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Requirements - Student File

Student File > Activity Page > Requirements Tab 


The Requirements Tab section is where System Users (Training Admins / Instructors / Select Managers) can go to see what requirements are outstanding as well as when they are due and what action has been taken so far on them.  

What is displayed in this section?
How to request an opt-out for a requirement?
How to manually add or delete a requirement?

What is displayed in this section?

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The Instruction bar at the top of the page is collapsible.  This message is used to help understand what actions can happen from this section of the system or any other messages that need to be displayed.  If the instructions/messages are understood and should not display all the time, collapse the section by clicking the ^ icon at the top right-hand side of the table. This will free up space on the page.

The completed requirements are displayed in order of Date Completed such that the oldest completed requirement is last and the latest completed requirement is at the top.   

Column Name  What the Information Is Actions Available 


The name of the requirement is displayed here.

The column is sortable and by clicking on the Name link you can sort by ascending/descending order.  When you hover over the item, a pop-up box appears with the following information - Course NameType & Description.
Description The description of the course is here.  When you hover over the item, a pop-up box appears with the course description. 


If there are attachments to consider with the requirement, the information is displayed here.

This column contains an icon.  When you hover over the item, a pop-up box appears with a list of attachment names.  Each one is a hyperlink to that document.
Date Needed


This date is the date the requirement was completed.

The column is sortable and by clicking on the 'Date Needed' link you can sort by ascending/descending order.
Opt-Out This is approval process feature allows for a student to get credit without having to take this requirement. 




Depending on the requirement and where the student is in process of it, different information displays here.

There are several statuses/actions that could be displayed here:

  • No Classes Available - There is not a method to completing the requirement currently through classes available in Cyber Train.
  • Search - Hyperlink allowing one to see is an instructor-led course or on-demand training course is available to the student to complete the requirement.
  • Pending Approval - This status indicates the student has either submitted request for a class or someone else did and it is going through the approval process to be enrolled.
  • Enrolled - This means the student is enrolled in the class, thus is taking action to completing the requirement.
  • Add Event - These requirements are on-the-job learning where an 'event' is consider time spent with the student to add until all required hours for comprehension are entered.


There several different course types tracked in the system:


How to request an opt-out for a requirement?

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When this feature is enabled (Admin > Security Group - Edit a Group - Student Tab) it allows the user to give the student credit for a requirement without having to take the training.  Click on the Opt-Out link in the Opt Out column to get to this page:

The orange message is unique to the organization and can be created in Admin > Page Builder > Students > Student Details - Opt-Out Tab.  Following the instructions will be read only information about the course / requirement for review.
In the notes box, indicate the reason the opt-out is being requested or is being granted per training processes.  Should the opt-out request go through an approval process, check the checkbox - Send first approver email.  This utilizes the approval process that is set up on the Course File > Approvers Page.  If the opt-out does not need an approval process, do not check the checkbox and this is the default from this page.  If additional document supports the request, use the Select button to add it.  (For Example: Upload training certificates that prove the requirement has been completed).
Click Save Changes Icon when done.

How to manual add or delete a requirement?

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If this option is available, there is a Add new record link at the top left-hand side of the table.  Click on the hyperlink to open the Add Requirement page.
Depending, there are a few different messages one will see after selecting the Course from the drop down field.

    If the course selected is not on the courses taken or does not have prerequisites, nothing additional is displayed. 

    If the course is already on the courses taken page, one can decide it the requirement is needed to be taken again or to select another requirement.

    If the course selected has prerequisites, those will be added in addition to the selected courses.

The fields on this page update and change based on what is selected in the Course field. 

Field Name What the Field Is Additional Information
Course * This is the requirement being added. Select the right requirement from the drop-down list of courses provided in this field.

See the details above to see different message depending on the course and whether the student has taken the course yet or not.

 Priority  This drop-down field allows selection of how many days out to use in the calculation of the Date Needed This drop-down is populated with codes from Admin > Codes > Requirement Priority and works in conjunction with the next field - Based On
Based On This drop-down field works in conjunction with the Priority field to create the Date Needed.  The options are hard-coded: Current Date, Job Start Date, or Hire Date.  Example - if the Priority = 30 Days and Based On = Hire Date, it will calculate a Date Needed that is 30 days more than the Hire Date for this requirement.


Needed * 

This is the date the requirement is due If not using the Priority and Based On fields, enter the Date Needed here directly.
Job Requirement This Yes/No field indicates whether this course was a job requirement or for optional training education. Select YES if the course was a job requirement and select NO if it was elective training.
Note This is a long text field to use as needed. This field can hold additional information the learner feels is important for the approver to consider or just overall additional information about the course that should be kept with this record.

Deleting Requirement
This is easy to do if access is available.  With the proper group security setting (Admin > Group Security), one can delete a requirement.  There will be a red X at the end of the line. 


Be aware of deleting a requirement and its impact.  If the requirement was added because of a job requirement, organizational requirement, program requirement, etc... the student might never get completion of that should the requirement be deleted.  If it should be counted and just not listed on this tab, consider using the opt-out feature (Group Security option) to move the requirement to the courses taken with explanation as to the 'Why'.