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Tuition Assistance - Student

Home Page > My Record > Tuition Assistance

The Tuition Assistance section is where Students (Employees) can go to see what tuition assistance allowance amounts, what classes have been taken and paid for by the company, what tuition assistance requests are pending, etc...  Security permissions for this section of the Student Home Page is determined in the Security > Home Page setup.

What is displayed in this section?
How do I add a class request for tuition assistance?
How do I complete a class for tuition reimbursement?
How do I see the details of a class?
What else do I need to know about tuition assistance?

What is displayed in this section?

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The Instruction bar at the top of the page is collapsible.  This message is used to help understand what actions can happen from this section of the system or any other messages that need to be displayed.  If you understand the instructions/messages and do not wish to see them anymore, you can collapse this section, freeing up some space on the page. 

The columns of information displayed in the 'Tuition Assistance' section is to help you identify each tuition assistance record listed.  To track each course request with reimbursement, look to the Status and Paid Date columns. 

Let's look at the example above to help you understand how this page might look.  In this above example, let’s say the you was accepted into the tuition assistance program. (NOTE: Most of the time you need to be accepted into your organization's tuition assistance program before you can start using this area of the system. Understand your company's policies and procedures before you start.) There are five classes you need to attend and complete for the certification.  Currently, you have completed two classes (with one pending approval for payment), you are currently taking the third class and have requested the next class.  The table orders the requests by the Request Date so the historical information is at the top with the more recent information at the bottom.  

To see only the requests for the current year, check the Show current year only checkbox.  Notice at the bottom of the page, there is some information about the tuition assistance Yearly Max, what has been Used to Date and what is Remaining.   Additionally if there are Eligibility criteria for getting into the program, it will be listed here.  The Calendar Basis and Plan Year Start Date indicate when the Yearly Max starts over. 

Column Name  What the Information Is Actions Available 
Request Date The column indicates the date the tuition assistance was requested.  The column is sortable by clicking on the 'Request Date' link. Additionally, you can sort by ascending/descending order. 
Provider The column indicates who is providing the training class. The column is sortable by clicking on the 'Provider' link. Additionally, you can sort by ascending/descending order. 
Class Name The training class name is displayed here. The column is sortable by clicking on the 'Name' link. Additionally, you can sort by ascending/descending order.
Dates The column displays the date range (start date and end date) for how long it is going to take to complete this training class. N/A
Amounts The column displays the amount of the class is going to cost. This is basically the cost that the tuition reimbursement request and will be consider and approved or disapproved.
Status This is overall status of where the student is with the tuition assistance request for the training class entered. 

There are few statuses you can see here:

  • Pending Approval - This status is the initial status for tuition assistance approval requests.  It kicks off the approval process.
  • In Progress - This status is what the request gets when the tuition assistance request has been approved.  It will remain at this status until you have the information to complete the class for re-imbursement.
  • Complete - Once you enter the information to indicate that it is complete, this is the final status for the training class and it kicks off the second approval process for reimbursement which is tracked and seen in the 'Paid Date' column.
  • Approval Denied - If the approval for the tuition assistance is not approved, this is the status you will see.   
Paid Date This column is blank until the tuition assistance request for training class has the status of 'Complete.'  Then this column indicates where you are in progress of getting the reimbursement.'

There are few statuses you can see here:

  • Pending Pay Approval - This status is the initial status for reimbursement approval process.  It is kicked off when you enter the information to complete the training class. 
  • Pay Approved - This status is what the request gets when the reimbursement request has been approved.  It will remain at this status until the 'Paid Date' is entered by the appropriate person.
  • Paid Date - This is the date the training class was reimbursed.
  • Pay Approval Denied - If the approval for the reimbursement is not approved, this is the status you will see.   

How do I add a class request for tuition assistance?

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Before adding a tuition assistance request for a training class, it is important to understand your organization's guidelines with tuition assistance program so that you can use Cyber Train in compliance with company procedures.  Typically, the instructions in this area, as well as when you are adding a request, help you to understand what is needed and what your company is looking for you to give them.  

Once you understand the guidelines and what is needed, click the 'Add new record' link at the top left-hand side of the table.   There are up to three (3) tabs of information to fill in as need by the organization.
  1. General Tab - This is where the majority of the information needed for the tuition assistance request is added.  This tab is standard in Cyber Train meaning that your organization cannot change, delete or add fields to this tab.
  2. Miscellaneous Tab - If your organization has specific/custom fields needed to be filled in that is not covered by the standard fields in the General Tab, you will need to fill out information here.
  3. Attachments Tab - This is the tab where you will need to download/attach all supporting documentation for the tuition assistance request (training class information, how grading will work, receipt for payment, etc...)

Here is an example of what a tuition assistance request could look like:

Column Name  What the Information Is Actions Available 
Request Date Defaults in Today's Date as the request date. It can be changed as needed. N/A
Class Name  Enter the name of the training class you want tuition assistance for in this field. N/A
Provider Enter the name of the vendor, college and/or company who is providing this training class. N/A
Start Date Enter the date the training class is scheduled to start.  N/A
End Date Enter the date the training class is scheduled to end. N/A
Cost Enter the amount this training class costs. This is the cost that will be evaluated for reimbursement later.
Job Related This No/Yes field is to help the approvers to know if this request is related to your job or not. N/A
Reason This open text field is where you can enter any addition information you want the approvers to consider when approving your tuition assistance request.  This is also a great place to enter information if your request is not job related. N/A

How do I complete a class for tuition reimbursement?

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Before completing the training class information, be sure you know what your organization is looking for to give you credit for the training class so that you can get your tuition assistance reimbursement.  Typically, the instructions in this area helps you to understand what is needed but it is good to know the guidelines too.  

When you are ready, click the 'In Progress' hyperlink in the 'Status' column to complete the training class. 
  1. Complete Date - This date is defaulted in upon clicking the 'In Progress' hyperlink.  If it needs to be changed, you can.
  2. Grade - Enter the correct grade as given by the instructor for the class.
  3. Attachment Tab - Enter the attachments needed by your organization to give you credit for the class.

Upon completion of the Complete Date and Grade you will kick off the approval process for your tuition reimbursement on the training class. 

How do I see the details of a class?

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If you want to see more information about a class request, click on the Pencil icon to the left of the class name in the table.  The Pencil icon is an edit icon and it opens a Read-Only view of the class request.

What else do I need to know about tuition assistance?

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This section creates approval messages in the Messages section for  your manager and/or training administrator located in the left-hand menu bar of the Home Page.  You will not see this in your view but each request you make will start an approval process.

Additionally, if the Alerts feature setup for reminder tuition assistance requests, automated reminder emails might be sent out to your manager, and/or training administrator should they not have approved the request within a timely manner.

See also