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Home > Training Admin Role > Curriculum > Course Catalog > Course File

Course File

Page Location: Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog


What is displayed in this section?
Where do I go to update the main course details?
Where do I go to update course approvers?
Frequently Asked Questions

What is displayed in this section?

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The Course File contains several pages to logically track and maintain core information about a training requirement.  The information in the course is copied over and "linked" to a class when one is created meaning it acts as a class template too.  To search for something in a Course File, find the page that corresponds to the information that needs to be updated/added. Access to each page of the Course File is controlled by Group Security Permissions. So if see a page isn't visible or only is "view only", it is because of the Group Security settings.

Courses serve three (3) purposes in Cyber Train:

Requirement Tracking
All courses entered into the system can be used as a method to track and maintain the requirements students need to take or have completed. Perhaps there is a necessary training/educational requirement for the job the student performs and/or for the organizational level of the student. Enter the course requirement on the Student File > Activity Page > Requirement Tab and Courses Taken Tab to help monitor and report as needed.
Skill Level Building
Skills, including the level of skill achieved may be linked to courses, such that if a student is lacking in skill areas, completion of specifically assigned courses will update the level of skill achieved.

Class Creation Templates
In addition to requirement tracking, if there are in-house classes that help fulfill the requirement, the course file also doubles as a template to create the class. For example if there is a yearly federal training requirement that is taught in house. Not only will the course be entered as a requirement on the Student File > Activity Page > Requirement Tab but a class is created from the course file (pulling over the already populated details, class description, approvers, etc…). Students can enroll or be enrolled to take the class (with test, survey, grades, etc…) and when the class is closed, the requirement can be moved to the Courses Taken Tab to indicate completion of a requirement.

If none of the classes are developed and delivered in house then creating courses for the purpose of creating classes is not necessary. However, if there is a desire to track requirements per job position, organizational level, company-wide or for any other reason, courses should be created in the system.

Page Name
What the Page is for Additional Information
This page is for setting the approvers for opt-out requests.
These approvers default in as the class approvers too.
Use this page to attach any necessary documentation to the course.
The attachments may be set public to the student or not.
Course History
This page tracks changes made to the course over time. Use this to troubleshoot information changes.
Course Skills Use this page to indicate what skills will be attained and at what level. The skills themselves are set up under Admin > Codes
Course Test
Use this page to develop a course test if the students must be tested on materials covered. For courses that will be delivered via on-demand training (ODTs) this is strongly recommended to make sure they completed the training. The test can be as simple as a one question attestation by which they acknowledge completing and understanding the materials covered.
There are several options available for use
when making a system test.
This page contains the basic and general course information that makes the course behave as it will in the system. The details selected here should be
considered before making classes.
Use this to add notes to the course as needed.Notes are visible only to users. If information must be conveyed to the student, either add it to the course description or as an attachment.
Notes are categorized by types to make
reporting and tracking easier.
Use this page to indicate what courses (if any) need to be taken prior to this one. N/A
Students Needing
All the students who need this requirement and by when each needs complete it (Date Needed) will be visible on this page.   You can register employees into an open class
from here.
All the students who have completed this requirement as well as when they completed it (Date Completed) are visible on this page. 

Where do I go to update course details?

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The Main Page of the Course File contains the majority of the course details on three (3) tabs. All is updateable depending on security permissions except the Course ID

Field Name
What the Field is for Additional Information
Course ID* Unique identifier which is hardcoded after the course is created.

User View: 
Displayed on the Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog and Course File > Main Page > General Tab.

Student/Manager View: N/A

This is a required field and once it is entered into the
 system, it cannot be updated or changed. You
will need to copy this course and create a new one
 if you want to change the code.
Course Name This is what is displayed on the screens and for users when in the system.

User View:
Course File > Main Page > General Tab. Since classes are copied from the course and this is not an updateable field
at that time, this will also be displayed:
- Class List
- Find Box & Recent Item Button
- Class File > Class Details > General Tab
- Class > Find Class
- Student File > Activity Page > Requirement Tab, Class Enrollment Tab, Courses Taken Tab, Edit View of the Program Tab

Student/Manager View: 
- My Record > Requirements/Classes/Search Classes/History (Student View)
- My Employees > Requirements/Classes/History (Manager View)
- My Classes > Upcoming/Current/Completed (Instructor View)

 This is also a required field.
Course Type Drop-down list of course types as populated in Admin > Codes > Course Types

User View:
Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog if selected as a column to display in the list and in the Course File >
Main Page > General Tab.

Student/Manager View: N/A

This field is used to help categorize and filter the course catalog.  
Grade Type*  This required field provides a drop-down list of grade types as populated in Admin > Codes > Grade Types

User View:
Course File > Main Page > General Tab

Student/Manager View: N/A

This field is used to help decide what grading type to use. 
Based on what you select here will determine the available grade options at the class level. 
Training Admin Drop-down list of the available persons who could be named Training Administrator for this course.  The drop-down
list is populated by those persons who have user security profiles and their Training Admin radio button is set to YES.

