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Home > System Admin Role > Codes (Drop-Down Values) > Skills & Skills Categories

Skills & Skills Categories

Page Location:
Admin > Codes > Skills Categories

Admin > Codes > Skills

Added in Version 6.0


Skills codes are used to track different competencies the students have and Skills Categories are used to organize the skills as well as to use for filtering/reporting purposes.


If Skills Categories is going to be used, entered these first as the Skills are tied to categories. 


Once the skills and skills categories are setup, these are used in the Course File to indicate what skills are gained from taking the course.  And in the Student File, one can add skills manually outside of a course as needed with the right security permissions. 

User View: This field is displayed in the following locations as the user has security permissions:
- Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog > Course File > Skills Page
- Student File > Skills Page

Student/Manager View: This field is displayed in the following locations:
- Home Page > My Record > Skills Section
- Home Page > Manager > Skills Section


Important Considerations:  Cyber Train codes cannot contain certain symbols such as commas, quotes, periods, apostrophes or ampersands and the user will get an error message when trying to enter or import codes containing them. There are also certain character combinations that must be avoided because Cyber Train is programmed to strip them (even if they are in the middle of a code or description) as they can be used by others to reference potentially dangerous procedures or scripts that could cause harm to your Cyber Train system. These combinations include: SP_ or sp_ and XP_ or xp_. Also a double dash will be converted to a single dash. There are a few other combinations not listed here that could be stripped, but it is extremely unlikely that they would be used in codes or descriptions.

Skills Categories

After clicking to add a new code, enter in the necessary information to create a new code.

Field  Purpose 


 This is the unique code for the skill being entered.  No other skill code can have this code.   



 This is the full name of the skill as it is seen throughout the system. 



After clicking to add a new code, enter in the necessary information to create a new code.  

Field  Purpose 


  This is the unique code for the skill being entered.  No other skill code can have this code.



  This is the full name of the skill as it is seen throughout the system. 



 Attach the skill category to the skill. 


Inactivate Codes

These codes can be inactivated as needed.  The information remains in the database but cannot be selected going forward as an active code.