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Class Details Page

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Class Details Page

Class File > Class Details Page

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The Class Details Page contains the majority of the class information and it is usually populated when you are creating a class.  Once the class is created, the information is logically housed on each tab for easy maintenance and tracking.  Depending on the type of class you created, as well as security permissions, the appropriate tabs are displayed here.

General Tab

The General Tab contains the information that deals with the type of class this Class File is. 

Column Name  What the Information Is Actions Available/Additional Information
Name This 'Read Only' field is displays the name of the class/course from which it was created.  N/A
On-Demand This checkbox, when checked, changes the class from an instructor-led class to an ODT class.  This checkbox changes the Class Details Page when checked. 

  • Not Checked - All tabs are available for consideration.  The class requires a Start DateEnd DateCapacity and other details as available.  Students need to register for classes if not put into the classes.
  • Checked - Some of the tabs disappear and/or change because they are not needed.  The Misc & Approvers Tabs are removed.  The Location/Schedule/Content Tab removes most of the fields and only the Browse Content/Web Connection field becomes available.  ODT classes are considered self-paced training, thus approval processes are not needed, nor a start date, start time, etc... So instead of registering for class, these classes are launched when ready to take.
  • If you have the SCORM/AICC integration and have made these kinds of courses, when you create the class for it, the ODT checkbox will be automatically checked and in 'Read Only' mode.  These types of classes are by nature self-paced and therefore launched the student is ready to take it.  
Status This drop-down field indicates the status the class.

The codes available in this drop-down list are pulled from Class Status codes.  Some of them are hardcoded because there is logic tied into them and the rest of the codes are user-defined as you need them to be.  For example, OPEN classes will show on the Home Page and CLOSED classes will not.


Status Date This date field indicates the date the status changes. This field does not update when you change the status, it is a manual change, so don't forget to change the date so that you an track your class progress appropriately. 
Grade Type This drop-down field indicates the grading scheme for the class. The codes available in this drop-down list are pulled from Grade Type codes.  This is a user-defined code table allows you to indicate the kind of grading systems that will be used for classes so that when you create a class you can pick which one you want to use.
Enable Survey This drop-down field indicates whether not to display the survey with the class information to the Student. When this field is set to YES, the survey is available for the student to take.  If the field is set to BLANK or NO, it does not display to the student or as an to-do item in the Messages area as something the student needs to complete.
Training Admin This drop-down field names the person who is the training admin for this class, the person responsible for the class logistics. This drop-down list is populated with people in the system who have user security permissions and they are marked as a training administrator.   Any Alerts or Emails that should go to the training administrator for classes, will go to the person named here.
Instructor This drop-down field names the person who is training the class or is responsible for the training content. This drop-down list is populated with people in the system who have user security permissions and they are marked as an instructor.  Any Alerts or Emails that should go to the instructor for classes, will go to the person named here.
Hours If the student is to get a certain number of credit hours for completing the class, the number of hours is listed here. Depending if you are not tracking credit hours, you can list the number of hours the class is projected to take as well.  This is especially helpful to ODT classes as it can give the student and idea of how much time to budget for the class.
CEU If the student is to get a certain number of continuing education units for completing the class, the number of CEU's is listed here. CEU are typically seen with students who need to keep up a credential or certification.  This information helps to keep track of the number of CEU's the student has completed and you can run a report to see the total amount.
Credits If the student is to get a certain number of credits for completing the class, the number of credits is listed here. Credits are typically seen with students who need to keep up a credential or certification.  This information helps to keep track of the number of CEU's the student has completed and you can run a report to see the total amount.
Fee If there is a cost for the class, the fee information is entered here. If there is a fee with the class, there are Paid and Paid Date fields to utilize when enrolling students into the class to see who has paid and who has not.

Description Tab

Enter a detailed description of the class. This section can also be used for special instructions to the student. 

Location/Schedule/Content Tab

The Location/Schedule Tab is where additional class information can be entered. This tab looks different depending on whether this is an Instructor-Led Class (Non-ODT); an On-Demand Training (ODT) or a SCORM/AICC training class. 

Instructor-Led (Non-ODT) Classes
Instructor-Led Classes have all fields available to enter input as needed.

Select a Location from the drop-down list. If there is a capacity tied to the location in the background, the Capacity field populates as well. The Start Date is required with regular classes and it suggested entering an End Date and Enrollment Ends. All the dates pull into messages and triggers on the Home Page. The Enrollment Ends Date pulls the class from any Home Page list to enroll if the date is in the past.

Start Time, End Time and Time Zone fields help students to know when the class is. If there is a conference number for the group to call into list it in the Audio Number. Additionally if there is a website link for the group to join, use the Meeting ID and Web Connection to provide this information. Typically, the Meeting ID would be like an access code necessary to join the group via the phone and/or website link. The Web Connection is the actual link to click and join.

The Class Sessions section at the bottom of this tab allows for multiple sessions if needed.

Class Sessions allows for different segments of a class. For example, if a class is month long and only meets on Mondays, then the sessions could be all the Mondays it meets. Or if the class is a one day class and different topics/speakers happen at different times that can be broken down too. All details of the class sessions can be entered into the Description section and/or Location Details as needed. To add a session, click the Add new record. To edit an existing session click the Pencil Icon and to delete a class session, click the Red X Icon.

On-Demand Training (ODT) Classes
On-Demand Training Classes are PowerPoints and/or webinars where the students can do the learning on their own. ODTs don’t require as many fields so when the On-Demand checkbox is checked on the General Tab, certain fields are grayed out on the Location/Schedule Tab.

The only fields necessary on this tab are the Audio Number, Meeting ID and Web Connection/Browse Content.

If the ODT is strictly a PowerPoint or webinar for the student to watch, the Audio Number and Meeting ID might not be necessary. If the company has the ability to put their content in a linkable format, select the radio button Web Connection and enter the address in the open text box. If the company does not have this ability, the content can be pre-loaded in admin. Select the Browse Content radio button where the media can be selected from the drop-down list.
SCORM/AICC Training Classes
There is nothing to enter, it is 'Read Only' information.


The Details Tab contains Misc fields used for additional information. The Misc fields are set up under Admin > Page Builder > Courses/Classes > Course/Class Detail.

This tab looks the same regardless if the class is regular or ODT. 


The Approvers Tab allows for setup of approval levels. This tab is not available for On-Demand Training (ODT) webinars.

The Approvers here work in conjunction with class enrollments. It is easy to change or add more as needed. There are options where selection a specific user name is available or a role:
- Manager pulls the name of the student’s manager when registering for the class
- Secondary Approver pulls the name of the student’s secondary approver when registering for the class
- Training Admin pulls the name of the person listed on the General Tab of class file

The Order number is the order in which the approvers receive their approval request for the class enrollment. If the Order number is the same for more than one approver, then all approvers at that level get the approval request at the same time.
Check the checkbox for Notification Only if the approver should not be actually approving the request rather just needs to get an email notification the student is enrolling.


The Costs Tab allows costs to be entered and tracked as needed.

Costs allows for tracking of specific class costs. For example, if materials, location, travel, etc… To add a cost, click the Add new record. To edit an existing cost click the Pencil Icon and to delete a cost, click the Red X Icon. At the bottom of the page there has a running total of all costs entered.


The Companies Tab indicates the companies who are using this class to fulfill requirements.

Select the companies to utilize this course by highlighting them (one at a time) in the left-hand column and clicking the Add >> Button. This moves them to the right-hand column. Remove the company from the right-hand column by highlighting it and clicking the << Remove Button. Click the Save Changes icon to continue.

See also