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Mass Delete Records

The Mass Delete Records menu item of Admin > Processes allows a User the ability to delete Requirements, Courses Taken, Programs or Credentials from a selected group of students in one action. This process CANNOT be undone. Visibility Software recommends your IT team doing a backup of the SQL database before taking this action. If your system is hosted by VS, please let us know and we can assist. However, if records are incorrectly deleted, you may be able to use the Admin > Processes > Mass Add Records to correct the error. 


Begin the process by going to Admin > Processes > Mass Delete Records.


Finding Students
Select the Mass Delete Type
Mass Deleting Requirements
Mass Deleting Courses Taken
Mass Deleting Programs
Mass Deleting Credentials

Finding Student(s):

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The first screen presented is used to begin the process for selecting the students to update. Please note, the additional fields on the right side of the page only appear after selecting a company in the Company pull-down list. The Company also controls the Organization Level Names and those Listed as well as the Job Titles displayed. In our example below, Visibility Software has 4 (of a possible 5) Organization Levels named, so only 4 display. This will vary by company depending on the Organizational Levels named under Admin > Codes > Companies. 




Determine the criteria using the options on this page to find the necessary students. Typically, for a Mass Delete, most of the options on the left side of the screen (Last Name, First Name, Email, Student ID and Employee #, with the exception of the student Type) would narrow this to one student and typically would not be used for a Mass Delete. For that reason, of the fields on the left only the Student Type field is described below with the other options that appear on the right side. Once the criteria have been selected on this page, click the Find button to continue the process.


Type This field searches for students by Student Type. It looks to the information in the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Student Type field. The Student Type codes are set under Admin > Codes > Student Type.
Company This field searches for students by Company. It pulls the information from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Company Field. It also controls the up to five fields for organizational levels listed below, before the Job Code field.
Org Levels 1-5 These fields search for students by Organizational Level Codes. Depending on the number of organizational levels a company is using and what they have been named, these fields will vary. They pull the information from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Organization Info - Primary record only.  Selecting items from more than one level means that the student must have all items selected to appear in the list.
Job Title This field searches for students by Job Title. It pulls the information from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Job Info Table - Primary Job record only. Selecting job codes in conjunction with other criteria such as Org Levels will limit the students based on all those selections.
Hire Date Range This field searches for students by Hire Date. It pulls the information from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Hire Date Field. Selecting this field in conjunction with other criteria such as Org Levels and Job Codes, will limit the results based on all the selections.
Job Date Range This field searches for students by Job Date. It pulls the information from the Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Primary Job Start Date Field. Selecting this field in conjunction with other criteria such as Org Levels and Job Codes, will limit the results based on all the selections.
Search Active Only This box will default to being unchecked to include all students, Active or Inactive in the search. If for some reason, you wish to exclude Inactive (typically terminated employees) in the search based on the other criteria selected, check this box.



Clicking the Find button will bring up a list of the students that match the criteria. At this point the user may check the boxes in front of the individual names to select specific students or check the box in the table header (next to Name) to select All.

In this example the user is selecting only some of the students that were returned.



 Clickto move to the next step.


Select the Mass Delete Type:

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The next selection required is for the Type of curriculum record you want to delete from the students selected. These include:


Requirements (i.e. courses that need to be completed by the students listed) - this deletes courses from the Student File > Activity Page > Requirements tab.


Courses Taken (i.e. historical courses completed by the students listed) - this deletes courses from the Student File > Activity Page > Courses Taken tab.


Programs (i.e. a collection of courses the students listed must complete or have completed) - this deletes Programs from the Student File > Activity Page > Programs tab and any associated course Requirements from the Student File > Activity Page > Requirements tab.


Credentials (i.e. licenses, certifications, registrations, etc. that students listed have attained) - this deletes Credentials from the Student File > Activity Page > Credentials tab.


Depending on the option chosen from the list above for Requirements, Courses Taken, Programs, or Credentials, the fields displayed on the page will display the Type and the Name field. From the Name field choose the specific Requirement, Course Taken, Program or Credential to delete.


Mass Deleting Requirements:

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When Requirements is selected from the Type drop-down list: the user will see this view:




This field displays the type "Requirements" which was already selected. This controls the fields that will display on the rest of the page. If this is not the desired "type" of Mass Add, the user can click the pull-down to select from the other choices.


This field indicates the Requirement to be deleted from the selected students.

Warning Message (in orange) This message is to remind the user that the course/requirement may have other connections which could mean it will be re-added to the student based on other actions. It also indicates that any courses that are listed as prerequisites for this course and therefore are part of the student requirements, will also be deleted with this requirement.


Click the Save Changes  icon to complete the process.



Mass Deleting Courses Taken:

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When Courses Taken is selected from the Type drop-down list, the user will see this view:





This field displays the type "Courses Taken" which was already selected. This controls the fields that will display on the rest of the page. If this is not the desired "type" of Mass Add, the user can click the pull-down to select from the other choices.


Select the desired Course from the drop-down list. Courses listed here are specific to the company selected. This is a required field. 


Mass Deleting Programs:

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When Programs is selected from the Type drop-down list, the user will see this view:






This field displays the type "Programs" which was already selected. This controls the fields that will display on the rest of the page. If this is not the desired "type" of Mass Add, the user can click the pull-down to select from the other choices.


Select the desired Program from the drop-down list. Programs listed here are specific to the company selected. This is a required field. 


NOTE: When mass deleting programs, in addition to the program, this will delete all courses required/outstanding that are associated with this program. 

Mass Deleting Credentials:

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When Credentials is selected from the Type drop-down list the user will see this view:





This field displays the type "Credentials" which was already selected. This controls the fields that will display on the rest of the page. If this is not the desired "type" of Mass Add, the user can click the pull-down to select from the other choices.


Select the desired Credential from the drop-down list. Credentials listed here are specific to the company selected. This is a required field. 


See also