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Home > System Admin Role > Codes (Drop-Down Values) > Organization


Page Location: Admin > Codes > Organization

Organization codes are descriptive codes used to identify the employee's location in the company such as in an organization chart. This code table has two parts to it. The first part is creating the list of organization codes and the second part is adding requirements to each organization code so that requirements can be auto-populated for new employees and/or those employees who switch between organizational levels in the company.

The second part to this code table should be considered against the overall training management plan before adding requirements.

User View:  This field, is seen in the following locations:
- Student > Add Student Process
- Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab

Student View: This field is seen on the Home Page > My Record > Job Info Section. 

Import Code Key: O1, O2, O3, O4 & O5
.csv file should contain Code, Description & Company Code. The fields must appear in this order and the last column must be the Company Code. 

Step 1 - Creating Codes:

Important Considerations: Cyber Train codes cannot contain certain symbols such as commas, quotes, periods, apostrophes or ampersands and the user will get an error message when trying to enter or import codes containing them. There are also certain character combinations that must be avoided because Cyber Train is programmed to strip them (even if they are in the middle of a code or description) as they can be used by others to reference potentially dangerous procedures or scripts that could cause harm to your Cyber Train system. These combinations include: SP_ or sp_ and XP_ or xp_. Also a double dash will be converted to a single dash. There are a few other combinations not listed here that could be stripped, but it is extremely unlikely that they would be used in codes or descriptions.

Field Purpose
Company Drop-Down List This drop-down field is populated from the Companies codes.  Select a company from the list so that the page refreshes and populates the table with the organization codes particular for that company.
Organization Level (1-5) This drop-down list contains the different organization levels within the company. There are up to five (5) levels each company could have but only those in use are displayed here. This drop-down list is pulled from the organization levels developed in the Companies code table. 
Click "Add new record" to start building the list and create a new code.  After clicking "Add new record." enter in the necessary information to create a new code.

Field Purpose
Code This is the unique identifier for the drop-down option. This code is written in the raw data and is referenced to determine the description to show on the screen. If the code is removed from the Admin > Codes section, this value will still be in the Student File for reporting purposes unless the file is edited and saved after the code was deleted.
Description This is what is displayed on the screens and for users when in the system.
Applies To This drop-down list becomes available and populates with organizational level codes when the Companies > Org Title Tab has the Depends on ... Field is checked.  It is NECESSARY to fill this field IF the organization levels were setup to be dependent because if they are not tied to an organization level here, the system does not know when to display it and the code will be excluded from the organization codes as an option when assigning them to a student/employee.

Step 2 - Creating Automated Requirements:

After the code list is developed, click on the Pencil Icon (Edit) per code to develop a list of requirements needed for that organization level and code in the company.  NOTE: In order to do this step, the Course Catalog needs to be developed first. Additionally if a Program is modified in Admin > Curriculum > Programs to add or remove courses, this area will update accordingly.

Field Purpose
Code This 'Read-Only' field allows you to verify the organization code for which you are editing.
Description This field is updateable and will default the current descriptive title that is seen throughout the Cyber Train system.
Applies To This field is updateable and will default the current level that it is tied and seen throughout the Cyber Train system.

Click "Add new record" to start building the requirement list.  After clicking "Add new record." enter in the necessary information to add the requirement.


Field Purpose
Type This drop-down list field allows you to select 'Course' or 'Program'.  Upon selecting one of the options, the 'Name' field updates with the available courses or programs to select.

If a program is added, the courses in that program will be exacted in the table for you to see and the 'Program Reference' column will contain the name of the program to which the courses are attached to so that it is clear to see what requirements are attached to a program and what requirements are independent of a program.
Name This drop-down list field is dependent upon the previous field, 'Type.'  It will provide you with the available courses or programs to select from and add to this organization code as outstanding requirement. 
Requirement Priority This drop-down list field is populated from the Requirement Priorities code table.  This field is used to do the 'Date Needed' calculation.  The calculation start with the Organization Start Date and then adds the number listed here to create the 'Date Needed' for the requirement.  If this field is left blank, the requirement will add to student who you put this organization code against but the 'Date Needed' will not be calculated.

