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Attachments Page

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Attachments Page

Class File > Attachment Page

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The Attachments Page holds external files and documents to Class File (Word documents, Spreadsheets, PDFs, etc.)  This page is used to hold additional information that you can make Private or Public.  When the information is Private, it is used more for the instructor or those who need to maintain the Class File.  If the information is Public, then it is information that will show to the Students (Class Syllabus, Reading/Material List, Project Instructions, etc..) 

To review an attachment, click on the Description Name hyperlink. To add an attachment, click the Add new record link.

Column Name  What the Information Is Actions Available/Additional Information
Date The date the attachment is entered into the system. This is a calendar field and defaults Today's Date into the field.  If that is not the right date that should be there, you can change it as needed.
Type This is a drop-down field which is required and allows you to categorize the attachment. This drop-down field pulls user defined category types from the Attachment Types - Class Codes.  Prior to adding attachments into the Class File, it is necessary to enter the category of codes that is desired for the organization to use.  Examples: Class Agenda, Class Syllabus, Class Instructions, Trainer's Guide, etc...
Description This field becomes the hyperlink to access this document. Enter EXACTLY how you want this to read to both users/students in the system.

This is a user-defined field and upon completion, the field will become a hyperlink. If the document's name is particularly long internally, perhaps an abbreviated version or shortened title as it should be seen to your audience goes here.


Note This field is optional and is used to provide additional information about the attachment to whose who have access to this page. This note is not seen by students or those who only have access to the Home Page, rather this note is to provide additional information or instructions on the attachment.  For example, if there are a series of reviews that need to happen through the class and the review documents are entered here for the trainer to use.  The notes should help to indicate which ones are first, etc...
Attachment This field allows you to browse your computer/network for the file you want to upload.  A new window will pop-up allowing you to find the necessary file to upload.
File Type This is a drop-down field that indicates the appropriate attachments that can be uploaded into Cyber Train. This field has validation on it as well.  Thus it checks to make sure if you are uploading a Word document, you enter Word document here.  Unaccepted files will not be loaded into Cyber Train and so it is a required field. 

Additionally, it does upload the document into the Cyber Train database.  If changes are made to the document, the changes do NOT update here as well.  The update version needs to be added as a new attachment or updated here so that the link pulls the right information. 

NOTE: If you do click to Edit the attachment the Attachment line is blank because the assumption is you are going to upload a new one.  If you don't have a new document but rather need to change something else, you can do so without having to re-load the attachment.  Whatever is attached is remains even if you don't see it.
Public This is a checkbox that when checked makes the attachment available to student via the Home Page. By default this checkbox is NOT checked and all attachments are assumed as Private unless action is taken here.

See also