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Create Classes

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From where do I add a class?

Add an Instructor Led Class (ILC)
Add an On-Demand Training (ODT) Class
Add a SCORM/AICC Classes
Add an On-the-Job Training (OJT) Classes

Add an External Classes

From where do I add a class?

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There are several places in the system where one can add a class. 


(1) From the Main Menu Bar - Classes > Add Class - for this one, the user needs to have group security permissions.

(2) From Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog - Create 

Add an Instructor Led Class (ILC)

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At this step of the process, select the company or companies who will utilize this class.  Highlight the company name on the selection list, if you want to select more than one hold the CTRL key down.  Click the Cancel Button to abort the process or the Continue Button to add the class.


Step 2: Add Class Details

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There are several tabs that make up the class details.  Take a look below.

General Tab

The General Tab contains the majority of the course information which is copied over when creating a class.


Select the Name from the drop-down list. Upon selecting a course, the page refreshes and pre-fills fields that are already populated in with the course file like: Grade Type, Training Admin, Hours, CEU, Credits, Fee, and Description can be pre-filled at this point. Determine the Status of the class as well. Typically, when you open a class the Status is equal to Open.

By default the class is a regular class (non-ODT). If the class should be an ODT, check the On-Demand checkbox. Clicking the checkbox changes the options on the Location/Schedule Tab and removes the Approvers Tab as there is no approval process for ODTs. Nothing changes on the General Tab if that checkbox is marked or not.

The Grade Type field determines the kind of grades that can be given at the end of the class. Select Yes to Enable Survey if the survey should be available for this class. The Instructor is not pre-filled, so at this point select it from the drop-down list. When all the information is entered, then go to the next tab to enter more information as needed.

The Location/Schedule Tab is where additional class information can be entered. This page looks different depending on whether this is a regular class (non-ODT) or an ODT.

Regular Classes have all fields available to enter input as needed.

Select a Location from the drop-down list. If there is a capacity tied to the location in the background, the Capacity field populates as well. The Start Date is required with regular classes and it suggested entering an End Date and Enrollment Ends. All the dates pull into messages and triggers on the Home Page. The Enrollment Ends Date pulls the class from any Home Page list to enroll if the date is in the past.

Start Time, End Time and Time Zone fields help students to know when the class is. If there is a conference number for the group to call into list it in the Audio Number. Additionally if there is a website link for the group to join, use the Meeting ID and Web Connection to provide this information. Typically, the Meeting ID would be like an access code necessary to join the group via the phone and/or website link. The Web Connection is the actual link to click and join.


On-Demand Training Classes are PowerPoints and/or webinars where the students can do the learning on their own. ODTs don’t require as many fields so when the On-Demand checkbox is checked on the General Tab, certain fields are grayed out on the Location/Schedule Tab.

The only fields necessary on this tab are the Audio Number, Meeting ID and Web Connection/Browse Content.

If the ODT is strictly a PowerPoint or webinar for the student to watch, the Audio Number and Meeting ID might not be necessary. If the company has the ability to put their content in a linkable format, select the radio button Web Connection and enter the address in the open text box. If the company does not have this ability, the content can be pre-loaded in admin. Select the Browse Content radio button where the media can be selected from the drop-down list.


The Misc Tab contains additional fields of information. If this information was entered in the course file, it will pre-fill here.

This tab looks the same regardless if the class is regular or ODT.


The Approvers Tab allows for setup of approval levels. This tab is not available for On-Demand Training (ODT) webinars.

The Approvers default in here if the course file contained suggested approvers. It is easy to change or add more as needed. There are options where selection a specific user name is available or a role:

- Manager pulls the name of the student’s manager when registering for the class
- Secondary Approver pulls the name of the student’s secondary approver when registering for the class
- Training Admin pulls the name of the person listed on the General Tab of class file

The Order number is the order in which the approvers receive their approval request for the class enrollment. If the Order number is the same for more than one approver, then all approvers at that level get the approval request at the same time.
Check the checkbox for Notification Only if the approver should not be actually approving the request rather just needs to get an email notification the student is enrolling.

When all the information on these tabs and this page are completed, click the Continue button.


The Class Sessions Page allows for multiple sessions if needed.

Class Sessions allows for different segments of a class. For example, if a class is month long and only meets on Mondays, then the sessions could be all the Mondays it meets. Or if the class is a one day class and different topics/speakers happen at different times that can be broken down too. All details of the class sessions can be entered into the Description section and/or Location Details as needed. To add a session, click the Add new record. To edit an existing session click the Pencil Icon and to delete a class session, click the Red X Icon.


The Class Costs Page allows costs to be entered and tracked as needed.

Class Costs allows for tracking of specific class costs. For example, if materials, location, travel, etc… To add a cost, click the Add new record. To edit an existing cost click the Pencil Icon and to delete a cost, click the Red X Icon. At the bottom of the page there has a running total of all costs entered.


The Student Enrollment Page concludes the Add Class process or allows for student enrollment if any are listed.

One of two (2) actions can happen here. If there are no students listed who need this class or it is the company’s culture to not force enrollment, click the Finish Button to complete the process. If there are students listed and it is the company’s culture to enroll students when new classes become available, then the options at the bottom are used.

First select the students to enroll either individually with the checkbox in front of the name or as group by clicking the checkbox in the header to Select All or click it again to De-Select All. NOTE: If there are more students checked than the Capacity allows, then the first ones in the list up to the capacity will make it into the class. The rest of the students are waitlisted. At the bottom of the page select the Enrollment Status from the drop-down list. Check the checkbox to Send New Enrollment Email to send the student an email confirmation. If there is an approval process, check the checkbox for Enable Approval Process.

NOTE: Depending on how the Send New Enrollment Email is worded, sending out the email when the approval request needs to be first may or may not be what is needed at this time. Typically, if an approval request is needed first, this checkbox is solely checked with an Enrollment Status of In Progress (or something similar). If an approval request is not needed, then the email checkbox is solely checked with an Enrollment Status of Enrolled.

See also