User View:
Course File > Main Page > General Tab

Student/Manager View: N/A

This list also only displays 'Active' users. 
Active Determines if this course is active YES/NO. When set to NO, the course still has the ability to show in the Course
Catalog if the ‘Show Active Only’ checkbox is NOT checked. However, it is not available for use as a template to
create a class.

User View:
Course File > Main Page > General Tab

Student/Manager View: N/A

This checkbox determines where to display this course
as an 'Active' or 'Inactive' course in other areas of the system
too like Mass Add/Delete options, adding historical information to student or outstanding requirement.
Credits Open text field to indicate the number of available credits if necessary.  It allow up to 2 decimals places as needed.

User View:
Course File > Main Page > General Tab

Student/Manager View: N/A

CEU Open text field to indicate the number of available CEU’s (Continuing Education Units) if necessary.  It allow up to 2 decimals places as needed.

User View:
Course File > Main Page > General Tab

Student/Manager View: N/A

Fee Open text field to indicate the fee associated with this course if necessary. It allow up to 2 decimals places as needed.

User View:
Course File > Main Page > General Tab

Student/Manager View: N/A

Hours Open text field to indicate the number hours long the course is.  It allow up to 2 decimals places as needed.

User View:
Course File > Main Page > General Tab

Student/Manager View: N/A

Renewal Frequency This field is broken down into 2 fields and is used as a date calculation for those credentials that need to be renewed.

- First field allows for selection of a number or a month. When the month is select the second Renewal Frequency
field and the Based On field disappear because when the renewal is the same month every year, nothing else needs for the calculation.
- Second field has the options of YEARS, MONTHS or DAYS and works in conjunction of the first field AND the Based On field.

User View:
Student File > Activity Page > Requirements Tab in the Date Needed field.

Student/Manager View: 
- My Record > Requirements > Date Needed (Student View)
- My Employees > Requirements > Date Needed (Manager View)

Based On Works in conjunction with the Renewal Frequency field to create a date calculation for credentials that need renewal dates. The options are: Date Attained, Job Start Date, Hire Date, & Birth Date

User View:
- Date Attained: Student File > Activity Page > Requirements Tab – Date Needed Field
- Job Start Date: Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Job Info Section – Start Date
- Hire Date: Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Hire Date Field
- Birth Date: Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Tab – Birth Date Field

Student/Manager View:
Depending on the date selected it will be seen in
- My Record > Requirements for Date Needed (Student View)
- My Record > Contact Info for Job Start Date, Hire Date, & Birth Date (Student View)
- My Employees > Requirements for Date Needed


Where do I go to update course approvers?

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The Approvers Page of the Course File serves two purposes: (1) if the requirement Opt-out option is enabled, the system will automatically email this list of approvers and (2) if a class is created from this course, this list of approvers appear as the default for class enrollment registration approval with the option to modify as needed. 

To add a course approver, click the Add new record link at the top left-hand corner of the approver table. 

Field Name
What the Field is for
Approver*                                                                                                        Drop-down list of available approvers.  Options include: Manager, Secondary Approver, Training Admin & all active users.  This is a required field. 

- Manager: Pulls from Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Manager Field
- Second Manager: Pulls from Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab – Secondary Approver Field
- Training Admin: Pull from the Class File > Class Details Page > General Tab – Training Admin Field

User View: 
Displayed on Course File > Approvers Page.

Student/Manager View: N/A but is seen in emails as students receive information on their approvals for various requests. 

Order Drop-down list of numbers to determine the order of the approval levels. More than one approval level can be at the same order number if it is necessary to send more than one request to multiple people at the same time.

User View:
Displayed in Course File > Approvers Page.

Student/Manager View: N/A

Notification Only Checkbox to determine whether the approval level is a true approval needing confirmation or a notification only. When the checkbox is checked, the approval level is not treated as true approval level needing confirmation.

User View:
Displayed in Course File > Approvers Page.

Student/Manager View: N/A

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I see who needs to take the course or who has taken the course?
There are two (2) pages in the Course File that contain this information: Students Needing (outstanding requirements) and Students Taken (complete requirements).  The Students Taken Page also allows for registration of students into an open class with the right security permissions. 

Can I add attachments/notes?
Yes! There is an attachments page where files (with appropriate extensions) can be uploaded into the system.  Additionally, attachments can be public or not.  When the attachment is public, students will be able to read the material by clicking the link on the Home Page.  Click Here to learn more about attachments. Also, there is a notes pages that tracks and maintains course notes for users only.  If a follow-up date is added with the note, an actionable item is added to the Home Page on the follow-up date for additional action to happen.  Click Here to learn more about notes.

How do I add a test?
The Course Test Page in the Course File is where the course test is built.  Click Here to learn more about test questions and how to create a test.

See also