used as the unique identifier to make sure any information attached to this employee number/company will go to the right student file.  (Other open text fields: First Name and Last Name)
  • Company Code, Status, Job Code, Org Level 1, Org Level 2 and Org Level 3 fields are code tables in Cyber Train. This means the content in these columns MUST match the code NOT the description in the code tables.  Example, A is the code for Active, so A is needed in the column not the word, Active.  Additionally, it is necessary for the code to be capitalized because all codes are capitalized in Cyber Train.  
  • Job Start Date & Organizational Start Date fields are date fields with the format is MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY (Cyber Train can convert a two-digit year to the four-digit as long as it is ‘19’ or ‘20’).  There is not a timestamp field available with this import.
  • Primary Email and Primary Phone use hardcoded codes of W (Work) or H (Home)


1. The Cyber Train license controls the number of Active students allowed in the system. If the license is for 150 students, only 150 Active students may be in the system.  The import will import in the students over the limit BUT they will be listed as Inactive records. A message will display if the license level is exceeded.


2. Before saving the spreadsheet for import, always remove the column headers, but order the fields in the import process to match the order first.


3. When modifying a spreadsheet, be sure to delete ROWS and COLUMNS that are not needed instead of Edit > Clear Contents; otherwise the import will recognize those blank ROWS and COLUMNS and generate an error or add blank records.


4. Make sure to save the spreadsheet as an Excel 1997-2003 file (i.e. an xls file) as the import cannot accept an xlsx file.

5. Several imports with fewer records than 500 students per import are recommended.  Not only does this allow better control and verification of data getting entered correctly, it will not tax the system regardless of possible bandwidth constraints. 

How do I set up the Spreadsheet?

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Below is a list of the fields that can be imported as well as where they will be imported into the student file. There are several fields that can be used in this import and ten (10) that are required listed in red below.  

Field Name Type  What it is, where to find it and where it goes in Student File > Contact Info Page
 Birth Date  Date (MM/DD/YYYY)  Personal Details Tab – Birth Date
 Cell Phone  Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Home Contact Cell Phone
 Company  Code  Pull from Admin > Codes > Companies – Code NOT Description and is placed in Job Details Tab - Company
 Email Address  Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Home Contact Email Address



 Open Text  Job Details Tab – Employee #



 Code  Admin > Codes > Employment Type – Code NOT Description and is placed in Job Details Tab - Employment Type
 Fax  Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Home Contact Fax
 First Name  Open Text  Contact Details Tab – First Name
 Hire Date  Date (MM/DD/YYYY)  Job Details Tab – Hire Date
 Home City  Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Home Contact City



 Code  Admin > Codes > Country Codes – Code NOT Description and is placed in Contact Details Tab - Home Contact Country
 Home Phone  Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Home Contact Phone
 Home State   Code  Admin > Codes > State Codes – Code NOT Description and is placed in Contact Details Tab - Home Contact State

 Home Address

 Line 1

 Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Home Contact Address 1

 Home Address

 Line 2

 Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Home Contact Address 2

 Home Zip


 Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Home Contact Zip Code

 Is Employee


 Hard Coded  Job Details Tab – Student (Yes/No) Y=Yes; N=No
 Is Manager (Y/N)  Hard Coded  Job Details Tab – Manager (Yes/No) Y=Yes; N=No
 Job Code
 Code  Admin > Codes > Job Codes – Code NOT Description and is placed in Job Details Tab - Job Info Section as Primary.
 Job Start Date
 Date (MM/DD/YYYY)  Job Details Tab – Job Start Date in Job Info Section.
 Last Name  Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Last Name



 Open Text  Job Details Tab – Employee Number of this Student's Manager NOT the Student in this ROW
 Middle Name  Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Middle Name
 Misc (1-20)

 Open Text or 


 If the field is defined as a Code – Admin > Codes > Miscellaneous Student - use the Code NOT Description. If it is not defined as a code  enter open text on the spreadsheet. This information is written to the Student Misc Page in the corresponding misc. # field.
 Org Level (1-5)  Code  Admin > Codes > Organization - Code NOT Description and is placed in Job Details Tab - Organization Section as Primary


 Start Date

 Date (MM/DD/YYYY)  Job Details Tab – Organization Date
 Password  Open Text   The Student Password is always hidden after added to the system but can be updated if the Password Reset link is clicked.
 Pay Review Date  Date (MM/DD/YYYY)  Job Details Tab - Pay Review Date
 Performance Review Date Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
 Job Details Tab - Performance Review Date
 Primary Email  Hard Coded  Contact Details Tab – Primary Email – Work (W) or Home (H) 
 Primary Phone  Hard Coded  Contact Details Tab – Primary Phone– Work (W) or Home (H) 
 Social Security Number  Open Text  Personal Details Tab - Social Security Number
 Status   Hard Coded  Contact Details Tab – Student Status - Active (A) or Inactive (I)
 Student Login  Dependent

 Check Admin > System Setup – Login Field to see if this field will be used. Updates the System Login field on the Personal Details Tab

 This field can be defined unless a student file is connected to a User file and then USERID is what must be used here.

 Student Type  Code  Admin > Codes > Student Types – Code NOT Description and it is put in the Job Details Tab - Student Type.



 Open Text

 Job Details Tab – Enter the Employee Number of the Student's Secondary Approver NOT the Student in this ROW. Will display the

 Secondary Approver's name after import.

Termination Date Date (MM/DD/YYYY)  Job Details Tab - Termination Date

 Work Cell 

 Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Work Contact Cell Phone
 Work City  Open Text   Contact Details Tab – Work Contact City
 Work Country  Open Text   Admin > Codes > Country Codes – Code NOT Description and this will be put in the Contact Details Tab - Work Contact Country
 Work Email  Open Text   Contact Details Tab – Work Contact Email Address
 Work Ext.  Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Work Contact Extension
 Work Fax  Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Work Contact Fax
 Work Phone  Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Work Contact Phone
 Work State  Code  Admin > Codes > State Codes – Code NOT Description and this will be put in the Contact Details Tab - Work Contact State.

 Work Address

 Line 1

 Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Work Contact Address 1

 Work Address

 Line 2

 Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Work Contact Address 2

 Work Zip 


 Open Text  Contact Details Tab – Work Contact Zip Code

How do I set up the Import Student process?

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  1. Use the field lists on the left hand side to Add >> the fields to the right hand side that are in the spreadsheet created to import the students.
  2. Be sure the fields are listed on the right hand side in the same order the COLUMNS in the spreadsheet are listed use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to rearrange the fields as necessary. If one too many fields are listed on the right hand side use the << Remove button to take the field off.  (The system WILL NOT ALLOW the Required Fields to be removed and they must be in your spreadsheet!) 






Click "Select" or "Choose File" (depends on browser) to locate the file to import and press Import to bring the file into the system.



Frequently Asked Questions

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How does the MaxCount logic work?

The spreadsheet loops through the inactive statuses on the spreadsheet first to deduct that number from the MaxCount on the License Level.  Then it loops through the active statuses on the spreadsheet to add that number to the MaxCount.  


See also