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Course Test

Page Location: Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog > Course File > Course Test Page

The Course Test Page is where you build out your test for the course.  If you decide you want to a test to course/class, you add it at the 'Course' level.  The test is held here and used with all class instances.  You cannot change a test at the 'Class' level but there are options for randomization among questions should you want each student to have a slightly different version of the test.  Review this section to learn a little more.  

What is displayed in this section?
How do I add/edit a test question?
How do I add drop-down values to a question?
How do I add a picture to a question?

What is displayed in this section?

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On the Course Test Page, you can enter questions or review the details of the course test.  NOTE: Changing test questions for any course where a class test has already been administered will affect the grading on tests already graded and could affect the course completion status. This is not recommended.

Field Name
What the Field is for Additional Information
Mass Add Questions Button
This drop-down allows you to mass add questions that you setup prior to this point in Admin > Page Builder > Course Test Questions. You pick the category in the drop-down box and then click the button to add all the questions from that category.   Then you can change the questions as they need to be for the test.  

You should consider using the bulk import only if you have questions that are similar across the board for a group of courses.  It allows for a quick add and then you can change them as you want. Otherwise, add the questions directly to the Course File and then if you want to copy the course, the test questions are copied over with it.
Add new record
This link opens up a page for you to add a question to the test.  ** See the next section below for more information on what options you have on this page.

You can either add a question from scratch here or use questions in the page builder area that may or may not be grouped.
Pencil Icon (Edit Option)
Click this icon if you want to change or update the question.

Changing test questions for any course where a class test has already been administered will affect the grading on tests already graded and is not recommended. A better practice is to copy the course to make a new requirement, update the test in the new course and run the Process Course Equivalency.

Order Indicates the order the questions will appear on the test.  If you have more questions here than the number of questions that can be on the test, the questions for the test will be randomized meaning the system will pick and choose the questions but of the questions selected, they will always show in this order.

The order column is a newer feature to the system as of v4.0.  If you are on an older version of CT and upgrade, to use this feature, you just need to click the up/down arrows for the page to obtain order numbers on all.
This is the question as it will display on the test.

The 'Type' indicates the kind of answer type the question is using.

All Answer-Types are read-only except for the 'Drop-down' one.  That one is a hyperlink for you to review or add the drop-down answers.  
NOTE: Changing answer types or drop-down options for any course where a class test has already been administered will affect the grading on tests already graded and is not recommended.

Required to Answer
If this YES/NO field is set to YES, then when the question appears on the test, you cannot submit the test until all required questions are answered.

Required on Test If this YES/NO field is set to YES, then this question will always appear on the test. 
This is more for tests where you utilize the randomization of questions.  If most of the test can be randomized but there are some key questions that need to be on every test, this is how you do it.

Up/Down Arrows
Click these buttons to move the test questions up or down.  

This icon, when clicked, removes the test question from the course.

Clicking the X icon will remove the question from the set-up page as well as from the course/student record.  So, all information connected to this question will be lost.  It is recommended that a question not be deleted but rather it be hidden (edit the question to see this option) so the data can remain attached to the Class's file. 

Passing Score Field
The Passing Score assists with grading tests and stopping ODT (On-Demand Training) classes from just going to the status of 'Complete' upon launching the class.  If the test is made up of drop-down answer types only, you can put scoring on all of the drop-down options and have the test auto-score itself.  Setting the minimum passing score here, the student will find out immediately upon submitting the test if he or she passed.  If there is no minimum passing score entered here and the test is an auto-graded one, no matter how the student does, he or she will get a passing message upon completion.  Thus, it is good practice to utilize this field if you are using the test feature in the system.

This capability is available for ODT classes and instructor-led classes alike.  In fact it is strongly recommended that you put at least one (1) test question on an ODT course/classes for the student to verify he/she has completed the course.  Once the student clicks Launch and there is no real way for the system to know that the student is finished without having a test.  In this case the test question is used for verification purposes if nothing else.  For example - Did you complete this class? YES/NO.   In fact, if you do not have a test question on an ODT class, as soon as you click the Launch link, the student will gain credit for that course, regardless of whether or not they have actually completed the material.

# of Questions on Test Field
This field is also important to setup when using a course test.  It defaults to BLANK therefore, no questions will show up for the student and he or she will not be able to complete the test.  The number grows here as the number of questions entered grows.  This is also where you can randomize the test.  For example, if you entered 50 questions onto the Course Test Page, and you select a number of 20 here (each question being 5 points each) then the system will pick 20 questions from the list to present to the student and it will be different for each student.  Once the student opens the test though, those questions will always display.  

