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History - Student

Home Page > My Record > History 


The History section is where Students (Employees) can go to see what requirements are successfully fulfilled as well as some information about the requirement (grade, test, and/or survey) as it is applicable.

What is displayed in this section?
How to see the details of a completed requirement?
How to request a completed training to be added?

What is displayed in this section?

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The Instruction bar at the top of the page is collapsible.  This message is used to help understand what actions can happen from this section of the system or any other messages that need to be displayed.  If you understand the instructions/messages and do not wish to see them anymore, you can collapse this section, freeing up some space on the page. 

The columns of information displayed on the 'History' section is to help you know a little more about your successfully completed training requirements.  The completed requirements are displayed in order of Date Completed such that the oldest completed requirement is last and the latest completed requirement is at the top.   

Column Name  What the Information Is Actions Available 


The name of the requirement is displayed here.

The column is sortable and by clicking on the Name link you can sort by ascending/descending order.  When you hover over the item, a pop-up box appears with the following information - Course NameType & Description.


If there are attachments to consider with the requirement, the information is displayed here.

This column contains an icon.  When you hover over the item, a pop-up box appears with a list of attachment names.  Each one is a hyperlink to that document.
Date Completed


This date is the date the requirement was completed.

The column is sortable and by clicking on the 'Date Completed' link you can sort by ascending/descending order.
Grade This is the grade received for the completed requirement. The grade achieved here is dependent on the Grade Type setup in the Course File.  ODT requirements are hardcoded to be PASS/FAIL and with the OJT requirements, if you hover over the Grade, a pop-up box appears with the following information: Date, Type, Trainer, Hours, & Notes

If the course was successfully opted-out, the Grade reads as Opt-Out Approved hyperlink.  If you click on the hyperlink, it displays who approved it, any attachments, and all the details of the opt-out request.


This column indicates if the record here is in process of being approved or is approved.

Pending Approval and Approved are the two statuses one sees here.  If a courses taken request is denied the record will be removed from this area and a historical record is added.  

Test If a test is associated to the requirement, the graded test displays here. This column could contain a few different items. 
  • If the test was completed by the student, then it displays a final number score as a hyperlink to access the graded test. 
  • If the test was successfully opted-out, the Test reads as Opted-Out.
  • If N/A appears there was not a test associated with the course/class whereas
  • BLANK means that the class/course type was a  SCORM which is scored within SCORM training package and reported via the reports for SCORM or the training admin manually added the record to the student file.  

To review more about tests, Click Here.

Survey If a survey is associated to the requirement, the survey it displays here.

This column could contain a few different items. 

  • If the survey was completed by the student, the icon with the excel spreadsheet and pencil displays.  
  • If the test was successfully opted-out, the Survey reads as Opted-Out.
  • If N/A appears there was not a survey associated with the course/class whereas
  • BLANK means that the class/course type was an ODT or SCORM which is scored within SCORM training package and reported via the reports for SCORM or the training admin manually added the record to the student file.  

To review more about surveys, Click Here.

How to see the details of a completed requirement?

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Each record listed here means that you have completed a training requirement and/or has proficiency in that skill. 
There several different course types tracked in the system:
(1) On-Demand Training (ODT)
(2) Instructor-Led Training (non-ODT)
(4) On Job Training (OJT)  
To see more detailed information about any of these, click on the Pencil Icon.  The hyperlink takes you to a 'Read-Only' page where you can see more information about the completed requirement.  All the training requirement types have the same look and the OJT requirement type in particular has an extra tab to track event.  To see more about each training requirement type, see below.

Non-ODT, ODT, & SCORM Types
With these kind of requirements, the 'Read-Only' page opens to one page when the course was needed (Date Needed) verse when the course was completed (Date Completed) as well as when the requirement expires, should it expire (Date Expires).  You will also be able to see other detailed information such as if the course had continuing education units (CEU) you would see how many units you achieved as well as Credits, Hours, and/or Grade

OJT Types
With these kind of requirements, the 'Read-Only' page opens to one page when the course was completed (Date Completed) and when the course needs to be taken again (Date Expires).  You will also be able to see other detailed information such as if the course had continuing education units (CEU) you would see how many units you achieved as well as Credits, Hours, and/or Grade

With the OJT training requirement types, there is a second tab - Events.  The Events tab is where you can see detailed information about each training event completed that helped in the overall completion of the OJT training requirement.  This includes the following: the date each training event was completed, the type of training event, the number of hours completed, the trainer who conducted the training, and the trainer's notes as entered.

How to request a completed training to be added?

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If this option is available to you, there is a Add new record link at the top left-hand side of the table.  Click on the hyperlink to open the Add Course Taken page. 

The fields on this page update and change based on what is selected in the Course field.  

Field Name What the Field Is Additional Information
Course Select the right requirement from the drop-down list of courses provided in this field.

Upon selection of the requirement, the page refreshes and updates the rest of the page.  Fields affected by this all be Hours, CEU, and Credit.  If the requirement is listed in the Requirement section, the Date Needed will come over as well.  

The Grade field updates with the right grade options and if a Grade Type was not selected for the course.

Status This field indicates whether the field is completed (Approved) and is part of historical information for the student or not. The status will either be Pending Approval (going through an approval process) or Approved (no approval process or have completed the approval process).  If the approval process results in a non-approved course, then the record is deleted from here and is stored in student history (not accessible by the student) but by the training admin or someone with user security permissions. 
Date Needed Enter the date for when the requirement needed to be completed. N/A
Date Completed This date is pre-filled with Today's Date but can be updated as needed. N/A
Date Expires This date field is empty unless a renewal requirement is being added. If the requirement selected in the Course field has a renewal component, the expired date is calculated here and should the new requirement be added to the Requirement section, the Date Expires here become the new Date Needed field with the requirement.
Job Requirement This Yes/No field indicates whether this course was a job requirement or for optional training education. Select YES if the course was a job requirement and select NO if it was elective training.
Hours This field indicates the number of Hours earned. 
This field updates with the number of hours as originally entered for the course.
CEU This field indicates the number of CEU earned. 

This field updates with the number continuing education units (CEU) as originally entered for the course.

Credits This field indicates the number of Credits earned. 
This field updates with the number of credits as originally entered for the course.
Grade Select the right grade option from the drop-down list. This is a required field. 

The options here are determined by the grading system setup in the Course File by the Grade Type.  The options cannot be changed at this level, pick one to continue.  


If the Grade Type was not selected for this course, the field will be disabled.  Since it is a required field, the student will not be able to complete the request at this time.  Notify your Cyber Train Administrator about the issue so that he/she can correct the situation. 

Note This is a long text field to use as needed. This field can hold additional information the learner feels is important for the approver to consider or just overall additional information about the course that should be kept with this record.
Attachment This is where various attachments can be entered with the record. The attachments that usually accompany a record could be a certificate, certification, tests or other completed assignments from the course along with grades, receipts, etc... Typically, what the organization has asked for from the learner.

NOTE: If the course being entered has a prerequisite that has not been met, the course will not be able to be added.  The prerequisite will need to be satisfied otherwise contact the Cyber Train administrator should this truly be added without satisfying the prerequisites first. Only someone with user security permissions will be able to do this.