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SCORM Courses

Page Location: Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog

SCORM Overview     
SCORM Versions     
SCORM Reporting


(1) Prior to uploading SCORM training packages, SCORM (Setup) needs to be done first.
(2) Visibility Software is AICC & SCORM v1.2 compliant (SCORM 2004 is in the works!)

SCORM Overview

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As of Version 4.0, the SCORM feature was added to Cyber Train.  Currently, Visibility Software supports SCORM 1.2 and AICC training packages.  We are looking at supporting SCORM 2004 soon.

This feature allows an upload of SCORM compliant training packages (.ZIP files) through the content management area. Once the content is loaded, create On-Demand Training (ODT) classes to provide employees the training package.  SCORM content works a little differently than non-SCORM content entered in content management section. All non-SCORM content is loaded into this section and is held here as a library waiting for you to pick and choose to what class you want to attach the content. SCORM content cannot be loaded into the content management section without the intended course to which you will be attaching it and therefore cannot be used unless it is.

What makes SCORM different? Training packages that are SCORM compliant mean that they were written by a standard language making them accessible on any system that allows SCORM compliant training. Like a DVD is to a DVD player, it does not matter what the make and model of the DVD player rather any DVD that is put together using the DVD standards, should be able to run on it. Additionally, with SCORM training packages you can track where the learner is in it, such that if the learner stops in the middle, the package tracks not only the time it took to get there but puts a placeholder like a bookmark for the learner when that learner comes back. You can also have tests built into the package either throughout or at the end or both. It is really aimed at keeping the learner engaged to learn the necessary information.

SCORM Acronyms
(1) Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) - wrote the SCORM standard.  They are a research group sponsored by the United States Department of Defense (DoD).

(2) SCORM – Sharable Content Object Reference Model – Integrates a set of related technical standards, specifications and guidelines designed to meet ADL’s functional requirements. ( )

(3) Shareable Content Object (SCO) - A SCO is a single piece of content--a single lesson in a course, for example. Multiple SCOs together make up a full course

SCORM Reporting

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It is recommended to create and write your own reports using the Report Writer tool in Cyber Train.  Reports through the Cyber Train reporting tool will allow more flexibility for your reporting needs.

However, there are three (3) SCORM reports provided with the SCORM feature to track and analyze SCORM training outcomes.  The reports through the SCORM tool do not belong to Visibility Software, thus VS does not have the ability to make changes to the design layout or information returned.  

Report 1: Student File > SCORM Report
Select the SCORM Reporting Page from the drop-down in the Student File Banner.  This report contains all the SCORM training classes this student has launched in Cyber Train via the SCORM Cloud. 

Report 2: Course File > SCORM Report
Select the SCORM Reporting Page from the drop-down in the Course File Banner. This report contains all the students who have launched this course via the SCORM Cloud.

Report 3: Admin > Curriculum > SCORM Report
This report is a roll-up report containing all SCORM courses and students who have launched SCORM training courses via the SCORM Cloud.   To see a particular course or student, click on the hyperlink which is the name of the course or student. 

To create and build SCORM reports in the Report Writer use the appropriate data source. To see the full list of data sources, Click Here.