How do I add a test question?

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You can either add a test one question at a time or if you have created a bulk list of questions in Admin, you can import a group of them here.  To add a new question to the test, you click on theAdd new record link at the top left-hand side of the table.

NOTE:  Adding/Editing test questions for a course you have used as a class with tests already taken and graded will affect the test the students took.  It is suggested that if the test needs to be modified for course you have used already, you should copy the course, modify the test questions on the new course and push that one out as the new requirement as well as inactive the old course. 

Field Name
What the Field is for Additional Information
If you want to use a question from the bank of questions in Admin > Page Builder > Course Test Question and want to filter the list down, select a category from this drop-down list. 

You do not need to use this field unless you want to add a pre-existing question.
Select Question  This drop-down list contains all the pre-existing questions in Page Builder > Course Test Question section.  If you use the field above, the list here will be restricted to that group, otherwise all questions from the bank of questions will display here in alphabetical order.   You do not need to use this field unless you want to add a pre-existing question.
This long-text box will either contain a question you selected from above in an edit mode or will be blank for you to create one from scratch.

The question entered here is how it will look to students on the test.
Answer Type
The Drop-down list with the following options:

- Drop-Down: This creates a hyperlink on the Course Test table allowing for users to enter the drop-down answer for the question. Students will select one of the answers to complete the question.
- Short Text: This option is about 50 Characters in length.  It should be used when the student needs to answer the question with 1 or 2 words.
- Long Text: This option is a long scrolling open text box and should be used when the student needs to answer with more than a couple of words.  
- No Answer: This option does not create an area for the student to answer anything but rather puts a statement on the test to provide the student with additional overall information or specific information on about the how to answer the next set of questions.

When you select...

(1) Drop-down: Make sure you go and put the drop-down values in at the table level that holds all the questions.  When putting the question in here and setting it to drop-down, you are not actually creating the answers for the students to select.  If you miss the step to add the answers, then the students will not be able to complete this test question.

(2) No Answer: You might want to make this one required to be on the test.  If your test is randomized, meaning you have less number of questions on the test view to the student than what is listed here, you don't want this one to be left off if it is information that the student needs to read.
Order Select the order in which this test question will show up on the test.
Even if the test is randomized in selecting questions to put on the test, they will always show in the order they are listed here.  This is especially important if you are using a 'No Answer' type to provide information about a section of the test.  You would want those instructions to show above the right questions.
Required on Test
If this YES/NO field is set to YES, then this question will always appear on the test.

This is more for tests where you utilize the randomization of questions.  If most of the test can be randomized but there are some key questions that need to be on every test, this is how you do it.
Required to Answer
If this YES/NO field is set to YES, then when the question appears on the test, you cannot submit the test until all required questions are answered.


How do I add drop-down values to a question?

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After you add a question to the Course File, if you selected the answer type Drop-Down, you have one more action item to do in order to complete the question.  From the Course Test Page that displays all of the test questions for the course, locate the column that reads Type and click on the Drop Down hyperlink for your question.  It should take you to a page like below.

From here click the Book with a Plus Sign Icon (Add) to add a new drop-down answer.   Note that once you add the value to this page, you cannot edit the answer.  So if you have typo or want to phase the answer differently, you will need to add a new one.  You can, however, change the order of the options as well as the point value of the answer.   If you want to change the order, use the up/down arrows to do so and delete answers options you don't want.  

NOTE: Modifications here to existing questions should not be made if the course has been used and students have taken at least one test because it will change the properties of the student's test. If changes are needed, it is best to copy the course to create a new one. The questions will copy over to the new course, where you can make the necessary modification.  Then push out the new course/requirement and inactivate the old one.

How do I add a picture to a question?

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Currently, you can add an image/picture to a test question but not to the drop-down answer types.   To do this, you need to know a little HTML and the image has to have been uploaded in the Image Folder on the server.  If you have the image(s) you want, give them to your IT team and ask them to upload them to the Cyber Train Image Folder on the server.  If they need assistance in looking for that folder in Cyber Train, please contact Product Support.

Go to the Course File > Course Test Page and click either Add new record or Pencil Icon (Edit) as needed.  In the Question field, put the following HTML tag where you want the image to display:

<img src="images/mickeymouse.gif" border="0"/>   The 'mickeymouse.gif' is the part of the HTML that would contain the name of your image. 

Example Question:
Who is this a picture of: <img src="images/mickeymouse.gif" border="0"/>

See also