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Mass Add Records

 Admin > Processes > Mass Add Records


The Mass Add Records allows a User the ability to add Requirements, Courses Taken, Programs or Credentials to a selected group of students in one action. This process CANNOT be undone, Visibility Software recommends your IT team make a backup of the SQL database before taking this action. If your system is hosted by VS, please let us know and we can assist.  However, if records are incorrectly added and no backup is available, use the Admin > Processes > Mass Delete Records to correct the error. 


 Finding Students         
 Select the Mass Add Type        
 Mass Add Requirements   OR     Watch the Video! 
 Mass Add Courses Taken   OR     Watch the Video!
 Mass Add Programs   OR    Watch the Video!
 Mass Add Credentials   OR     Watch the Video!

Finding Student(s):

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The first screen presented is used to begin the process for selecting the students to update. Please note, the additional fields on the right side of the page only appear after selecting a company in the Company pull-down list. This also controls the Organization Level Namesd Listed as well as the Job Titles displayed. In our example below, Visibility Software has 3 (of a possible 5) Organization Levels named, so only 4 display. This will vary by company depending on Organizational Levels in use.




Determine the criteria using the options on this page to find the necessary students. Typically, for a Mass Add, most of the options on the left side of the screen (Last Name, First Name, Email, Student ID and Employee #, with the exception of the student Type) would narrow this to one student and would not be used for a Mass Add. For that reason, of the fields on the left only the Student Type field is described below with the other options that appear on the right side. Once the criteria have been selected on this page, click the Find button to continue the process. (NOTE: Hitting the Enter key instead of clicking Find will open the Add Competencies Filters. This will have to be closed to complete the Find.)


Type This field searches for students by Student Type. It looks to the information in the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Student Type field.
Company This field searches for students by Company. It pulls the information from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Company Field. It also controls the up to five fields for organizational levels listed below, before the Job Code field.
Org Levels 1-5 These fields search for students by Organization Codes. Depending on the number of organizational levels a company is using and what they have been named, these fields will vary. They pull the information from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Organization Info - Primary record only.  Selecting items from more than one level means that the student must have all items selected to appear in the list.
Job Title This field searches for students by Job Title. It pulls the information from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Job Info Table - Primary Job record only. Selecting job codes in conjunction with other criteria  such as Org Levels will limit the students based on all those selections.
Hire Date Range This field searches for students by Hire Date. It pulls the information from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Hire Date Field. Selecting this field in conjunction with other criteria such as Org Levels and Job Codes, will limit the results based on all the selections.
Job Date Range This field searches for students by the Primary Job Start Date. It pulls the information from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Primary Job Start Date field. Selecting this field in conjunction with other criteria such as Org Levels and Job Codes, will limit the results based on all the selections.
Search Active Only This box will default to being checked to include only active students in the search. If for some reason, you wish to include Inactive (typically terminated employees) in the search based on the other criteria selected, uncheck this box.



Clicking the Find button will bring up a list of the students that match the criteria. At this point the user may check the boxes in front of the individual names to select specific students or check the box in the table header (next to Name) to select All.

In this example the user is selecting only some of the students that were returned.



 Clickto move to the next step.


Select the Mass Add Type:

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The next selection required is for the Type of curriculum record you want to add to the students selected. These include:


Requirements (i.e. courses the students listed must complete)


Courses Taken (i.e. historical courses completed by the students listed)


Programs (i.e. a collection of courses the students listed must complete or have completed as requirements)


Credentials (i.e. licenses, certifications, registrations, etc. that students listed have attained)





Depending on the option you choose from the list above for Requirements, Courses Taken, Programs, or Credentials, the fields displayed on the page will change and you will have other choices to make based on them. The following sections describe each of the options.


Mass Adding Requirements:

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When Requirements is selected from the Type drop-down list: the user will see this view:




This field displays the type "Requirements" which was already selected. This controls the fields that will display on the rest of the page. If this is not the desired "type" of Mass Add, the user can click the pull-down to select from the other choices.

Show Active Courses Only Checking this box means that only active courses will appear in the following "Name" pull-down menu. This is as determined in the Course File > Main Page > General Tab - Active Field.

Select the desired requirement (aka Course) from the drop-down list. Requirements listed here are specific to the company selected. This is a required field. 


NOTE: If the course selected has renewal information set to something different than the Priority selected below, that information remains with the course for the next time the requirement needs to be completed. That means once the requirement is completed the first time, all subsequent renewals will be based on the renewal information in the course itself.

Job Requirement

This field allows a user to indicate if this requirement is a "Job" requirement for the students to be updated, by selecting the Yes in the Pull-down menu. It is not a required field.

NOTE: Marking this "yes" does not add the requirement to Job codes.

Priority This field allows the user to select a priority option from the pull-down list. It pulls information from Admin  > Codes > Requirement Priorities. It is not a required field but if used it must work in conjunction with the "Based On" field below. 
Based On

If a Priority was selected in the previous step, the user must select an option from this drop-down list or it will use the default of Date Below.
     - Date Below: This uses the Date Needed field below to determine the actual Date Needed for the Requirement.

