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Close Class

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The Close Class process contains several options and is only available for regular classes (Non-ODTs).

Click the Close link to start the process.

The first page of the Close Class offers different options to help close out the class. Check the box for all necessary actions.

- Change class status to…: Works in conjunction with the drop-down list. Select the appropriate status.
- Review Attendance and Grade: This page allows for a quick review of student grades and status as well as the ability to move the requirement from the Student File > Activity Page > Requirement Tab to Courses Taken Tab. It is suggested to always review this page when closing a class.
- Review New Requirements: This option is only available when the requirement needs to be renewed every so often allows for the next requirement to entered.
- Send Class Completion Email: Sends an email to the students who completed the class as confirmation.
- Review Costs: Allows for one last look at costs to make sure all costs are accounted for and correct.

Click the Continue button to start the Close Class process.

Giving students a Status and a Grade can be done either as a group or individually. As a group, select the students who are all going to get the same Status and/or Grade. Click the checkbox individually or the checkbox in the header to Select All or click it again to De-Select All. Once the students are selected then select the Status and/or the Grade in the drop-downs above the column headers. Click the Set link to give the information to all students selected.

If students did not all get the same Status and/or Grade, individually give grades per line using the drop-down lists.

Check the checkbox for Add course to student’s Course Taken page if the requirements should be removed from the Student File > Activity Page > Requirements Tab and added to the Courses Taken Tab thus giving the student credit for the requirement. NOTE: Only the Complete status gives the student credit and moves the requirement. Any status other than Complete updates the information in the Class Enrollment Tab but does not move the requirement from the Requirement Tab. Once the attendance and grades are dispersed click the Continue button.

If the class was for a requirement that has a course renewal frequency then this page is applicable. The details of the renewal frequency are listed in the wording at the top of the page. Based on that information, the system attempts to pre-fill the New Requirement Date which can be updated as needed. Otherwise, click the Continue button to proceed.

Class Costs allows for tracking of specific class costs. For example, if materials, location, travel, etc… To add a cost, click the Add new record. To edit an existing cost click the Pencil Icon and to delete a cost, click the Red X Icon. At the bottom of the page there has a running total of all costs entered. When done, click the Finish button.

See also