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Data Sources List

Data Sources are the starting point of any report.  These sources are NOT individual SQL tables.  They are views within the SQL database which have been custom formatted to allow for simplicity of linking between tables as well as reporting on items which are not already in the table.  Often only one source is needed, even though it is pulling from more than one screen in the system. 

The Sources in BLUE are the ones that are used most often the ones in GREEN are related more to Admin information.

Source Name Information from which Screen/Area 
 View_Certification  Admin > Credential Information (Not by Company)
 View_Class  Class Details
 View_ClassAttachments   Class Details and Class Attachments
 View_ClassCosts   Class Details and Class Costs 
 View_ClassHistory  Class Details and Class History 
 View_ClassNotes  Class Details and Class Notes 
 View_ClassRoster  Class Details and Student Demographics for those students connected to the class. (This is a combination of the following tables - Classes, Course, ClassEnrollments, Student, Companies, Login, & CodeTables)
 View_CodeTable   Admin > Codes
 View_Companies   Admin > Codes > Companies
 View_Course   Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog (Not by Company)
 View_CourseList  Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog (Not by Company)
 View_CourseCompanies   Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog (By Company) - Use when you have multiple companies & enterprise level.
 View_CourseTest   Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog > Course File > Course Test
 View_Credential   Admin > Credential Information (Not by Company)
 View_CredentialCompanies   Admin > Curriculum > Credentials (By Company) - Use when you have multiple companies & enterprise level.
 View_CredentialItems   Admin > Curriculum > Credentials Details (Attached Requirements & Programs)
 View_EmailLog  Admin > Logs > Email Log
 View_ErrorLog   Admin > Logs > Error Log
 View_JobCodes   Admin > Codes > Job Codes
 View_JobCodeRequirements   Admin > Codes > Job Codes (Includes Company and Program Information)
 View_Login   Admin > Security > Users
 View_OrgCodesRequirements   Admin > Codes > Organization Codes (Includes Company and Program Information)
 View_Program  Admin > Curriculum > Program (Not by Company)
 View_ProgramCompanies   Admin > Curriculum > Programs (By Company) - Use when you have multiple companies & enterprise level.
 View_ProgramCourses   Admin > Curriculum > Programs (Attached Requirements)
 View_Student  Student Demographics
 View_StudentAttachments  Student Demographics and Student Attachments
 View_StudentCertifications  Student Demographics and Activity > Credentials
 View_StudentClassApprovals  Student Demographics and outstanding approvals for any class
 View_StudentCoursesNeeded  Student Demographics and Activity > Requirements
 View_StudentCoursesNeededOJT  Student Demographics and Activity > Requirements with OJT
 View_StudentCoursesTaken  Student Demographics and Activity > Course History
 View_StudentCoursesTakenOJT  Student Demographics and Activity > Course History with OJT
 View_StudentEval  Student Demographics and evaluations from classes from Activity > Class Enrollments
 View_StudentExternalClasses    Student Demographics and External Classes
 View_StudentFormalEducation  Student Demographics and Formal Education
 View_StudentHistory   Student Demographics and Student History
 View_StudentNotes  Student Demographics and Student Notes
 View_StudentOptOutApprovals  Student Demographics and Details related to the Approval
 View_StudentOptOutRequests  Student Demographics and Details related to the Request (No Approval Yet)
 View_StudentPrograms  Student Demographics and Activity > Programs

 View_StudentsRequirementsCourses Taken 

 Student Demographics and Activity > Requirements & Courses Taken
 View_StudentSCORM  Student Demographics and SCORM Activity
 View_StudentTests  Student Demographics and tests for classes on Activity > Class Enrollment
 View_StudentTuitionAssistance  Student Demographics and Tuition Assistance

See also