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Home > Student Role > Home Page > Messages


The 'Messages' section of the Home Page is where certain messages display when there is a call to action or a notification.  When a message displays, the message header displays in the center of the page with a number next to it so that you know how many actionable items are needed to be completed.  To see all the items, click on the 'Plus' icon in front of the Message header name.  It will expand the list under that header for you to see.  To get to the 'Messages' section of the Home Page from another place in the system click the |Home| icon located in the top right-hand corner of the screen.  Then click on the word 'Messages' in the left-hand menu sidebar.

Student Messages
Manager Messages
Instructor Messages
Approver Messages

Depending on the role of the person who is logged into the system, there is a potential to see more or less messages.  Messages are broken down by: Student, Manager, Instructor, and Approver.  The 'Messages' section has a few things options on the left-hand menu sidebar and displays the overall number of messages listed. 

  1. Expand All - When you click on this, all message headers listed in the middle of the page will expand the list within it.
  2. Collapse All - When you click on this, all message headers listed in the middle f the page will collapse the list within it.
  3. Mark as Read - Should you want to remove messages from the home page, check the checkbox next to the message header (to delete all) or check the checkbox next to each message as needed and click this option to remove the messages.


Student Messages

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There are six messages that pertain to the students.

  1. Notifications: Your Credential is Expiring
  2. Reminders: Outstanding Surveys
  3. Reminders: Outstanding Tests
  4. Reminders: Your Upcoming Classes
  5. Requirements: Upcoming Items
  6. Requirements: Outstanding Items


Notifications: Your Credential is Expiring
This notification appears on the Student's Home Page when:
  1. There is a credential listed in the My Record > Credential section
  2. Date Expires field is NOT blank
  3. Expiration Reminder field is equal to Today's Date or in the past of it

This message indicates a certain student credential is about to expire giving the student time to figure out how/when to renew the credential.  Depending on the setup in Cyber Train, the student can either self-register into classes/trainings to complete the credential or will need to discuss options with the appropriate person(s).  The message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the credential message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.

Reminders: Outstanding Surveys
This notification appears on the Student's Home Page when:

  1. There is a class listed in the My Record > Classes section
  2. Class End Dates field is in past of Today's Date  (This condition is for Non-ODT Classes Only)
  3. Survey is created and the Class File > Class Details Page > Enable Survey Field = YES 
  4. Not all 'Required' questions are answered

This message indicates a class survey is outstanding and it is reminding the student to complete the survey in order to remove this message. 

Reminders: Outstanding Tests
This notification appears on the Student's Home Page when:

  1. There is a class listed in the My Record > Classes section
  2. Class End Dates field is in past of Today's Date  (This condition is for Non-ODT Classes Only)
  3. Test is created and the Course File > Course Test Page
  4. Not all 'Required' questions are answered

This message indicates a class test is outstanding and it is reminding the student to complete the test in order to remove this message.

Reminders: Your Upcoming Classes
This notification appears on the Student's Home Page when:

  1. There is a class listed in the My Record > Classes section
  2. Class Start Dates field is equal to Today's Date or in the future of Today's Date (This condition is for Non-ODT Classes Only)

This message helps to remind students of upcoming registered classes.  The message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the upcoming class message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.

Reminders: Upcoming Items
This notification appears on the Student's Home Page when:

  1. There is a course is listed in the My Record > Requirements section
  2. Requirement's Date Needed field is BLANK, equal to Today's Date or is within 6 months of Today's Date 

This message alerts the students of upcoming training requirements that will be due soon.  Upon receiving this message, students should plan to register for an upcoming class to fulfill the requirement and/or discuss with their manager as needed.  The message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the outstanding training requirement message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.

Reminders: Outstanding Items
This notification appears on the Student's Home Page when:

  1. There is a course is listed in the My Record > Requirements section
  2. Requirement's Date Needed field is in the past of Today's Date 

This message alerts the students of upcoming training requirements that will be due soon.  Upon receiving this message, students should plan to register for an upcoming class to fulfill the requirement and/or discuss with their manager as needed.  The message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the outstanding training requirement message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.

Manager Messages

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There are two messages that pertain to the managers.

  1. Notifications: Your Employees Credential is Expiring
  2. Requirements: Employees Outstanding Requirements

Notifications: Your Employees Credential is Expiring
This notification appears on the Manager's Home Page when:

  1. There is a credential listed in the My Record > Credential section for the manager's employee
  2. Date Expires field is NOT blank
  3. Expiration Reminder field is equal to Today's Date or in the past of it
  4. The student file > contact info page > job detail tab > manager field is equal to this manager's employee number.

