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Content Management

Page Location: Admin > Curriculum > Content Management



What is Content Management?
How do I Add Content?
How do I Edit Content? 

The Content Management sections allows for various types of documents and files to be uploaded and used various classes as needed.  Depending on the version of Cyber Train, the options could look different here.  OpenSesame and SCORM options are available only in the Enterprise Level.  


The list of content cues up here and it listed in the an alphabetical order by Description name.  To filter the page down to see content only by Company use the drop-down option above the table on the left-hand side that reads 'All Companies'.  The other filter option applies to SCORM where the page can be filtered to see non-SCORM or SCORM content options by using the checkboxes above the table on the right-hand side. 


NOTE:  In IE 11 (potentially IE 10) run in 'Compatibility' to see content.  In IE, Click on 'Tools' and select 'Compatibility View Settings'.  Add website link (example - to the list of website which should run in compatibility view so that one doesn ot have to toggle into the right mode each time one is using this site. 


Field  Purpose 


This pencil icon allows the user to open the content record for the purpose of changing information as needed including the option to upload a new content file to this record is needed.



This field pulls what is typed into the Description field upon adding the content to the system.  It is a hyperlink to the content and can be clicked to view the content here outside taking a class.  


NOTE: the Description should be reflective of the content name because this is how users will see and select it when adding it to a class. 



This field indicates the file extension of the file added in the system. Available file type options to add are the following:



If the file type needed for the content it not listed,


(1) Load it directly to the Cyber Train's content folder on the server

      - Example:

      - Then this can be added to the class directly via the option to use Web Content instead of Browse Content


(2) Put it in a location where the same thing can happen outside of the content folder but another location accessible for use.  Places that can hold content (outside of Cyber Train) would be like: YouTube or Vimeo.


This indicates the size of the content record loaded. The webconfig for Cyber Train can hold up to 300 MB. 


Other Considerations:

(1) If the content management section starts to get on the larger size, consider the amount of space allowed on the server because it takes up room and this could cause slowness.

(2) If the videos start to get slow for employees, consider the bandwidth.  Bandwidth vary greatly, even from moment to moment.       - Factors that affect it:

      - Internet traffic (speed generally decreases as volume increases)
      - Noise on data lines
      - The size(s) of file(s)
      - The number of file(s)
      - The demand load on the server at same time
      - Even thunderstorm activity



This indicator of YES/NO helps to identify the SCORM training packages from the non-SCORM training packages.  AICC training packages are included in the YES flag.  (Enterprise Only allows for SCORM / AICC training packages).   

Last Updated


This fields helps keep track of the last time the content record was updated if the practice of the organization is to upload newer materials to the same record.  



This column is available in the Enterprise version of Cyber Train and works with SCORM content.  Thus, if SCORM is not enabled, then the column will not display here.   If the content uploaded is a SCORM (.zip file) then a 'Course' link displays so that one can connect an existing course or create a new one.  If the content uploaded is non-SCORM (anything other than a .zip file) then an N/A displays in the column. 


NOTE: If you accidently connect a course to a non-SCORM content (fixed in v6.0 but created in v5.2.2) then contact product support for assistance to disconnect it. 

How do I Add Content?

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To add content, click the Add new record link at the top right-hand side of the table.   The first decision to make when adding content is whether the content is non-SCORM or SCORM.  This is only available at the Enterprise level, thus if one is on the Professional or Express version, this option will not be here and the 'Add Content' page acts as if non-SCORM content is being added.


This is an example of the non-SCORM training content to add.

This is an example of SCORM / AICC training content to add. (Note: Want to learn more about SCORM Content?)

Field  Purpose 


This radio button is only available when the SCORM feature is enabled.  When the option is available, select the appropriate type of content one is adding to the system so that the page is updated with the right fields.



 This is the date the content is added to the system.



This field pulls what is typed into the Description field upon adding the content to the system.  It is a hyperlink to the content and can be clicked to view the content here outside taking a class.  


NOTE: the Description should be reflective of the content name because this is how users will see and select it when adding it to a class. 



This is additional information as needed about the content management record being added. 



This field uploads the content to the system.  Available file type options to add are the following:



If the file type needed for the content it not listed,


(1) Load it directly to the Cyber Train's content folder on the server

      - Example:

      - Then this can be added to the class directly via the option to use Web Content instead of Browse Content


(2) Put it in a location where the same thing can happen outside of the content folder but another location accessible for use.  Places that can hold content (outside of Cyber Train) would be like: YouTube or Vimeo.



This field is only available when the SCORM option is selected in the first field.  For the SCORM training package to work in Cyber Train, it needs to be tied to an existing course in the course catalog.  If the course is not in the system yet, the field can be left blank at this point.  However, once the course is tied to the file, the training package is uploaded to the Cloud and they can not be separated.

How do I Edit Content?

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To edit a content record that is already created in this section, click the Edit option (Pencil Icon).  Some things in this page cannot be updated or changed but the fields that can are as follows: Description, Note and Attachment.  
If the content record is SCORM / AICC, the course is not something that can be changed nor company.  If the training file here came over from OpenSesame or was added previously without a course attached, the field will be enabled here for one to tie the course to the content.  Only when the course and content are tied together does the training upload to the SCORM Cloud.  It is for that reason the course field is not updateable once that happens.
The only way to separate the course from the the training package would be to delete the course.  If this course has been used, it is not recommended to delete it as the information is held in the SCORM Cloud of who and when took this training.  If the record is deleted, that information is lost in student file and class file views though it will remain in the database.  Rather it is recommended that to inactive the course and close the class and open a new course/class and upload the new SCORM / AICC training package. 


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What is the default max file size?
The default size is 4 MB but one can increase the max file size is 2 GB.  This really depends on one's bandwidth.  It makes all the difference among a quick upload, a 10-minute upload or the content not being able to load at all.    

What do I do if the file type I want to add is not listed as an acceptable type?

Load the file directly to the server where the Cyber Trian content folder is located.  IT might need to help with this effort.  Once content is loaded, take the URL and manually add it to the Class File > Class Details Page > Location / Schedule / Content Tab - Web Connection field.  Example: 

Why are my employees unable to watch the videos?

There are several reason that this might be.  Always test to see if this is true across the board for all content or just a particular package as well as is this true for all students or just the one.  This will help to narrow down if the issue is per a content record, per an employee, per a section in the system, etc..  Often what slows down the connection to the content are the following culprits:

File size and is the server is getting full of content records and bandwidth. Bandwidth vary greatly, even from moment to moment.  Factors that affect it:

      - Internet traffic (speed generally decreases as volume increases)
      - Noise on data lines
      - The size(s) of file(s) 
      - The number of file(s)
      - The demand load on the server at same time
      - Even thunderstorm activity


Can I manually add OpenSesame content? 

Yes.  If one has the files in house, this fine. Load them as you would any other SCORM / AICC file.  Learn more about SCORM Content or OpenSesame Integration.

See also