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Student Detail

Admin > Page Builder > Students > Student Details

General Tab

This section controls the various data labels through the system.   

User View:
- These fields are not available for Users

Student/Manager View:
- These fields are not available for Managers/Students to see

Currently the fields that allow for different captions are 'Skills' and 'Skill Categories'.  


Miscellaneous Tab

This section controls the "Miscellaneous" section of the Student File. This area allows you to capture and track fields of information that are needed in addition to the standard fields available. 

User View: 
- Student File > Miscellaneous Page 
- Class File > Class Details Page > Miscellaneous Tab 

Student/Manager View:
- These fields are not available for Managers/Students to see 

The very first field on this page controls the name Miscellaneous Tab as you want it to read on daily basis. If this fields is left blank, then the default name of Miscellaneous Tab will reads "Misc"; otherwise, the name entered here is displayed. 

Each of the twenty (20) fields available can be in a fill-in the blank or a drop-down format. All fields are stored in the database as a 'character' field even if numbers or dates are entered. To activate a misc field, typing a name into the field as it should be displayed. To make the field appear as a drop-down, check the box next to the caption. Once the page is saved, the name given to the misc field is displayed under the Admin > Codes > Miscellaneous > Students so codes and descriptive values can be entered.

Requirements Tab

This text box controls the wording or instructions that displays on the Home Page > My Records > Requirements and Student file > Activity Page > Requirements Tab.  Typically these instructions are more for the students and indicate how to register for a class via the requirements tab. 

Example Instructions:
Training requirements listed here are mandatory based on position, organizational level or as deemed necessary.

To fulfill a training requirement, click on the Search link to either Register for the class or Launch an On-Demand Training (ODT). Depending, there might be an approval process for the enrollment request. If there is an approval process the status here reads Pending Approval until the process is done. Expect to receive emails throughout the process as each approver makes his/her decision. Upon approval of the enrollment request, the status reads Enrolled.

To read the training requirement description, hover over the Magnify Glass Icon and the description pops up. If there are attachments associated with the requirement, a File Cabinet Icon appears. Hover over this icon to get a list of the attachments. From this list, click on the desired attachment to open it up.

If a training requirement has been met through other avenues, click the Opt-Out link to request an opt-out of the requirement. Or if it should be listed here and is not, be sure to contact your manager or the appropriate person(s) as necessary.

Opt Out Tab

This text box controls the wording or instructions that displays on the Home Page > My Records > Requirements for the Opt-Out Request Column and Student file > Activity Page > Requirements Tab for the Opt-Out Request Column.  Typically these instructions are more for the students and indicate how to enter a request to opt-out of a training requirement.

Example Instructions:
Enter the reason as to why you are requesting an opt-out for this training requirement. If you have supporting documentation, use the Select button to pull in the information from the server or computer. If you have multiple documents, use the Add button to create more lines.

Click Save Changes Icon at the top of the page in the banner to complete your request or the Cancel Icon next to it to cancel your request.

Upon submitting your request, it will go through an approval process. This process could take up to three (3) days and can be tracked via this section. If it has been longer than three (3) days, please contact your manager.

Enrollment Tab

This text box controls the wording or instructions that displays on the Home Page > My Records > Classes and Student file > Activity Page > Class Enrollment Tab.  Typically these instructions are more for the students and indicate how to complete a class test or submit a class survey.

Example Instructions:
This section contains all class enrollments. To filter the view and only see what is current and not what is completed, check the Hide Complete checkbox at the top right of the table. This hides all completed classes. Use the Magnify Glass Icon to see the class description.

If you have completed a class and there is a Test Icon in the Test Column, click on it to take the test. There are two options within the test - Save Answers and Submit Test Buttons. Click the Submit Test button when you are sure you have the test fully completed. Additionally, if you have completed a class and there is a Paper w/ Pencil Icon in the Survey Column, click on it to complete the class survey.

Courses Taken Tab

This text box controls the wording or instructions that displays on the Home Page > My Records > History and Student file > Activity Page > Course Taken Tab. Typically these instructions are more for the students and indicate how to add a completed course or how to review completed training requirements depending on the setup.

Example Instructions:
Successfully completed requirements are listed here. If something does not look right, please contact your manager.

To see additional information about the requirement description hover over the Magnify Glass Icon in the Description Column. Click on the number listed in the Test Column to review the submitted test or the Green Checkmark Icon to reivew the submitted survey. 

Programs Tab

This text box controls the wording or instructions that displays on the Home Page > My Records > Programs and Student file > Activity Page > Programs Tab. Typically these instructions are more for the students and indicate how to review where the student is 'In Progress' of completing a program.

Example Instructions:
To see additional information about the program hover over the Magnify Glass Icon in the Description Column.

The Progress Column indicates how far along you are in the program. To see what is still needed to take and what has been completed, click on the Pencil Icon.

Credentials Tab

This text box controls the wording or instructions that displays on the Home Page > My Records > Credentials and Student file > Activity Page > Credentials Tab. Typically these instructions are more for the students and indicate how to add a completed credentials requests. 

Example Instructions:
Credentials are considered Certifications, Registrations, Licenses, and other items of importance.

To read the credential description, hover over the Magnify Glass Icon and the description pops up. If there are attachments associated with the requirement, a File Cabinet Icon appears. Hover over this icon to get a list of the attachments. From the attachment list, click the desired attachment to open it up.

To submit a credential request, click Add New Record link located at the top left-hand side of the table. Upon submitting your request, it will go through an approval process and the status reads Pending Approval. Upon approval of the request, the status reads Approved. When the credential has been obtained, the status reads Complete and the Date Attained is filled.


Skills Tab 

This text box controls the wording or instructions that displays on the Home Page > My Records > Skills and Student file > Activity Page > SkillsTab. Typically these messages are for the students to gain more clarity of this section.  

Example Instructions:
Below are obtained skills via different completed training requirements.  

To see more information about the skill, the skill level or how it was obtained, hover over the skill level icon.  

See also