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Correspondence Page

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Based on Group Security settings, users can add, edit or delete correspondence records.

The Correspondence Page is where email and letter communication with the employee/student is stored.  For this overview, the focus will be items triggered by manual addition to the Correspondence page.

Select how you want to filter the table, to see emails or letters or both.

Field Description 
 Date Sent  The date and time the correspondence was sent and the type of correspondence
 Sent By  The user that sent the correspondence
 Details  The type of correspondence and the details, hover over the icon to see the details


Clicking the edit icon will not allow you to edit the existing email.

To add a new correspondence, click the Add new record link.

  • Select the type of correspondence you want to create.

NOTE: if constructing from scratch skip the next steps

  • From the drop down select the template to use
  • Click Continue
  • Make any modifications needed and click continue

See also