This message indicates to managers that their employees have a certain credential is about to expire.  This gives managers and employees time to figure out how/when to renew the credential.  Depending on the setup in Cyber Train, the student can either self-register into classes/trainings to complete the credential or will need to discuss options with the appropriate person(s).  The message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the credential message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.


Reminders: Outstanding Requirements
This notification appears on the Manager's Home Page when:

  1. There is a class listed in the My Record > Requirements section for the manager's employee.
  2. Requirement Date Needed field is BLANK or is in the past of Today's Date.   
  3. The student file > contact info page > job detail tab > manager field is equal to this manager's employee number.

This message alerts managers that their employees have outstanding training requirements that are overdue.  Upon receiving this message, managers and employees should plan to register for an upcoming class to fulfill the requirement and/or discuss with their manager as needed.  The message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the outstanding training requirement message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.


Reminders: Upcoming Requirements
This notification appears on the Manager's Home Page when:

  1. There is a class listed in the My Record > Requirements section for the manager's employee.
  2. Requirement Date Needed field is in the future (within 6 months) of Today's Date.
  3. The student file > contact info page > job detail tab > manager field is equal to this manager's employee number.

This message alerts managers that their employees have upcoming training requirements due soon.  Upon receiving this message, managers and employees should plan to register for an upcoming class to fulfill the requirement and/or discuss with their manager as needed.  The message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the upcoming training requirement message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.

Instructor Messages

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There is one message that pertains to the instructors.

  1. Reminders: Tests to Grade

Reminders: Tests to Grade
This notification appears on the Instructor's Home Page when:

  1. There is a class listed in the My Record > Classes section of the Instructor's class
  2. Class End Dates field is in past of Today's Date  (This condition is for Non-ODT Classes Only)
  3. Test is created and the Course File > Course Test Page
  4. Not all 'Required' questions are answered

This message alerts instructors to grade tests for students who have completed a test that needs manual scoring.  Typically, when tests are composed of all drop-down answers, scores are built into each option making automated scoring possible.  However, if the test contains at least one answer-type that is a short answer or long answer, then someone needs to review the test to score those answers to make sure the information is right/correct.

Approver Messages

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There are six messages that pertain to the approvers.

  1. Approvals: Class Enrollment Requests
  2. Approvals: Course Opt-Out Requests
  3. Approvals: Credential Requests
  4. Approvals: External Class Enrollment Requests
  5. Approvals: Tuition Assistance Request
  6. Approvals: Tuition Assistance Pay Requests

Approvals: Class Enrollment Requests
This notification appears on the Approver's Home Page when:

  1. A student registers in a class from either My Record > Classes or Search Classes section
  2. The class the student registers for has an approval process
  3. A training administrator enrolls the student into a class and the training administrator enables the approval process

This message informs approvers that they have class enrollment requests to approve.  This message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the class enrollment request message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.

Approvals: Course Opt-Out Requests
This notification appears on the Approver's Home Page when:

  1. A student requests an opt-out from a training requirement from My Record > Requirements section
  2. The course the student requesting an opt-out for has an approval process
  3. A training administrator requests the opt-out for the student and the training administrator enables the approval process

This message informs approvers that they have a training requirement opt-out request to approve.  This message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the training requirement opt-out request message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.

Approvals: Credential Requests
This notification appears on the Approver's Home Page when:

  1. A student requests a credential from My Record > Credentials section
  2. The credential request feature has an approval process
  3. A training administrator adds a credential to the student and the training administrator enables the approval process

This message informs approvers that they have credential requests to approve.  This message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the credential request message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.

Approvals: External Class Enrollment Requests
This notification appears on the Approver's Home Page when:

  1. A student requests to take an external class My Record > External Class section
  2. The external class feature has an approval process
  3. A training administrator adds an external class to the student and the training administrator enables the approval process

This message informs approvers that they have a external class request to approve.  This message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the external class request message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.

Approvals: Tuition Assistance Requests
This notification appears on the Approver's Home Page when:

  1. A student requests a class enrollment for reimbursement from My Record > Tuition Assistance section
  2. The tuition assistance request feature has an approval process
  3. A training administrator adds a tuition assistance class to the student and the training administrator enables the approval process

This message informs approvers that they have class enrollment approval for the tuition reimbursement program.  This message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the tuition assistance request message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.

Approvals: Tuition Assistance Pay Requests
This notification appears on the Approver's Home Page when:

  1. A student requests a reimbursement for the completed class from My Record > Tuition Assistance section
  2. The tuition assistance request feature has an approval process
  3. A training administrator adds a the reimbursement portion to the student and the training administrator enables the approval process

This message informs approvers that the class for the tuition reimbursement program was completed and payment is now needed to be approved.  This message can be removed by checking the checkbox in front of the tuition assistance pay request message, and then clicking the 'Mark as Read' option in the left-hand menu bar in the 'Messages' section.


See also