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Automatic Emails

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Some emails in the system are automatically triggered based on actions being taken. 


Email Type: Test Answers

When: When the "Submit" button on the test page is pressed.

Who: The user designated as the "Instructor" and the "Training Admin" both receive an email which includes the student, the name of the class, the test questions and the student answers.

Additional Notes: If the class is an On-Demand class (the box is checked on the class) and ALL of the questions are drop-down options then the passing score, student score and grade will also be included in the email.

Content can be Modified:  No. This is a hard-coded email and cannot be edited in Correspondence Templates

Trigger can be Modified: No. This is a hard-coded action and will always go to the "Instructor" and the "Training Admin" of the class. 


See also