If a program is selected here with a requirement priority, each requirement within the program will have the same requirement priority selected thus producing the same 'Date Needed' calculation for all.  If that needs to be different for each requirement within the program, you can do that through the 'Edit Priorities' link at the top of the Requirement Table, discussed in the next section.
Add new requirement to student(s) This checkbox, when checked, updates students with the requirement IF the requirement is not listed on the student's 'Courses Taken' tab. 

This can be used to update the 'Date Needed' calculation should the 'Requirement Priority' value change.    
Date Needed This calendar/date field appears when the 'Add new requirement to student(s) checkbox is checked.  This allows the users to enter the date needed for the requirement that is about to be pushed out. 

NOTE: If this is not filled in, the date needed will be calculated by the organization start date and the requirement priority selected.  If the student has been with the organization for a long time, it will calculate an old date.  For example: If the Organization Start Date = 7/5/2005 and the Requirement Priority = Within 30 Days, then the Date Needed = 6/5/2005. 
Add course if previously taken

This checkbox, when checked, adds the requirements to the 'Requirement' tab even if the student has completed the requirement previously and it is listed on the Courses Taken Tab.

This can be used as a manual override to update a mass of students for this organization code.  Example – mandated requirement that needs to be taken again.


If the course has a renewal frequency, the requirement date is added based on the date taken as well as the renewal frequency.

After the requirement list is developed, click on the Pencil Icon (Edit) per requirement to update information as needed.  

Field Purpose
Type This 'Read-Only' field allows you to verify the company for the organization code you are editing
Name This 'Read-Only' field allows you to verify the organization code for which you are editing.
Requirement Priority This field is updateable and will default the current descriptive title that is seen throughout the Cyber Train system.
Add new requirement to student(s) This checkbox, when checked, updates students with the requirement IF the requirement is not listed on the student's 'Courses Taken' tab. 

This can be used to update the 'Date Needed' calculation should the 'Requirement Priority' value change.    
Add course if previously taken This checkbox, when checked, adds the requirements to the 'Requirement' tab even if the student has completed the requirement previously and it is listed on the Courses Taken Tab.

This can be used as a manual override to update a mass of students for this organization code.  Example – mandated requirement that needs to be taken again.

If you attempt to remove a requirement and that requirement is part of a program, all requirements in that program are removed. You cannot determine the program requirements from this area of the system, that can only be done in the Program area under Admin > Curriculum > Programs.  Thus, upon clicking the delete icon, you will be made aware of the fact that should you continue with the deletion process, you will essentially the whole program is removed.  If you want to continue forward, a second pop-up question asks if the requirements/program should also be removed from students who have not yet completed the program. If the answer is no, nothing in the student file is removed but if the answer is yes, then the requirements/program are removed from the student file IF the program was not completed. A similar 2-step pop-up of verification is done on the individual courses as well.

After the requirement list is developed, click on the 'Edit Priorities' link at the top right-hand corner of the table to update information as needed.  

Field Purpose
Priority This updateable column allows you to update the 'Requirement Priority' for each requirement attached to the organization code.  This is typically done when a program is added so that you can manipulate the 'Date Needed' calculation for each requirement should each requirement 'Date Needed' be different than the overall requirement priority value selected.
Add new requirement to student(s) This checkbox, when checked, updates students with the requirement IF the requirement is not listed on the student's 'Courses Taken' tab. 

This can be used to update the 'Date Needed' calculation should the 'Requirement Priority' value change.    
Add course if previously taken This checkbox, when checked, adds the requirements to the 'Requirement' tab even if the student has completed the requirement previously and it is listed on the Courses Taken Tab.

This can be used as a manual override to update a mass of students for this organization code.  Example – mandated requirement that needs to be taken again.

Inactivating Codes:

These codes cannot be inactivated.

NOTE: If a code cannot be inactivated, it is recommended to not delete the code as this could cause "holes" in your data. Instead, consider adding a "z-" to the beginning of the Description field as this will move the code to the bottom of the list.