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Notes & Attachments

Page Location: Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog > Course File > Notes Page & Attachment Page - Under Construction


These pages allows for additional information to be captured in the Course File as needed.  The Notes Page of the course is for tracking in-depth notes and tasks to complete whereas the Attachments Page is used to attach external files and documents.

    Notes Page 
    What is displayed in this section?     
    How do I add a note?                                        
    Attachment Page
    What is displayed in this section?
    How do I add an attachment?                                            

NOTES PAGE: What is displayed in this section?

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The Notes Page holds notes as they pertain to the Course. Click Print to see all notes in a list. Click Add new record link to add new notes or the Pencil Icon (Edit) to edit a note.


Field Name
What the Field is for Additional Information
Mass Add Questions Button
This drop-down allows you to mass add questions that you setup prior to this point in Admin > Page Builder > Course Test Questions. You pick the category in the drop-down box and then click the button to add all the questions from that category.   Then you can change the questions as they need to be for the test.  

You should consider using the bulk import if you have questions that are similar across the board for a group of courses.  It allows for a quick add and then you can change them as you want.  Otherwise, add the questions directly to the Course File and then if you want to copy the course, the test questions are copied over with it.
Add new record
This link opens up a page for you to add a question to the test.  ** See the next section below for more information on what options you have on this page.

You can either add a question from scratch here or use questions in the page builder area that may or may not be grouped.
Pencil Icon (Edit Option)
Click this icon if you want to change or update the question.

It is not recommended to change test questions for a course you have used as a class and students have taken a test.  Changing anything after that point will update the test the students took.  It is a better practice to copy the course and make a new requirement for changes needed.

Order Indicates the order the questions will appear on the test.  If you have more questions here than the number of questions that can be on the test, the questions for the test will be randomized meaning the system will pick and choose the questions but of the questions selected, they will always show in this order.

The order column is a newer feature to the system as of v4.0.  If you are on an older version of CT and upgrade, to use this feature, you just need to click the up/down arrows for the page to obtain order numbers on all.
This is the question as it will display on the test.

The 'Type' indicates the kind of answer type the question is using.

All Answer-Types are read-only except for the 'Drop-down' one.  That one is a hyperlink for you to review or add the drop-down answers.  NOTE: It is not recommended to change answer types or drop-down options for any course where a class test has already been administered because will affect the grading on tests already graded.

Required to Answer
If this YES/NO field is set to YES, then when the question appears on the test, you cannot submit the test until all required questions are answered.

Required on Test If this YES/NO field is set to YES, then this question will always appear on the test. 
This is more for tests where you utilize the randomization of questions.  If most of the test can be randomized but there are some key questions that need to be on every test, this is how you do it.

Up/Down Arrows
Click these buttons to move the test questions up or down.  

This icon, when clicked, removes the test question from the course.

It is not recommended to change answer types or drop-down options for any course where a class test has already been administered because will affect the grading on tests already graded.

NOTES PAGE: How do I add or amend a note?

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 With the right security permissions, a user would click on the Add new record link at the top left-hand corner of the Notes table to add a new note to the Course File.



Field Name
What the Field is for Additional Information
Note Type
Pulls from the Admin > Codes > Note Types Codes > Course.  This is a required field as it helps to track and maintain the notes in the system. They also make reporting easier.. 

Users View: Displays in Course File > Notes Page

Manager/Student View: N/A
Note Date
The date defaults to today's date upon opening the page.  Change the date as needed.  

Users View: Displays in Course File > Notes Page

Manager/Student View: N/A
Follow-up Date This date field is NOT required.  Only if you want to put a reminder to follow-up on the note entered here.  Leave the field blank if the note being written to the system is all that is needed.
Users View: Displays in Course File > Notes Page.  When this date equals Today's Date or in the past of Today's Date, the note displays on the Home Page > Messages > Task Item.

Manager/Student View: N/A

Email this note to ...
Drop-down list of all users in the system to whom this note could be emailed.  Highlight the users needed by holding down the CTRL key. 

Users View: N/A  Only the users identified here receive an email. 

Manager/Student View: N/A
Included Attachment(s) 
This field displays a selection box of all public attachments in the course file.  If there are no attachments or no public attachments, the box will be empty.  To select an attachment or two, hold down the CTRL key.

Users View: Displays in Course File > Notes Page

Manager/Student View: N/A
Open Text field where the note is entered into the system. 
Users View: Displays in Course File > Notes Page

Manager/Student View: N/A

To amend a note, click on the Pencil Icon (Edit Icon) next the desired note record. From here, it displays the information about the note as well as who it was emailed to, if anyone along with the ability to Email to somebody else.  

