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Student Request

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In the Students section of Page Builder users can specify defaults, update the instructions, add approval processes as needed, and for some pages add miscellaneous fields to the forms for different requests or to the Student Info pages. Most of the listed pages below can be setup with Company specific instructions for those with Enterprise Licenses and more than one company.


NOTE: Instructions on these pages appear to users, students and managers. This should be considered when developing the instructions.

Courses Taken Requests

Company specific instructions for students to request adding historical course taken information into the system can be specified here. An approval process can be put in place before the record is added to the student record. 

Credential Requests
Company specific defaults, instructions, miscellaneous fields and approval process can be configured here for allowing students to add their credentials into the system.

External Classes
Company specific instructions, miscellaneous fields and the approval process for adding external class requests (before and after completion) can be designated here.

Student Detail
Global miscellaneous fields can be detailed here to capture additional information about the students. There are up to 20 misc. fields any of which can be open text fields or drop-downs. Additionally, global instructions for the standard student pages can be updated here.

Tuition Assistance

Company specific defaults, maximum annual payment amounts, instructions for the initial tuition assistance request and for the completion/reimbursement payment request, as well as the necessary approval processes for each can be set up here. 


See also