     - Hire Date: This uses the date listed in the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Hire Date Field to determine the actual Date Needed           for the Requirement.

     - Primary Job Start Date: This uses the date listed in the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Job Info Table to determine the actual             Date Needed for the Requirement. 

Date Needed This field is necessary if "Priority" and "Based On" above were left blank or if a "Priority" was selected and the "Based On" was "Date Below.
Add course even if previously taken
The user should check this box if adding this requirement to all students even if they have previously completed it is necessary. Leave it unchecked if it only needs to be added to students in the selected group who have not yet taken it.
Save and add another? The user should check this box if there are additional requirements or even other types of records that need to be added to this specific group of students. This will save the user from having to go through the Finding Students portion of this process again.


Click the Save Changes  icon to complete the process.


If Save and add another was checked, the scree will refresh and present the Mass Add fields above again. At this point the user can select another requirement, or change the Mass Add type to one of the other options as described below. 



Mass Adding Courses Taken:

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When Courses Taken is selected from the Type drop-down list, the user will see this view:






This field displays the type "Courses Taken" which was already selected. This controls the fields that will display on the rest of the page. If this is not the desired "type" of Mass Add, the user can click the pull-down to select from the other choices.

 Course Name or Course List This field displays a different view depending on which radio button is selected.  Course Name displays the ability to select one course at a time whereas Course List allows for the selection of multiple courses to be added to the selected students at one time. 
Show Active Courses Only Checking this box means that only active courses will appear in the following "Name" pull-down menu. This is as determined in the Course File > Main Page > General Tab - Active Field.

Select the desired Course from the drop-down list. Courses listed here are specific to the company selected. This is a required field. 


NOTE: If the course selected has renewal information set to something different than the Priority selected below, that information remains with the course for the next time the course needs to be completed, if the "Add next recurring Requirement" is checked. That means once the requirement is completed the first time, all subsequent renewals will be based on the renewal information in the course itself.

Date Needed This field allows the user to specify a date by when the selected students should have completed the course. It is not required.
Date Completed

This required field indicates the date on which the selected students did complete the selected course.

Grade  The user must select the appropriate grade achieved from the drop-down list. The grades presented are dependent on the Grade Type determined in the Course File > Main Page > General tab. 
Save and add another? The user should check this box if there are additional courses taken or even other types of records that need to be added to this specific group of students. This will save the user from having to go through the Finding Students portion of this process again.


Mass Adding Programs:

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When Programs is selected from the Type drop-down list, the user will see this view:


Depending on which radio button is selected, one will either see a New Program (Left Image) or Completed Program (Right Image)





 Mass Add Type

This field displays the type "Programs" which was already selected. This controls the fields that will display on the rest of the page. If this is not the desired "type" of Mass Add, the user can click the pull-down to select from the other choices.

 Show Active Courses Only  Checking this box means that only active courses will appear in the following " Program Name" pull-down menu. This is as determined in the Course File > Main Page > General Tab - Active Field.
 Program Name * 

Select the desired Program from the drop-down list. Programs listed here are specific to the company selected. This is a required field. 

Date Added

This required field is needed for New Programs.  When adding a new program, courses in the program will be added to the students as requirements (unless the requirement is already listed or has been completed).

Date Completed

This required field is needed for Completed Programs.  When adding a completed program, courses in the program will be added to the students as courses taken.

Based On

This required field is needed for New Programs.

It has one of three (3) values to select from:

 - Date Below - When this is selected a required Date field displays. The Date entered here is what the Date Needed value will be for new requirements. 

- Hire Date - When this is selected, a required Priority field displays.  The Date calculation is what the Date Needed value will be for new requirements.

- Primary Job Start Date - When this is selected, a required Priority field displays.  The Date calculation is what the Date Needed value will be for new requirements.

Priority * 

This is required when the Based On value equals 'Hire Date' or 'Primary Job Start Date'.  It pulls codes from the Admin > Codes > Requirement Priority code table.  Example - Within 30 Days could be a priority.  Thus it takes the Hire Date/Primary Job Start Date and adds 30 days to that to create the Date Needed. 

Save and add another? Check this box if there are additional programs or even other types of records that need to be added to this specific group of students. This will save the user from having to go through the Finding Students portion of this process again.


Mass Adding Credentials:

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When Credentials is selected from the Type drop-down list the user will see this view:





This field displays the type "Credentials" which was already selected. This controls the fields that will display on the rest of the page. If this is not the desired "type" of Mass Add, the user can click the pull-down to select from the other choices.


Select the desired Credential from the drop-down list. Credentials listed here are specific to the company selected. This is a required field. 

Date Attained

This field is for the date the students attained/completed the credential. 

Save and add another? Check this box if there are additional credentials or even other types of records that need to be added to this specific group of students. This will save the user from having to go through the Finding Students portion of this process again.


See also