ATTACHMENTS PAGE: What is displayed in this section? STOPPED

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Attachments Page
holds entered attachments as they pertain to the Course. STOPPED Click Print to see all notes in a list. Click Add new record link to add new notes or the Pencil Icon (Edit) to edit a note. 

Field Name
What the Field is for Additional Information
Mass Add Questions Button
This drop-down allows you to mass add questions that you setup prior to this point in Admin > Page Builder > Course Test Questions. You pick the category in the drop-down box and then click the button to add all the questions from that category.   Then you can change the questions as they need to be for the test.  

You should consider using the bulk import if you have questions that are similar across the board for a group of courses.  It allows for a quick add and then you can change them as you want.  Otherwise, add the questions directly to the Course File and then if you want to copy the course, the test questions are copied over with it.
Add new record
This link opens up a page for you to add a question to the test.  ** See the next section below for more information on what options you have on this page.

You can either add a question from scratch here or use questions in the page builder area that may or may not be grouped.
Pencil Icon (Edit Option)
Click this icon if you want to change or update the question.

It is not recommended to change test questions for a course you have used as a class and students have taken a test.  Changing anything after that point will update the test the students took.  It is a better practice to copy the course and make a new requirement for changes needed.

Order Indicates the order the questions will appear on the test.  If you have more questions here than the number of questions that can be on the test, the questions for the test will be randomized meaning the system will pick and choose the questions but of the questions selected, they will always show in this order.

The order column is a newer feature to the system as of v4.0.  If you are on an older version of CT and upgrade, to use this feature, you just need to click the up/down arrows for the page to obtain order numbers on all.
This is the question as it will display on the test.

The 'Type' indicates the kind of answer type the question is using.

All Answer-Types are read-only except for the 'Drop-down' one.  That one is a hyperlink for you to review or add the drop-down answers.  NOTE: It is not recommended to change answer types or drop-down options for any course where a class test has already been administered because will affect the grading on tests already graded.

Required to Answer
If this YES/NO field is set to YES, then when the question appears on the test, you cannot submit the test until all required questions are answered.

Required on Test If this YES/NO field is set to YES, then this question will always appear on the test. 
This is more for tests where you utilize the randomization of questions.  If most of the test can be randomized but there are some key questions that need to be on every test, this is how you do it.

Up/Down Arrows
Click these buttons to move the test questions up or down.  

This icon, when clicked, removes the test question from the course.

It is not recommended to change answer types or drop-down options for any course where a class test has already been administered because will affect the grading on tests already graded.

ATTACHMENTS PAGE: How do I add or amend an attachment?

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With the right security permissions, click on the Add new record link at the top left-hand corner of the table to add a new note to the Course File.

Field Name
What the Field is for Additional Information
Note Type
Pulls from the Admin > Codes > Note Types Codes > Course.  This is a required field as it helps to track and maintain the notes in the system.  Thus, allows for easier reporting as well. 

Users View: Displays in Course File > Notes Page

Manager/Student View: N/A
Note Date
The date defaults to today's date upon opening the page.  Change the date is needed.  

Users View: Displays in Course File > Notes Page

Manager/Student View: N/A
Follow-up Date This date fields is NOT necessary.  Only if you want to put a reminder to follow-up on the note entered here.  Leave the field blank if the note being written to the system is all that is needed.
Users View: Displays in Course File > Notes Page.  When this date equals Today's Date or in the past of Today's Date, the note displays on the Home Page > Messages > Task Item.

Manager/Student View: N/A

Email this note to ...
Drop-down list of all users in the system to whom this note could be emailed.  Highlight the users needed by holding down the CTRL key. 

Users View: N/A  Only the users identified here receive an email. 

Manager/Student View: N/A
Included Attachment(s) 
This field displays a selection box of all public attachments in the course file.  If there are no attachments or no public attachments, the box will be empty.  To select an attachment or two, hold down the CTRL key.

Users View: Displays in Course File > Notes Page

Manager/Student View: N/A
Open Text field where the note is entered into the system. 
Users View: Displays in Course File > Notes Page

Manager/Student View: N/A

To amend a note, click on the Pencil Icon (Edit Icon) next the desired note record. From here, it displays the information about the note as well as who it was emailed to, if anyone along with the ability to Email to somebody else.  

See also