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Home > Reporting > Building Reports > Data Sources List > View_StudentRequirementsCoursesTaken


This view is a combination of several tables: Companies, Student, Course, Courses Needed and Courses Taken.  This view pulls together fields to help with reporting on student information as it relates to requirements and courses taken.


To see more about the specific fields in these tables there is a Data Dictionary in Cyber Train - Reports > Data Dictionary.


Field Name This is the Field as seen in the Report Writer Tool for this view

Screen / Field / Note This is to give context and reference to where this field is seen in the product.

Field Name in Database This is what the field is actually called in the table.  It important for situations where the name changes on the screen but not in the database.


Field Name Screen / Field / Note   Field Name in Database 
Companies Table
Company ID Admin > Codes > Companies 
Company Name
Admin > Codes > Companies   Company Name
Student Table
Student ID In the URL at the top of the page when in the Student File
Employee Number
Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab
Cyber Train Login Field
Student File > Contact Info Page > Personal Info Tab
Employee Type Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab
Student First Name Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab
 First Name
Student Last Name Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab
 Last Name
Student Full Name Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab
 First Name + Last Name
Student Email Work Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab
Student Email Home Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab  Email
Student Code Misc Field 1-20 Student File > Student Misc Page > Misc 1-20 
Student Description Misc Field 1-20 Student File > Student Misc Page > Misc 1-20  MiscStudentCaption 
Primary Job Code Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  PrimaryJobCode
Primary Job Description Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  PrimaryJobTitle
Primary Org Code 1-5 Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  PrimaryOrg1-5
Org Title 1-5 Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab
Student Status Student File > Contact Info Page > Contact Details Tab
Supervisor Name Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  SupervisorName
SupervisorID  N/A  Supervisor
Secondary Approver Name Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  SupervisorName2
Secondary Approver ID  N/A  Supervisor2
DateAdded  N/A  DateAdded
Job Start Date Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab
Course Table
Course ID Course File > Main Page > General Tab  CourseID
Course Name Course File > Main Page > General Tab  CourseName
Course Type Course File > Main Page > General Tab  CourseType
Course Instructor N/A 
Course Code Misc Field 1 - 20
Course File > Main Page > Misc Tab    Misc1-20
Course Description Misc Field 1-20 Course File > Main Page > Misc Tab  MiscCourse1-20
Course Needed Table
Date Needed Student File > Activity Page > Requirement Tab  DateNeeded
JobRequirement Student File > Activity Page >  Requirement Tab 
 OrgStartDate Student File > Contact Info Page > Job Details Tab  JobRequirement
Course Taken Table
Date Needed Student File > Activity Page > Courses Taken Tab - Edit  DateNeeded
Date Completed
Student File > Activity Page > Courses Taken Tab - Edit  DateCompleted
Date Expires
Student File > Activity Page > Courses Taken Tab - Edit  DateExpires
Student File > Activity Page > Courses Taken Tab - Edit  Grade
Hours Student File > Activity Page > Courses Taken Tab - Edit  Hours
Credits Student File > Activity Page > Courses Taken Tab - Edit  Credits
CEU Student File > Activity Page > Courses Taken Tab - Edit  CEU