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What is Normal Bandwidth for SCORM?



Learn more about SCORM Courses or SCORM Content in Cyber Train or watch a Video.
Visibility Software will get you set up with a SCORM Cloud account and provide you with the information necessary to enable the feature.  NOTE: At this point, Visibility Software supports AICC and SCORM 1.2 training packages.



Bandwidth is everything in the upload of large files.  It determines the difference among a quick upload (small in size), a 10 minute upload (large in size) or a file not loading at all (too large in size for your bandwidth).  Additionally, the upload process for SCORM/AICC training packages happens 2 times.  1 - Upload into Cyber Train and 2 - Upload to the SCORM Cloud.  


The other factor is where the file is located. If an organization has made their own SCORM/AICC training packages, the chances are that the file will be large.  This is different than if the organization purchases training from a vendor who would keep the large files on their side and provide the organization with a skinny files that just accesses the training package when needed.  Thus, if the training is developed in house, it is recommended to store the training packages on the same server that houses Cyber Train.  If this is done, one should not experience too much trouble in uploading it into Cyber Train because it is just copying it from one location on the server to another. Minimal bandwidth is required. However, if the servers are different, for example the organization is having Visibility Software host their Cyber Train system, then this will pull more on the bandwidth.  Should one run into a situation where the files do not load, either move the training packages over to the same server if it is all in house or provide VS with the files via another method and VS can put the files into the ContentSCORM Folder.  This is the folder that holds the SCORM/AICC files.  Additionally, VS support will work with someone from the organization to run some queries to pull in the content management records that match up to the files. 


Once the SCORM/AICC files are uploaded in Cyber Train, the packages still need to get uploaded to the SCORM Cloud.  The SCORM Cloud is not a feature developed by Visibility Software rather it is an integration with Rustici Software.  Again the same problem can occur in moving it over to the Cloud if the files are large. Thus, if the organization intends on making their own SCORM/AICC training packages or will continue to have large files in this regard, it is recommended to increase the bandwidth.