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Course Catalog Summary View

Page Location: Admin > Page Builder > Courses/Classes > Course Catalog Summary View

Configure the Course Catalog view as it should be seen by Users in the system who need to have access to the Course File. Admin > Page Builder > Class List so that if either view is selected for the group security, a user will see something upon clicking the 'Class List' link. It is highly recommended for the 'Take Action' column to be included for those who need to grade tests, record attendance, send reminder emails, etc...

User View:
- Admin > Curriculum > Course Catalog
Student/Manager View:
- N/A

Option Purpose/ Page / Value 
Active Displays 'Active' field and is pulling information from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab that indicates whether or not the Course File is Active.
CEU Displays 'CEU' field and is pulling information from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab. 
Course Type Displays 'Course Type' field and is pulling from the Course File > Main page > General Tab.
Create Class Displays a shortcut hyperlink to the Class > Add Class option.
Credits Displays 'Credits' field and is pulling information from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab. 
Hours Displays 'Hours' field and is pulling from the Course File > Main Page > General Tab.
Misc 1-20 Displays 'Misc' fields and pulls from the Course File > Main Page > Misc Tab.
Prerequisites Displays 'Prerequisites' and pulls from Course File > Prerequisites Tab.
Students Needing Courses Displays a hyperlink ‘#' that reflects the number of students needing that requirement. It pulls from Student File > Activity Page > Requirement Tab.  
Student Taken Courses Displays a hyperlink ‘#' that reflects the number of students who have taken that requirement. It pulls from Student File > Activity Page > Courses Taken Tab.